The Situation is Severe

In a small meeting room in the team's office building,

Gao Bo saw his assistant in Luton.

Most of the teams in England will not set up a role above the head coach, such as team manager or technical director, so now in Luton, besides owner David Morton, the head coach is the most powerful. Gao Bo.

"This is Mr. Gao Bo from China. Starting today, he will serve as the team's head coach!" David Morton said.

The coaches and staff in the room are looking at Gao Bo with curious eyes.

Luton is a small city near London. Most tourists from China like to go to London to see Big Ben, or go to more famous cities like Manchester and Liverpool. There are not many opportunities to see Chinese tourists in Luton.

Chinese tourists are rare, let alone a Chinese suddenly came to the team and became everyone's boss.

Today's Gao Bo is dressed in black, black suit trousers and black leather shoes, and a long windbreaker. He did not button up, revealing the shirt underneath, his angular face, and thick eyebrows. The sharp eyes, the stiff bridge of the nose, and the curvature of the mouth showed a friendly smile.

   A 27-year-old young man, still Chinese, is the head coach of Luton. This news will surely make the local media in Luton and even the media in London pay attention to it.

   But, do the Chinese understand football?

   Everyone's curiosity gradually turned into suspicion. Everyone looked at this young man who suddenly appeared in Luton. Can this young man who seems harmless to humans and animals lead Luton out of the predicament?

   "Mr. Gao Bo used to be the head coach of the Chelsea U18 youth team and led Chelsea U18 to win the FA Youth Cup! He also has a UEFA A-level coaching certificate!" David Morton continued.

   Everyone showed a surprised look. They were able to coach Chelsea U18 and lead the team to win. This at least shows that Gao Bo is a capable person, a capable person, no matter which country he is from, at least he will gain a minimum of respect. The UEFA A-level coaching certificate does not make this group of English people feel anything special to the current English football, especially in the middle and lower leagues, the market for academic coaches is really small.

   After briefly introducing Gao Bo, David Morton introduced him to his colleagues here.

   Due to the team's crisis, the former coach left before the end of last season. His colleagues left and his coaching staff members. So now in this room, there are only two first-team coaches.

Assistant coach John Aston was once a legendary player of the team. Before he became the assistant coach of the team, he was also the head of the Luton youth team. Now John Aston is the acting head coach of the team. Of course, after Gao Bo took office, his role became an assistant coach again.

However, John Aston was not dissatisfied with Gao Bo's taking his head coach position. John knew his level and asked him to take the team to play in the second division. There was no hope at all, and he stayed. Not because of coveting the position of head coach, but because of love for the team. So John still greeted Gao Bo with a smile.

   There is also a physical coach Mel Donald. This is also an old courtier who has served the team for more than two decades, so when the team encountered a crisis, he did not leave.

   In addition to these two coaches, the others are the coaches of the youth team.

Luton's first team has been very turbulent these two seasons, but the youth team is still stable. England's teams have a very complete youth training system. Even some seventh-level and eighth-level teams, often have a complete echelon. system.

  Luton is the same, from U8 to U18, Luton has a dedicated person in charge of each age group. This situation is very common in England. Of course, for Luton, the age group under U14 is more of a wide-spreading net, which is similar to the domestic football club and has a very large number of personnel. Starting from U15, it is the elite training mode. From this age group, it is the echelon that needs to invest some funds to maintain.

   There are not many coaches in the Luton Youth Team, and there are only a dozen coaches of all ages.

   In addition to coaches, there are also court maintenance staff, team scouts, etc.

   Gao Bo smiled and greeted his new colleagues one by one, showing his friendliness and respect. In general, this meeting gave everyone a good impression of Gao Bo.

   Since the season is over and the players have left the team to start their vacation, Gao Bo has no chance to see his players now.

   But being in peace does not hinder the work that Gao Bo is about to start.

   This afternoon, UU reading www. Gao Bo has entered the state of work, he first needs to understand the current situation of Luton.

   And when John Aston gave Gao Bo the current big list, Gao Bo discovered that the situation of the team is far worse than he thought.

   Currently, there are only three players on the team over 21 years old.

The captain of the team, the thirty-two-year-old Kevin Keane, is also the main midfielder of the team-a midfielder enough to gain a foothold in the British Championship. A veteran who has already played for the team. Although he is thirty-two, Kevin still has many suitors, but when the team is in crisis, Kevin Keane chose to be loyal to the team.

   Forward Sam Parker, the backup forward last season, is 27 years old this year. John Aston believes that the forward has little hope of staying with the team this season. The reason why he is still with the team now is because Sam Parker suffered a serious injury last season, so it's not that he doesn't want to go, but that he can't go temporarily.

  Central defender George Parker, the team's youth training product, is 26 years old this year, and his strength is pretty good. At least in England's second division, George is still comfortable.

   Except for these three players, all the other players are young players under the age of 21!

   This means that the team lineup that played in League One last season has left. So now the team only has players promoted from the youth team available!

   Most of the players in the youth team have no experience in the professional league. Such a team composed of young people, even if it has not been deducted 30 points, would have some difficulty in relegation to the second division...

   Gao Bo rubbed his forehead. It seemed that the situation was much more serious than he thought.