Council of Five Elders

"Huff huff"

A sound of heavy breathing and frantic footsteps echoed across the hall. A figure could be seen hurriedly running and pushing away everyone in his path.

"Get out of the way!! There's urgent news to be delivered!!" He shouted loudly.

The man abruptly stopped. Standing before him now was a large door. He began to calm himself down as he proceeded inside.

What lied behind that door was a lavish chamber. One could see numerous expensive decorations dotting the whole room. Strange sacred relics could be seen sitting behind thick layers of glass shelves. Truly, this was a chamber fit for someone of supreme status and wealth.

The man however didn't show any awe, for he had been to this room before on countless errands as a messenger. He quickly kneeled down in front of what appeared to be a giant bed, with curtains obscuring everything inside.

"Great elder Xia Lan, there's an emergency!! Great elder Long Min has requested for an urgent meeting!!"

He said in a panicky voice. What greeted him back was a wall of silence. Suddenly, an arm reached out sloppily from behind the curtain, a voice then followed.

"Shut... up... Don't shout so loudly first thing in the morning... If it's the matter of the Bandit King's remnants again... Just tell the 2 baldies to send 1 or 2 Jade Knights to dispatch them... I'm going back to sleep.... zzzz..."

The voice appeared to be that of a young girl. She replied with an annoyed tone, her arm then fell down and dangled on the side of the bed as she entered another slumber.

"But... but great elder!! This is a different matter, a Jade Knight was reported to have been killed this morning!!"

The figure behind the curtain immediately got up upon hearing the news. After a moment of contemplation, she spoke up.

"Servants, prepare my daily routine!!"

The figure finally stepped out of the curtain. It was a young girl of short stature. Her distinctive feature was the long blond hair that reached all the way down to the ground. The girl let out a yawn as she took a sit in front of a mirror. Numerous handmaidens marched into the room. They then started fixing and styling the girl's hair, as well as helping her get dressed.

The end result was nothing short of a total transformation. The messy Xia Lan had now turned into a beautiful and well-dressed lady.

"Alright! Now take me to the baldies."

She said in an energetic tone.

"... But before that. Didn't I tell you not to call me Great Elder? It makes me look old. Do I look like an old hag to you?"

Her tone suddenly switched to that of a cold and threatening one. In stark contrast with the cheery tone earlier.

"For... Forgive me, my lady!! I was just in a hurry."

"That's more like it. Now let's go, shall we~~~?"

Xia Lan quickly switched back to a cutesy voice as she and the man departed.


When the two entered the courtyard, something appeared in the corner of Xia Lan's eyes. A group of Jade Knights were standing around in circle, surrounding something. She curiously spoke up.

"What are they doing over there? Shouldn't they be patrolling the city right now?"

"Please pardon them, my lady. This is their way of sending off a fallen comrade. After all, it has been awhile since a Jade Knight died on duty."

As he finished talking, a sound erupted from the crowd, which got louder and louder as time went on. The Jade Knights were knocking their spears' handle on the ground in a rhythm, one hand on their chests. A funeral pyre was burning brightly amidst it all, sending their fallen comrade to an eternal rest. Yet, not a single word could be heard coming out of the ever silence knights.

"A quiet bunch as always huh? If I didn't know any better, I would say they're completely heartless" Xia Lan said with a somber expression.

She then glanced at the messenger man, who also had a hand on his chest and a solemn look on his face. His gesture caught her by surprise.

"Is the victim someone you know? I've never taken you for a sentimental man." She asked.

"My apology, my lady. It's just... I met lady Xue Ling a few times off duty. She's a charming and kind woman. One time, I saw her climbing a tree just to get a cat down. Could you believe it? She did it in full armor too!! Haha..ha..."

The man let out a chuckle, but it couldn't hide away the pain in his voice.

"I... I just never thought that she would end up like that. The area where she usually patrols isn't one where the Jade Knights are designated, she goes out of her way to help keep the people there safe. It's just... it's just too sudden...."

The man could barely keep his voice from cracking. Xia Lan noticed he seemed to hold special feeling for the victim. She however couldn't give out comforting words to the sobbing man. All she could do was standing there silently, waiting for the man to collect himself. After a moment, she said in a soft voice.

"It's time for us to go..."

The two then headed inside the tall tower-like structure.


The pair finally arrived at the destination. What stood before them was a large golden door.

"Well then I'll take my leave, good luck lady Xia Lan."

Xia Lan answered with a nod. Then she opened the door and entered.

"Oh look who it is, the old hag finally came. You sure took your sweet time. Don't tell me you pulled your back again?"

Sitting on the other side of the table was a large elderly man with gray long beard. His face donned a big grin as he made a provoking speech.

"You... damn brat!! Did your parents not teach you manner when they were alive?"

Multiple veins popped on Xia Lan's forehead. Her face had turned bright red from anger.

"My apology Great Elder. This junior doesn't know the vastness of heaven and earth. Can you teach the ignorant me with your age old wisdom?"

The man let out a smug expression as he continued taunting Xia Lan.

"Fine... I guess this shrinking council will lose another seat today."

Xia Lan replied in a cold tone then menacingly took out a sharp pin from her hair.

"Bring it on, old hag!!" The elderly man stood up from his chair.

"Enough!!! Cease this senseless squabble."

A large voice came from the far side of the round table. It was a beautiful young man with luscious long hair. On his left cheek lied what appeared to be 3 long scars. The man had been listening to their conversation this whole time with his chair turning toward the window. He then continued.

"Please, lady Xia Lan, calm down. You should know better than to fall for great elder Lao Li's taunting."

Xia Lan begrudgingly put back the pin into her hair. Her face still showed an annoyed expression.

"And you, elder Lao Li. Someone of your age shouldn't be going around starting petty fights."

"Hahahaha... You'll understand when you reach my age, Long Min my lad. We elders need stimulation, else our mind just become dull and crumble to dust. I'm sure the old hag would agree."

Lao Li replied with a wide smile on his face.

"Don't lump me in with you wrinkled skeleton. I am eternally in the spring of my life after achieving the pinnacle of our Sect's cultivation."

"Too bad you couldn't cultivate your height to be taller than an 8 years old. Pfffttttt..."

Lao Li said, trying his best to hold back a laugher. Xia Lan's face was now as red as the sun itself, smoke appeared to be rising out of her head.


Long Min put a palm on his face as he let out a long sigh. He couldn't even be bothered to play the mediator for the two anymore. The young man just sat there silently, waiting for them to tire out from their bickering. After a while, the two panted profusely as they ran out of breath.

"... Are you two done having your fun now, great elders?" Long Min asked calmly.

Xia Lan reluctantly took a sit at the table. Her eyes were sending murderous glare at Lao Li, who still had a smirk on his face. Long Min let out another long sigh, then he spoke up.

"Let the meeting of five elders commence."