Demonic Essence

The veins in his arm throbbed and twisted, which, combined with his appearance of a small baby, was truly disturbing.

His mind was in chaos at this moment, and he was aware of it. That's why he tried to empty it and not think about anything. To his surprise, this strategy worked, as his ever-growing anger began to gradually calm down, until it completely vanished!

In his twenty-three years of life, it was the first time he found himself losing control of his emotions. However, considering the extreme situation he was in, it was understandable.

Nevertheless, he refused to let anger dominate him again!

He recognized that, although he had emerged victorious on this occasion, it was thanks to the moss and the fact that his enemy was very small and weak.

Ethan was fully aware that giving in to anger wouldn't allow him to eliminate all the demons he encountered along his path, at least not while he remained trapped in the body of a baby.


He calmly withdrew his hand from the gray demon's body; his appetite was still unsatisfied, so he had to continue consuming that repulsive raw flesh.


Suddenly, his eyes fixed on something unusual, something writhing inside the demon, right where his fist had struck. It was mysterious, it appeared to be composed of water, but it was clearly different...

Ethan examined it closely and concluded that it was a substance that didn't exist on Earth.

He decided to call it 'demonic miasma' for now, as it had a reddish-black hue and moved in a peculiar manner, as if it were alive.

Its appearance was truly malevolent and dangerous.

Crunch! Crunch!

While reluctantly consuming the meat, he attempted to ignore it, yet his eyes involuntarily fixated upon it.


He struggled to divert his mind from the miasma, but the desire to possess it kept growing relentlessly, like a voracious obsession.



Unable to resist, he caught it with his bloodshot eyes. He could think of nothing else but owning it. And indeed, upon touching it, he felt an inexplicable connection with that demonic miasma.

It was as if they were destined to merge into a single being...

If this were Earth, surely someone would have peed themselves witnessing such a scene.

A bloodied, mutilated baby sat upon an imposing, reddish rock while unsettling black moss writhed with a life of its own.

Beside him, the disfigured corpse of a horrifying creature lay as a testament to the death that surrounded him. And as a macabre detail, in the palm of his hand, he held something of extreme malevolence.

Not to mention the terrifying red sun that shone overhead, further exacerbating the eerie and desolate atmosphere.

Nevertheless, Ethan cared little for the horrifying scene around him.

He parted his lips as the miasma approached, and as if sharing the same will, it slid into him like dissipating mist between his lips.


The instant the demonic miasma fused with his being, Ethan experienced an indescribable sensation of pain!


A surge of dark energy coursed through every corner of his body, causing his skin to prickle and his muscles to violently contract. He roared with all his might, his voice resonating through the air!


As the pain intensified, an extraordinary metamorphosis began to take place.

His wounds closed with astonishing speed, torn flesh regenerated before his astonished eyes, and the bones of his severed arm started visibly growing, reconstructing his lost limb.

On his back, the two bulges transformed into small, black bat wings.


Bones stretched, gaining length and strength, and his body filled with energetic and powerful muscle mass!

The black moss covering the rock fled from Ethan, retreating until it vanished several meters away. The figures drawn to the commotion were forced to step back, trembling in fear.


A couple of minutes later, Ethan collapsed heavily onto the rock, not so much from physical exhaustion, but due to deep mental fatigue.

"T-That was painful!"

He exclaimed as he closed and opened his newly regenerated fist. Abruptly, he realized that he didn't emit his usual roar, but rather his lips formed words, just like when he had his original body!

The only inconvenience was that his voice sounded markedly infantile, and articulating words proved difficult due to the underdeveloped state of his mouth.

"But, w-who care-" he said, as a drop of blood accumulated on his lower lip.

He had bitten his tongue...

Ignoring the minor setback, he stood up and looked towards the horizon, his face illuminated with incredible inner peace as he casually remarked, "Yes, I definitely feel like slaughtering some demons."


"Wait, what did I just say?" he questioned, confused, while touching his chin.

"Slay demons? Why would I do something so violent?" he pondered, furrowing his brow: "But if I don't, it would be impossible to obtain more of that incredible miasma... Hmm, yes, I definitely need to exterminate more demons!"

Ethan peculiarly persuaded himself and grabbed a limb of the gray demon, dragging it to a place where he could continue eating with more tranquility.

"I should cook this. I was really foolish trying to eat it raw. But, is it possible to start a fire in this place?"

He paused for a thoughtful moment, then shrugged indifferently: "Whatever. If necessary, I'll just harness the heat from one of those lava rivers."

Unaware, he acted and thought as if he were an entirely different person.

Perhaps the demonic miasma had allowed him to heal his wounds and obtain various enhancements, but it was clear that something else was also at play...

Time faded away like a fast-forwarded film, and after a decade had passed, Ethan discovered new ways to kill numerous small demons and absorb more miasma, experiencing astonishing physical transformations.

Now, instead of resembling a child, he looked like a man in his twenties, with a muscular body.

His horns, long and majestic, proudly protruded alongside his large black wings.

Furthermore, he couldn't help but notice that two additional bulges emerged on his lower back.

One day, while pondering about the mysterious substance that made him stronger, he decided to call it 'essence' instead of 'miasma' as this name better suited the incredible benefits he received rather than evoking something pestilential.

Thirty years later, Ethan's strength had increased impressively, allowing him to kill the majority of the terrifying demons he encountered along his path.

One after another, as if his sole purpose of existence was to slay demons!

A notable example was the majestic firebird he had seen upon arriving in this world. It had seemed invincible before, but now he enjoyed its roasted flesh whenever he spotted one of its species in the sky.

How was it possible for him to hunt such a bird? The answer was simple!

His wings had reached full development, granting him the ability to fly at dizzying speeds, like a combat aircraft in full action that could not be stopped by anything.

One could say that the skies had become his domain, but when it came to the surface...

He still had a long way to go, as there were many terrifying demons that could easily crush him like a mere insect in their path.


Ethan soared through the skies at supersonic speeds, effortlessly pushing the limits of sound with ease!

Fifty years had passed since then, and the passage of time had left its mark on Ethan. His appearance reflected the changes he had undergone, with attire that adapted to his new identity.

There was no trace left of his former personality, replaced by unwavering determination and an insatiable thirst for battle.

But the most impressive aspect was his astounding strength, which had grown to such magnitude that he now annihilated demons with astonishing ease, as if they were insignificant ants.


Suddenly, a powerful surge of power struck him head-on, causing him to spin in the air before finally regaining his balance!

Ethan directed his gaze towards the source of the power surge and instantly sensed the presence of two formidable auras. They were unmistakable signs of the furious battle unfolding between two powerful demons, who seemed to be unleashing their full potential without concern for the consequences of their clash.


The mighty clash of colliding auras shook the air, resonating in Ethan's ears as he eagerly approached the center of the battle.

Whooosh, whooosh!

He flapped his wings forcefully, eager to discover the formidable beings locked in fierce combat!


As he drew closer, flashes of light flickered frantically, intermittently illuminating everything. Tension thickened in the air, and Ethan could feel the electricity crackling around him.

Finally, amidst the smoke and torrent of unleashed energy, the combatants of this epic confrontation were revealed.

There stood a shadowy demon, a disturbing black silhouette without a face, contorting in a chaotic dance. Around it, shadows writhed like hungry serpents, obedient to their master's whims.

Most terrifying were the countless red eyes that extended throughout its shadowy form.

Facing the shadow demon stood a towering giant, tens of meters tall, emanating an imposing aura. Every muscle in its body radiated electric energy, causing the air to vibrate around it.

Its eyes, illuminated by intermittent lightning, reflected great ferocity as it prepared to launch its next attack.


The battle continued with a massive sphere of lightning!

The shadow demon summoned its dark power, sending twisted waves of shadows toward the giant's attack. These shadows twisted and tore through the landscape, consuming everything in their destructive vortex.


Both shadows and electricity dispersed, but new shadows in different forms emerged and were sent towards their target!


The giant, however, was undeterred by the assault. It channeled the electricity surging within it as it roared, creating an electric force field that repelled the shadows!

Blue bolts and sparks of energy danced around it, forming a protective barrier as it advanced toward its enemy.


Captivated by the spectacle of power and skill, Ethan spread his wings and ascended into the sky. His black wings flapped with grace and agility, allowing him to move effortlessly between the attacks and evade the deadly clutches of the battle.

Taking advantage of this vantage point, he became a privileged spectator of the fierce struggle.



"This bastard!"

But Ethan's apparent safety was quickly challenged. As he watched from above, a dark shadow rose from the ground and materialized into a sharp blade made of pure darkness.

With surprising speed, the blade lunged at Ethan, inflicting a deep wound on his back!

"Very well, if you want to fight, I'll play your game!"

It was evident that the shadow demon had noticed his presence and now wanted to use him to distract the giant. With anger and a hint of excitement, Ethan ignored the wound and joined the battle.

Whooosh, whooosh!

His wings beat with greater strength than ever, propelling him to dodge the lethal attacks coming from all directions.

The shadows twisted and stretched like serpents, attempting to ensnare him, but he displayed astonishing aerial prowess as he evaded each onslaught.

"Your shadows remind me of those children who try to scare others with hand animals. Aren't you ashamed!?"

The shadow demon fixed its countless eyes on him, as if wanting to vaporize him with the intensity of its gaze. Though they didn't understand the exact words that came from the lips of that little demon, a certainty gripped them: he was being mocked!

Sadly, they couldn't afford to be distracted and remained focused on the giant demon, only occasionally sparing attention to Ethan.

He took this opportunity to launch a barrage of attacks at the shadow demon, repeatedly distracting it in its confrontation with the other demon.

Thirty minutes later, the battle between the shadow demon and the giant reached its most intense point. Dark energy and electricity intertwined in a ruthless duel, creating a storm of power that threatened to tear the sky apart.

The ground trembled beneath their feet as their final attacks were unleashed with unrestrained fury!

The shadow demon mustered all its strength and created a tornado of shadows that threatened to engulf the giant. The shadows twisted and writhed around it, enveloping it in a dark spiral.

However, the giant did not yield to this overwhelming darkness!

It summoned the electricity within it and unleashed a storm of lightning, illuminating the sky with a supernatural glow.

The lightning swirled around the tornado of shadows, dissipating the darkness with electric flashes. Nonetheless, the countless shadows persisted in their relentless advance. Both combatants hurtled towards each other, paying no attention to Ethan's presence!

In a burst of titanic energy, the shadow demon and the giant unleashed their most powerful attacks, consuming each other.


A powerful explosion echoed through the air, enveloping the battlefield in a cloak of intertwined light and darkness. When everything settled, only the shattered bodies of the two mighty demons remained.

"These two really killed each other!"

Ethan, injured and astonished, staggered towards the fallen bodies.

With disbelief, Ethan gazed upon the motionless bodies of the two powerful demons. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, as he had barely intervened and yet those two formidable beings had annihilated each other, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake...