The City of Língzhi

Zheng Fei stood before the huge iron gate. A stream of people could be seen pouring in and out of the city.

"I never knew Línzhi was such a massive metropolis."

He thought to himself, seemingly amazed by the grandiose scale. As he looked back, he could see the group of merchants he was with earlier loading off their goods onto smaller pulling carts.

"So they don't allow big travelling wagons inside the city huh? How curious."

A man wearing full armor standing at the gate took a look at Zheng Fei then nodded his head as a signal to go ahead.

"Although, the guards seem awfully lax. Look like they only care about checking through people's belongings. How lucky that uncle exiled me with only the clothes on my back! I can't wait to return the favor..."

Zheng Fei mumbled to himself in an annoyed tone, quick flash of anger appeared on his face.

He then entered through the large gate. What greeted him inside was a scene of wonder. The street was bustling with people from every walk of life. Merchants could be seen exchanging goods with each other. In the market, one could see food vendors and housewives engaging in heated battles of bargaining, as each tried to get the best deal possible for themselves. The sound of laughter and chatting could be heard everywhere as people went about their lives.

As he looked up, tall architectures with exotic designs straight out of a picture book could be seen. At the heart of the city stood an enormous tower-like structure, it felt as if the gods themselves resided there. Zheng Fei quickly tried to curb his enthusiasm and moved on.

While he was walking down the street, the young master noticed an outdoor diner on the sidewalk. Lots of people, whether in ragged clothes or lavish attires, could be seen sitting around enjoying their meals.

"Since I'm already here, may as well try out that famed beef soup."

Zheng Fei thought, with saliva gulping down his throat as he took a sit on one of the empty chair. Suddenly, he heard a loud voice coming from behind him.

"... and then I grabbed that spoiled brat of a young master by the throat. I couldn't simply let it go after he spat on my face now could I?"

It was a group of Black Dog disciples. The large man in the middle seemed to be telling a story to the others.

"So that fat one in the old man's store wasn't lying huh? These mongrels really are everywhere."

Zheng Fei thought, with slight annoyance on his face as he continued listening to the man's tale.

"Then what happened after, big bro Bao Li? Did you choke that pompous brat to death?"

One of disciples said with glee in his eyes.

"That wouldn't be fun now, would it? For a haughty rich brat like him, losing his pride and dignity is a fate worse than death."

"So I started grabbing his head and crushing it slowly, as he tried his best to thrash around, clawing and hitting me to no avail."

He continued, with a sadistic smile.

"And then, he finally broke. Could you believe it? The brat pissed himself hahahaha...! He was crying and begging for mercy. It was just the best!"

"Then what did you do big brother?"

"I threw him to the ground, all the while he was shaking and pissing like a baby. I guess he would rather kill himself than living with such shame though. But wait!! This is the brat that feared death so much that he pissed himself, he wouldn't even have the balls to do it hahaha..."

Bao Li let out a loud laughter, and the others quickly followed.

"Did I mention the beautiful lady accompanying him? Her face was filled with disgust, as if she was looking at walking garbage. The same look that all the bystanders had. I bet that brat is gonna coop up in his house for the rest of his life, hiding from the shame"

Zheng Fei continued listening, with a cup of tea in his hand.

"You're the best brother Bao Li... But aren't you afraid of that brat's sect taking revenge?"

"Then I'll just need to crush them next. But I doubt that his no name sect would dare to go against us. We Black Dog Sect have bigger fish to fry too remember?"

"Like the Heavenly Demon Sect."

One of them spoke up, Bao Li's expression suddenly shift to a serious one, he then put a hand on his chin.

"Speaking of those... We still couldn't find that wench huh? But from the trail left behind, she could have only been heading to Língzhi."

"That wench? The Heavenly Demon Sect? Don't tell me they were looking for..."

Zheng Fei thought with a curious look on his face. Then, the large man turned his head toward the counter and made a large shout.

"Hey! owner, bring out more wines and get these boys some beef soups!!"

The owner could be seen shaking, trying to hold himself together.

"M... my apology sir, the young master over there already ordered the last of our beef soup. It... It's a rarely ordered meal so we didn't keep many ingredients in stock. Plea... please understand."

"Do I look like I care???"

The man said loudly, then his glance shifted to Zheng Fei.

"Another young master huh? I wonder if I can make one crap himself this time. Hey lads!! Teach the pretty boy how the rule of the world works for the poor."

A sadistic smile appeared on Bao Li's face. The rest of the Black Dog disciples stood up and began making advances toward Zheng Fei. The young master let out a long sigh as he also began to make his stance.

"I'm about done with having to hear you stray dogs yapping nonsense all the time. Come, I'll show you how the rule of this world really works."

5 Black Dog disciples started circling around Zheng Fei, cutting off his escape route. Then, it happened, the one behind him dashed forward and made a wide swing at the young master's head with his sword.

"... Like a river... flowing around rocks...."

Zheng Fei muttered, as he sidestepped the attack and sent it straight toward another disciple, heavily injuring him. Two more appeared from his sides in a pronged attack. The young master took a deep breath. With just 2 fingers, he touched the spear heads and redirected them toward each others, shattering both in the process.

The last disciple looked at him in shock, then he also started rushing at Zheng Fei. Before he realized it, he had already been sent head first into a nearby wall. A throw? No. Then what was it? What was that freaky martial art? It was the last thought running through his mind as he fell unconscious.

Everything happened in a flash, to the astonishment of the onlookers and the rest of the Black Dog disciples. Zheng Fei then made his way toward the counter to pick up a bowl of beef soup.

"I believe this is mines"

He said, as he began digging in. Bao Li then spoke, now with a serious expression on his face.

"Who are you? You're not one of those smallfries. Which sect do you belong to? Answer me!!"

Zheng Fei continued eating until he finished cleaning up the whole bowl. Then, with a satisfying expression, he said.

"I don't have to answer to the likes of you. But since this is the second time you mongrels have attacked me. I'll let you know the name of the one who will wipe out your entire Sect."

Zheng Fei said, with a mocking tone.

"I am Zheng Fei, young master of the Heaven Gazer Sect. Sink that name deep into your barely functioning brain."

Zheng Fei said loudly, as if to announce it to the whole town. An expression of disbelief showed on Bao Li's face, he was taken aback by the young master's proud declaration. Then suddenly, he busted out in a large laughter.

"Pffffttt, bwahahahahhahahahhahahahahaha...."

"What could be so funny to you dog?"

Zheng Fei said, annoyance in his voice.

As Bao Li finally calmed down, he pointed at the shop owner.

"Why don't you take a look for yourself?"

As Zheng Fei looked back, the shop owner's face was now wearing an expression of pure shock and fear. The young master then quickly took a look around him. Every other onlookers showed the exact same expression after hearing his speech.

A sudden realization hit him followed by a wave of dread and terror. He muttered.

"Don't tell me, I'm..."

"Yes, young master of the Heaven Gazer Sect. You are currently in the capital city of the Ming kingdom. I can't believe there exists someone who's stupid enough to proudly declare he's a spy from another country for all the world to see... pfffffftttt bwahaha"

Bao Li said, as he busted out in another laughter.

"Damn you, uncle. He really sent me all the way to the east end of the continent."

The young master calmed himself down as he tried to think of a way to get out of the situation. Then he heard mumbles from the surrounding crowd.

"Ca... Call the Jade Knights!! we have a foreign intruder!!!!!"

The crowd then quickly dissipated. An evil grin donned Bao Li's face.

"Jade Knights eh? I bet they're going to reward me handsomely when I hand them your corpse."

He then grabbed his enormous battle axe and prepare for battle. Zheng Fei also took his stance.

"Bring it on you stray dog."

Suddenly, a strand of ribbon appeared from behind and pulled him away. As he looked up, he was greeted with a familiar face. Standing there was Fen Xuan, who was wearing an expression of shock and atonishment. Zheng Fei then shouted.

"Untie me, I can take care of that dog myself."

Only to be greeted by Fen Xuan's angry reply.

"Are you mad? I'm saving your life. Do you not know who the Jade Knights are??? They're an elite force under direct command of Emperor Ming Wu himself!! Fighting them is akin to signing your own death warrant."

"Hey.. Isn't that..?"

Bao Li spoke.

"That's her!!! The young lady of the Heavenly Demon Sect. We finally found her brothers!! What a lovely day. I'll surely become the Sect leader's favorite if I kill both of these two."

An euphoric expression filled Bao Li's face.

"Fen Xuan, you're..."

Zheng Fei said, trying to process the barrage of information.

"Now is not the time for that!! If you want to live, run!!"

The young master quickly composed himself and nodded. The two then disappeared into the busy street.