
"Coolie boy, fetch me more wines!!"

The man shouted with a booming voice, as if to assert his dominance. This small rundown diner is no stranger to lowlives and criminals. But even those fell into complete silence, no more banters and chatting could be heard.

"Y.. Yes, right away sir."

From the corner of the store, a small figure made a quick dash between the chairs and tables toward the source of the intimidating voice.

"My, my, look how cute he is. It just makes me want to gobble him up."

In stark contrast to the man burly and savage appearance, the lady sitting right next to him exuded an alluring and feminine beauty, yet no less intimidating.

From the onlookers' perspective, the difference between the man and the boy's stature is enormous. The man's face began to shift, perhaps he was impressed by the boy's quick footwork, or maybe it was his obedience. The angry expression was then replaced by a slight smugness.

"Guess the old shriveled corpse running this dump did teach you manner, little boy."

The man chuckled. While his cup was being filled, he noticed the coolie boy's hands shaking, and what met his eyes when he looked down was no longer a scared look of a prey, but a gaze filled with subdued rage staring back at him. The boy would not have cared if he was insulted, or beaten. Because such occurrence is common for one of his status in a place like this. But to insult the owner who so kindly took him in, as well as the store that meant so much to that person sent him into a rage.

"What is that look supposed to be? Oh, I see, you must really want to reincarnate to escape this shitty life huh? I, Zhang Chen of the Black Dog Sect, shall grant you your wish."

"Clang, clang, clang."

The sound of a heavy metal object echoed across the room. An iron ball riddled with spikes plopped onto the wooden floor, turning it into a crater. Connected to it was a rusted metal chain, wrapped around Chen's arm. With just 1 hand, he threw the ball up as if it was made of cotton, it then landed squarely on the monstrous man's broad shoulder.

"Sigh~~, there you go again… I'd love to at least try out the famous pork porridge here first. Just make sure to keep his dantian intact. That boy showed potential, as spirit stone ingredient that is fufu…"

The lady said nonchalantly, as if similar incident had occurred plenty times before.

Not wanting to be caught in such pointless dispute, most the other guests had already left the premise, leaving behind half eaten meals. Some however stayed on the sidelines and watched, cheering and betting money. Indeed, violence confrontation like this is no rare occurrence in this part of town, some residents had started treating these as just another form of entertainment.

Time came to a standstill for the boy. He knew he had zero chance of winning a direct assault, his pair of legs that were honed days in days out from harsh working is his only advantage. Escaping? He pondered, but the owner had become too weak and frail with ages. And even if they managed to escape, then go where? Even for a coolie, the boy had heard of the Black Dog Sect and their notorious reputation. They would never give up on hunting them down.

Then it happened in a flash, the iron ball descended like a meteor and obliterated everything it came into contact with. The chairs, the tables, all were reduced into nothing but dust. And yet there was no sign of gore and viscera.

"Tch, this rat really is quick on his feet."

Chen looked around, the cloud of dust created from his rampage now served to obscure his nimble foe.

Lowering his posture, the boy made a fast dash through the gap between the man's legs undetected. Before the giant man could notice anything wrong, a sharp kitchen knife had already been embedded in his neck. It was a gamble and the only way for the young boy to seize victory.

"Argg, this bastard!!"

Chen screamed with seething rage. Unfortunate for the boy, a small chicken knife is nothing more than mere toy against a cultivator, even a low tier one. He quickly grabbed the young boy's arm, a snapping sound followed by a scream could be heard after.

"That was just the start, big sis Bai Lin said only your dantian needs to be in tact, which means these pesky pair of legs are fair game haha!!"

The man laughed sadistically while still holding the young boy by his broken arm.

"And you, old coot, seems awfully calm. After I finished with this brat, you will be next."

His gaze turned toward the counter, the old man standing there seemed neither scared nor bothered. He had only been keeping tab on the old watch on his wrist. Then suddenly, he spoke for the first time, calmly.

"It's finally time, the porridge is ready."

Everyone turned their eyes toward the bubbling pot, a delicious fragrant filled the air. The old man had been cooking his porridge all this times.

"Have you gone mad in the face of death old man?"

A vein popped on Chen's forehead. He threw the boy aside like a piece of ragdoll.

"Fine, I'll kill you first."

Chen grabbed his iron ball and ready to throw it at the old owner.


The front door of the restaurant busted wide open. Standing there were two figures, one of them a beautiful young woman wearing glasses, on her back strapped what appeared to be a long iron rod.

"Make way for the young master, filthy scums."

Her gaze, fierce as a lion, was fixed on the bystanders. Who, upon feeling the intense pressure, quickly scurried to the side.

"Young Master, the path is clear."

Behind her, the figure started to become clear. It appeared to be a young man with silvery long hairs, with 2 locks hanging down the side of his chest. His handsome face exuded an otherworldly beauty that could charm the heart of even the most stone cold woman. Two small fangs could be seen hiding in the corners of his mouth.

The man looked around for a few seconds, then spoke in a calm yet commanding voice.

"Hmm~~ I could never get tired of this lovely smell. Is my porridge ready yet old man?"