Strange Planet


He found himself defenseless amidst the cosmic chaos. Space-time twisted around him like bloodthirsty beasts.



Waves of energy relentlessly crashed against him, striking with immense force. The deafening sound of the storm filled the void, making even the distant stars tremble!

Whoosh! Whoosh!


Each blow was more intense than the previous one, pushing his resilient body to its limit, tossing him around like a puppet.


Ethan's expression was a mask of absolute pain and fury. Veins stood out under his skin, pulsating intensely.

His eyes were tightly shut, as if wanting to block out the torment coursing through his body. The muscles in his jaw clenched mercilessly, and his teeth pressed together with such pressure that they emitted an ominous crunch, as if on the verge of crumbling under the excessive force.

Still, his lips moved slowly, trying to utter something with all his might.

"These damn ba...stards!"

His eyelids snapped open, revealing eyes completely red, as if forged in blood. A mighty roar of anger escaped his lips, so powerful that the waves of energy momentarily recoiled!


Indeed, Ethan wasn't wearing that expression due to the constant damage he was enduring.

Although it was undoubtedly a highly painful experience.

But he had long ceased to attach importance to those minor trivialities like physical pain.

"I want to kill them all!"

He was rather possessed by an immense fury towards himself and the people who caused his death in his previous life. He intensely hated himself for allowing those repugnant memories to resurface in the final moments of his life, making him feel like a loser.

"This was supposed to be a glorious death, but damn it, how the hell can I let myself die thinking about my pathetic past self and those damn idiots!?"

"I will never allow my existence to be extinguished in such an insignificant way!"



Once again, a merciless and furious wave of energy ruthlessly slammed into him, sending him hurtling through space, out of control and aimless!


Despite his unwavering determination to survive, he found himself trapped in a desperate situation, unable to find even a glimpse of an escape route.

It was evident that he lacked power; if he were considerably stronger, escaping from this place would pose no obstacle.

Bam! Bam!

More cracks formed on his skin, allowing his blood to spill uncontrollably. The overflowing energy seeped through every fissure, weakening his resistance and threatening to tear him apart from within!



Suddenly, a new form of multicolored energy emerged from the hole that had triggered it all, making the other energies seem fragile in comparison. This new force ruthlessly swept away everything it touched, asserting its dominance in such a formidable manner that Ethan was convinced that if it were to touch him, he would be irreversibly doomed to death.

His gaze hurriedly scanned the area, desperately searching for something that could help him escape, but he found nothing.


Just when it seemed he was out of options, his body sensed a small connection with something, a surprisingly familiar sensation!

He focused on that feeling until his gaze instinctively turned toward a tiny black hole still in its early stages of formation. The gravitational force emanating from it was ridiculously weak.

"Hahaha, things are getting exciting once again!"

A loud laugh of joy escaped his lips as he beheld a massive demonic essence swirling around the hole, making it clear that it belonged to the demonic dragon.

He was incredulous witnessing how that essence had survived all that chaos, leading him to consider the possibility that what he had absorbed over all those years was even more enigmatic and powerful than he had imagined.


Without wasting a second, he fiercely spread his four wings, generating a powerful thrust that propelled him forward.

Rumble! Rumble!

He navigated through remnants of black holes that threatened to destabilize him, deftly avoiding dangerously snaking violet rays all around.

Even Ethan, who hadn't opened a book in a century, could grasp the unusual nature of the situation by hearing the resounding thunder and the dreadful crashes echoing around him.

It was evident that the spatial disaster was destabilizing the very laws of the universe!

The multicolored energy, with its unbridled fury, surged rapidly toward him, but Ethan clung to his objective. His mind was focused on reaching the essence and enhancing his power to counter the unfolding disaster.

Whooosh! Whooosh!

Every beat of his powerful wings propelled him forward, bringing him closer and closer to his goal, while the multicolored energy threatened to devour everything in its path.

Even the forming black holes were mercilessly torn apart!

Time seemed to move in slow motion as Ethan fought to reach the essence before the multicolored fury engulfed him. With one last stretch of his wings, he found himself just meters away from his target.

"You're mine!"

He extended his hand, feeling the dark and powerful energy emanating from the essence, and firmly grasped it!

Without hesitation, Ethan plunged in to consume it, absorbing it as quickly as possible. It was undeniable that this essence was the largest he had ever attempted to consume, surpassing his size by at least threefold.


As he finished absorbing it, his body began to undergo astonishing changes, as if on the verge of transcending into divinity.

"More, give me more power!"

An immense strength surged within him, filling him with limitless energy!


Nonetheless, before he could finish, the wave of multicolored energy finally caught up to him, enveloping him in its overwhelming power.


His body was torn apart without resistance, fragment by fragment, but from the depths of his being, an immense power sprouted, healing his wounds at a visible speed!

A macabre dance between the destruction caused by the energy and the rapid healing fueled by the essence began.

"I-I am invincible!"

Ethan shouted with all his might, his voice resonating with overflowing pride!

"There is no force in this universe that can stop me!"

His seven orifices bled incessantly, but the blood that flowed evaporated instantly, leaving behind a fleeting trail. The pain was indescribable, so intense that Ethan felt his consciousness slowly fading, numbed by the magnitude of his suffering.


A terrifying roar erupted from his mouth, more chilling than the roars of all the demons he had ever fought.

This roar contained a bloodlust that transcended all limits, resounding in extremely distant worlds and instilling terror in countless living beings!

Again and again, his body was torn apart by the overwhelming force, only to be healed in an instant.

"No, no, no, keep healing, continue!"

Nevertheless, there came a point where his body could no longer keep up with the dizzying pace of destruction and healing. The cracks multiplied, the wounds grew deeper, and his endurance reached its limit.

It seemed that his fate was sealed...


By chance, Ethan gazed upon the remnants of the black hole near him, still lingering but on the brink of extinction. A malicious idea quickly forged in his mind!


Suddenly, he began to gather all his power in the middle of his chest!

"Hahahahaha! If I'm going to die, then perish with me!" he cried out with a deranged laughter!

An intense demonic red light began to emanate from his body, enveloping him in a great radiance as if he were a demonic god!


Without hesitation, he lunged toward the black hole, once again unleashing the tearing open of space in his wake!


In a grand explosion, Ethan detonated his body, shattering it into countless pieces, and the energy within his body was released in a sphere of red and black, resembling a demonic star.

At the epicenter of the explosion, a gigantic hole of tens of thousands of meters formed!

However, it was no ordinary black hole, but something completely different. Reality itself seemed to tear apart in its presence, creating a terrifying sensation. It was so overwhelming that the multicolored energy, capable of shattering even small black holes, couldn't withstand even a millisecond in contact with this universal cataclysm.

Amidst that gut-wrenching chaos, an immense and semi-transparent figure emerged, boasting six majestic wings and four imposing horns. With an expression of absolute ecstasy on his face, he immersed himself in the boundless abyss of the hole, delving into its destructive power.

Surprisingly, Ethan's soul had survived despite the total annihilation of his body.

Yet, he couldn't care less, for he was alive!

Reality faded around him as he advanced. His soul seemed to stretch, shrink, and expand in unknown forms, defying the very laws of the universe.

He experienced an amalgamation of incomprehensible sensations: the tingling of a tiny particle and the immensity of a colossal star.

As he traversed inexplicable dimensions and places, existence itself seemed to distort in his wake. He found himself in a labyrinth of fractured realities, where gravity inverted, colors danced in disarray, and forms twisted into cosmic aberrations.

What was curious was that it felt familiar, as if he had walked this path before!

Suddenly, he remembered that long before being reborn as a demon, he had experienced a strange state where he floated aimlessly in an unknown place for a long time.

Now he realized that the place he was in at this moment was exactly where he had been back then!

To make it even stranger, Ethan felt deep within his being that if he continued along this path without deviating, he would reach a place intimately connected to his own soul.

Knowing that there was a possibility of finding an exit in this place, Ethan continued moving forward without hesitation, regardless of the destination it would lead him to!

As time passed, he traversed even stranger and more disturbing realities. He passed through impossible landscapes, where gravity was whimsical and geometric shapes twisted into infinite spirals. With each transition, his soul vibrated with an ancestral energy, as if he were connected to hidden cosmic knowledge.

He felt he was experiencing something that should not be within the reach of any living entity.

But before delving further into that strange feeling, Ethan caught a distant gleam. A radiance of pure and brilliant light that, no matter how he looked at it, represented the way out of that place.

With renewed determination, he headed toward that light, disregarding everything else in his path!


Finally, his soul plunged into the radiant light. Suddenly, he found himself facing a tiny particle suspended in the void, which quickly grew into a planet of colossal proportions.

He watched in awe as the desolate world, shrouded in darkness with oceans of blackness, while flames danced in different places on its continents.

It was evident that the planet was dead, without a trace of life anywhere.

Still, just as he approached, a mysterious red light in the center of the lifeless world seemed to stare back at him.

As he drew closer, space began to twist in all directions, and to his disbelief, he witnessed the dead planet coming back to life, as if it were playing in reverse!


His soul descended like a meteor entering the atmosphere, and just when his consciousness seemed to reach its limit, everything plunged into darkness. Not without catching a fleeting glimpse of a majestic hotel, surprisingly familiar.

But that was all he managed to see before his vision faded completely...