Team Assembly

Luton hired a Chinese as the head coach, and then the Chinese quickly brought four new players to Luton-it seemed that Luton had a good transfer efficiency, but when the media broke the resumes of these four players After opening, the fans can only be disappointed!

Among the four players, the only one worth looking forward to is Drinkwater from Manchester United U18. This is also the only player Luton brought in with money to get Drinkwater, Luton needs to pay Manchester United 100,000 a year Pounds of rental costs but also to bear Drinkwater's salary.

   This is a player from a big club like Manchester United. Although only an 18-year-old young man, the players will at least keep expecting him-this is a Manchester United player!

   Manchester United's youth training brand has a good reputation in England.

   The remaining three players made the Luton fans a little desperate.

   Charlie Austin is a player from the ninth division.

   Jamie Vardy is another amateur league player.

   N'Golo Kanter, a Frenchman, is only 169 cm tall. God, where did Luton dig this piece of material...

   At this time, the hearts of Luton fans are already full of disappointment for the club. It's already frustrating to be deducted 30 points at the beginning of the season, and what the team is doing now doesn't seem to be ambitious, and even ready to fall out of the professional league system.

Yes, in the eyes of the Luton fans, the club's behavior now is that it is inconsistent. The team no longer thinks about returning to the British Championship. Instead, it invited a Chinese to be the coach and then it was hired. Several amateur players, at most, loaned one semi-finished product from Manchester United...

   Isn't this kind of behavior self-willing and depravity, is it just ready to play in a non-league system?

   "Luton fans may need to prepare for the team to struggle for several years in the amateur league..." Luton's best-selling local newspaper "Hat Seller," wrote pessimistically.

   And just as the fans were worried, and the media ridiculed or sympathized with reports, the team finally began to gather and prepare for the new season.

   Captain Kevin Keane was the first player to return to the team. In the head coach's office, he met the team's new head coach Gao Bo.

   Kevin Keane frowned when he looked at the head coach who was younger than himself. He was not contemptuous because Gao Bo was Chinese. He was worried about the future of the team purely because of the opponent's youth.

   Gao Bo looked at the strong player in front of him and quietly opened his eyes.

This is a very strong midfielder with well-balanced technical attributes. He can play on the left and right sides or in the middle. Although there is nothing particularly prominent in attributes, this is a British crown after all. A player of the level, let him play football in the second division of England!

"Kevin, I'm the team's head coach Gao Bo." Gao Bo smiled and stretched out his hand. If he can handle training and tactics by himself, then he must have someone who can manage the locker room. The captain of the field, and make sure that the captain is on his side.

   Kevin Keane has played for the team for many years, and he is not a grumpy thorn. Although he is a little hesitant about Gao Bo's ability, he still stretched out his hand in the face of Gao Bo's goodwill.

   "We will cooperate happily!" Gao Bo said with a smile.

   Maybe... Kevin Keane was a little skeptical, but he didn't tear down Gao Bo's station.

   And on the training ground at this time, the players also came to the training ground one after another.

   The players gathered around to talk about their new head coach.

   Before the end of last season, the former head coach resigned. The replacement of the head coach is the topic of most interest to the players. They are still very curious about the new head coach.

  Through the local newspaper in Luton, they still got a rough idea of ​​what the new head coach is like.

   A Chinese, he led Chelsea to the U18 FA Youth Cup, and then came to Luton to take over the mess.

The players who stay in the team know how bad the situation is, but this is not without benefits for most players here now-at least after the main team is sold out, the rest of The position needs to be topped by the players promoted from the youth academy.

   Of course, this does not include the 27-year-old forward Sam Parker.

   Sam Parker has just recovered from his injury and looks a lot fatter, but the forward is in a very good mood.

"Hey, brother, do you know that the Bristol Rangers contacted me today!! Do you know this team, the team in League One!!!" Sam Parker showed off with his arm around a player's shoulder Then, his voice was loud enough for everyone on the training ground to hear clearly.

   The players have a look of admiration. The striker has no worries about his next home. Sam Parker is a player who has played in the English championship. Many teams in the first division will be interested in him.

   "Have you heard that the new coach of the team is a Chinese...oh...a Chinese...haha!!!" Sam Parker exaggerated. "Do the Chinese know what football looks like?"

  Sam Parker doesn't show any respect for the new head coach, but his words made the other Luton players look dimmed. Indeed, the news that a Chinese has become the head coach of the team will not improve the morale of the team.

   At least the players have never seen a Chinese standing on the coach's bench and directing a game.

  How should the Chinese command the game?

   If you are not obedient, will you beat someone up like Bruce Lee?

   "Enough, Sam! If you don't want to stay on the team, you can leave at any time!" Another voice sounded on the training ground, the team's main center back George Parker.

  Although they are both named Parker, George is a Luton youth player. When Kevin Keane was unable to play, the captain's armband was worn on his arm.

   "Hohoho, our big star is going to give the Chinese coach a head start..." Sam Parker is not afraid of the 26-year-old George Parker.

   But at this time, captain Kevin Keane walked into the training ground with a few young-looking players.

  Sam Parker shut up immediately. He is not afraid of George, but he is still mentally frustrated in the face of Kevin Keane. Kevin Keane is much stronger than Sam Parker in both strength and aura!

   And the reason why Sam Parker said that the team is interested in him, is UU reading www.uukanshu. com is not true.

  Because he suffered a serious injury last season and just recovered from his injury, there is no way to guarantee his state at this time, so there is nothing Bristol is interested in him.

But Sam Parker believes that the only forward the team can use now is himself. After the team has sold so many people, the salary budget on hand must be pretty good, so he wants to increase himself through this method. salary.

   As for Gao Bo, Sam Parker didn't put the opponent in his heart. It was just a backer hired by a team to save money—at least Sam Parker understood that.

   "Let me introduce to everyone, this is Kanter, the Frenchman, who plays the defensive midfielder, he is seventeen years old this year!" Kevin Keane introduced the newcomer to the players.

   Kanter showed his big white teeth and smiled shyly.

   A 17-year-old Frenchman, I don't know where the head coach came from. Looking at his thin and weak appearance, he can get a foothold in the muscular jungle of the English second division?

   The players looked at Kanter, who was less than 1.7 meters tall, with suspicion.

Compared to Kanter, Vardy, who looks fierce, is not treated like this, even if he doesn't know how strong Vardy is in playing football, but looking at his sturdy body and fierce face, you know that this is not a mess. Guy.

And most of the players' eyes are on Drinkwater, a player on loan to Manchester United, if nothing else, in two or three years, Drinkwater will find a job in the English Championship or even the Premier League. Yes, this is after all a player who has played the U18 main player in the Manchester United youth academy.

   And the least characteristic of these four is Charlie Austin, so he was also ignored by other players.