Black Tiger and Vermilion Bird


The shatter sound of a glass wine hitting the floor echoed across the hall. Fen Xuan's expression was a mix of shock and confusion. The girl tried her best to compose herself and uttered, desperation in her voice.

"Th... This has to be a mistake. May... maybe they didn't search hard enough. Those pieces could have belonged to the other Sect leaders. I refuse to believe it!!!"

The man kneeling before her was also shaking with a face full of tears.

"It was not, my lady. We had confirmed that the corpses... or what left of them indeed belonged to sect leader Fen Hua and great elder Kong Lu. I... I am so sorry."

Fen Xuan stumbled back in a state of panic, barely being able to cling onto the table behind her. Her breathing was now ragged and disoriented. Suddenly, the young girl slapped herself on the cheeks with both hands. The dizziness from the hit snapped her out of the panic, she mumbled quietly to herself.

"Calm down, calm yourself down Fen Xuan. What would your mother think if she saw you in this state? This is not the time to be panicking, you must inform the beast generals."

Fen Xuan immediately got up and ran out of the room. The girl ran and ran, all the while trying not to think about her parents. She knew she would break down from grief otherwise. And yet, she couldn't hold back the tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

Fen Xuan bit her lips and wiped them away just as she had reached the destination, the estate of the Zhu family. She hurriedly opened the door and entered the courtyard. The numerous servants standing guard were surprised at Fen Xuan's sudden visit. However, the young lady just ignored their greeting and asked.

"Where is sister Zhu Que? There are urgent matters to discuss."

"My... My apology, lady Fen Xuan!! Lady Zhu Que is currently attending to lady Bai Hu, who made a visit earlier today. I last saw the two talking a stroll through the garden in the back of the estate."

"Sister Bai Hu?"

Fen Xuan was surprised. She however quickly shrugged it off as just a strange coincidence and started searching for Zhu Que once more. After a awhile, she finally reached the garden. Then the girl heard a sound coming from behind one of the bush.

"... and couldn't you believe it? That young master dropped his nice facade the moment I rejected his marriage proposal. His face was as red as a tomato too!! The humiliation, it was just the best."

Bai Hu and Zhu Que could be seen sitting at a tea table in the middle of the garden. They seemed to be enjoying their past time, making small talks and sipping high quality tea. Fen Xuan was about to call out to them. Then all of a sudden, eerily, the atmosphere began to turn cold.

"Bai Hu... If you go through with it, I will have to kill you. You know that, right?" Zhu Que spoke in a soft voice, her expression was as emotionless as ever.

"Oh my, what could you be talking about? We were just having such a fun time hanging out. Could it be that I went too far with a joke again?" Bai Hu replied with a smile.

"Don't play dumb, Bai Hu. I've noticed the disciples from the Bai clan hiding around us since the beginning."

"Hmm... Guess there's no getting past your sharp senses, Zhu Que dear." Bai Hu let out a sigh.

"I suppose you had already figured out my question and made your answer. But I will ask anyway... Will you join me in my coup to overthrow the Fen clan, dear sister?"

Bai Hu looked straight at Zhu Que, with eyes like that of a puppy, desperately searching for a "yes" from her childhood friend. However, Zhu Que just answered with a cold silence, she had already made her choice. And that choice was to remain loyal to her sect leader.

"What a shame, I knew this would happen. Deep down, I guess I was hoping for a different outcome. You know, our clan received a secret report this morning. Oh silly me, I bet the Zhu clan also has a secret informant of their own, we all do. Why do you think that is the case Zhu Que dear?"

Zhu Que remained silence, one could see a slight twitching on her face.

"... It's because behind the nice pretense and facade that we put up. Deep down, what all of our clans really want is power. So we engaged in these petty little games of spies and secrets to get a one up on one another. I, however, just want to do it in a more... direct way. How ironic, a vile person such as I turned out to be the most honest of the bunch after all, fufufu..."

Bai Hu cackled madly, then she continued.

"Sect leader Fen Hua is dead, so is great elder Kong Lu. Brother Qing Long who accompanied them had gone missing, nowhere to be found. The next Xuan Wu* is still just a kid... And last of all, Fen Xuan, the next Sect leader, is an incompetent, worthless brat. One would be a fool to not take such perfect opportunity, wouldn't you agree?"

"I have nothing more to say. If that is your decision, draw your weapon, Bai Hu"

Zhu Que stood up and prepared herself with a battle stance. Bai Hu went quiet for a moment, an unusual tint of sadness appeared on her face.

"My name is Bai Lin, dear sister. Bai Hu was the name they forced upon me, to make sure I would dedicate my whole life to serve and protect some unworthy brat whose sole achievement is that they were born into the right family. A woman of your immense talent should understand that too right, Zhu Lan? You should have felt the same... injustice that I did."

"The girl you know as Zhu Lan no longer exists anywhere in this world. I am Zhu Que and I am a beast general. I will fulfil my duty as such."

Zhu Que replied bluntly. Something then snapped inside Bai Hu, her expression had now switched to a deranged and unhinged one.

"So be it... As your dear sister and childhood friend, I will send you off to the other side. For that is a better end than playing servant to a pathetic brat for the rest of your life."

Bai Lin then snapped her fingers. Suddenly, a spear flied toward Zhu Que from behind.

"Watch out!!! Sister Zhu Que!!!"

Fen Xuan, who had been listening on the two's conversation this whole time, quickly jumped out and deflected it. The girl was running on pure instinct. Her mind was still a jumbled mess from the news of her parents' death. What's more? she now also had to face the fact that the senior sister she admired so much hated her to the very core and wanted nothing more than her death.

"My, my. This is an unexpected but welcomed turn of event. I suppose you have already overheard what we were saying, dear sect leader?"

A grin appeared on Bai Lin's face. Numerous disciples from the Bai clan came out of hiding with weapons in hands, preparing to attack. Zhu Que, seemingly still unfazed, picked up the spear from the ground.

"Lady Fen Xuan, please take care of the other disciples. Leave Bai Lin to me."

Fen Xuan answered with a nod. She put a hand on the silk ribbons on her wrists and muttered something, they then turned into a pair of red chains. With determination in her eyes, the young lady engaged the other disciples in battles.

On the other side, Zhu Que and Bai Lin were locking eyes with each other, neither had moved from their spots. They were searching for the perfect moment to strike. For both of them knew it would only take one mistep to determine the victor.

Then it began, Zhu Que aimed the spear at Bai Lin's neck and made her signature blitz assault. In under a second, the young girl had already closed the gap and impaled her former friend's throat, ending her life on the spot... Or that was how it should have been.

To Zhu Que's surprise, her strike was swiftly blocked by Bai Lin's dagger. What met her gaze when she looked up was Bai Lin's sadistic smirk.

"I am hurt, Zhu Que. Did you really think I was going all out against you and brother Qing Long in our little practice matches?"

Zhu Que didn't reply to her, the girl took in a deep breath and adjusted her wrist.

"Moon Devouring Demonic Wolf Strike."

A sweat of drop dripped down Bai Lin's cheek. She knew what was coming, even if she had been hiding her true strength, she was still a notch below Zhu Que in term of physical prowess. The girl in black quickly steeled herself. Thousands of spear thrusts were unleashed in the span of a second. Bai Lin tried her hardest to evade and parried every strikes. And yet, like a salmon swimming upstream, the force of the torrent crashing down on her were enormous. Each and every strike was aimed at her vital, every single one of them if landed would prove fatal.

This was a trial, she thought. Might makes right and strength is justice, that's how the world works.

"So be it." Bai Lin muttered.

It was nothing short of a miracle, the girl had withstood Zhu Que's relentless assault. Her body was now in tattered and full of wounds, yet none was fatal, she had succeeded. Bai Lin raised her hand and pointed at her former comrade's stomach. Zhu Que looked down as she felt a painful sensation in her guts. A knife had been embedded there by Bai Lin in the middle of their exchange.

Blood sip out of Zhu Que's mouth. She wouldn't come out of this unscathed, she thought. Suddenly, from behind her, large shouting could be heard. It was a group of Zhu clan disciples, they had realized something was wrong after all the commotion.

"Reinforcement!!!" Fen Xuan shouted.

Zhu Que looked at Bai Lin. However, instead of surprise, only a devious grin could be seen on the girl's face. Before anyone could notice, all the disciples of the Bai clan had already made their retreat. Something was off, Zhu Que thought. But before she could act, a soft voice came out of Bai Lin.

"Black Rain..."

An enormous burst of chi shot out into the sky, where they began to form into thick clusters of black clouds covering the whole estate. A look of horror appeared on Fen Xuan's face as she knew what was about to happen.


Zhu Que let out an uncharacteristic scream. But it was already too late, they were in an open field. Quick as a flash, Zhu Que dashed toward Fen Xuan and pinned the girl to the ground with her body. Black raindrops then began to fall from the sky. Large sounds of screaming could be heard echoing across the estate. The group of disciples earlier also felt down to the ground spasming as every drop of rain that hit their flesh burned them of life essence. After they stopped moving, a deathly silence filled the scene. But it was quickly broken once more by Fen Xuan's desperate pleas.

"Let me go!!! Sister Zhu Que!!! Please!!!" Fen Xuan begged with tears in her eyes.

Zhu Que however didn't bulge, not even after the rain had broken down her body. She only muttered weakly.

"I have... never been able to understand people's emotion, not even my own. It was a "curse" that I was born with. Yet... your mother Fen Hua was the first one to reach out to me. She taught me what is right and what is wrong, what is acceptable and what is not. To answer your question, Bai Lin. I don't care if I am being used or if I don't have a will of my own. The only thing that matters to me is protecting that person's "Justice". That includes her most precious treasure, Fen Xuan."

The rain had stopped. Zhu Que began coughing blood from her mouth. A clapping sound came from Bai Lin's direction.

"Bravo! Bravo!! How heartwarming~~ I didn't know you have this side to you all along Zhu Que. It makes me almost jealous of that mutt you're protecting."

Zhu Que slowly stood up. Even though her body had been weakened substantially from the attack, the fire in her eyes however was burning even greater. She put a palm on her chest and said.

"... Let's finish this, once and for all."

Bai Lin dropped her quippy attitude, only a muderous stare remained.

"Yes, let's have our final dance then, shall we?"

She also put a hand on her chest. Then, in unison, the two shouted.

"Yěshòu zhī xīn**!!"

A torrent of chi bursted out from their dantians and quickly engulfed the two. On Bai Lin's side, black fur began growing all over her arms and legs, her nails were sharpened. Black stripes started appearing all over her body. On Zhu Que's side, numerous feathers spew out of her arms, which now resembled wings of a bird. Her hands and feet also made a cracking sound as they transformed into sharp talons. From her head, two long locks of hair resembling phoenix's tail emerged.

The two quietly observed each others. Without a single word, it began. Zhu Que spun her spear continuously with one hand. Until all of a sudden, red flame began bursting forth from the friction with the ground. The flame then engulfed Zhu Que, her feathers were now burning brightly as they caught on fire. One could even see a flaming halo surrounding her. The girl had turned completely into something straight out of a legend or myth.

Zhu Que made a mad dash toward Bai Lin, spinning her weapon all the while. With a flick of her wrist, the spear shot forward like a cannonball, leaving a flaming trail behind igniting the air. Bai Lin could barely side stepped the assault as it grazed her. From the wound came a searing hot sensation as the scratch caught on fire and started burning.

Witnessing the exchange, Fen Xuan was filled with a sense of hopelessness. There was nothing she could do beside standing on the sideline and watched. The two fighting before her were on a completely different level.

Bai Lin bit her lips in pain, blood began spewing out of it. She had to keep dodging the relentless assault from Zhu Que and bided her time for an opening. Then it finally came, the spearhead grazed her cheek as she dodged a near fatal hit. Before Zhu Que could retract the spear, Bai Lin swiftly impaled her in the chest with two fingers, piercing her right lung. Black liquid began leaking out of the wound. No word needed to be said, Zhu Que immediately recognized it as poison. With no hesitation, the girl in red slashed the wound with her spear, the searing hot flame cauterized it instantly.

Bai Lin made an evil smile as she let out a mad chuckle.

"I pierced your lung, dear Zhu Que. A little flame won't be able to burn away all the poison. You're on borrowed time now fufufu..."

"I only need one more strike... sister."

Zhu Que took in a deep breath as started spinning the spear with both hand. A vortex began to form from the force of the spin, engulfing the two in a tornado of burning hell. Zhu Que's body was now completely engulfed in flame. The girl stepped forward, the footprints she left behind were charred black. She made a sprinted toward Bai Lin for a final assault.

Bai Lin knew this was a war of attrition. Sooner of later, Zhu Que would either succumb to poison or be devoured by her own flame. All she needed to do was biding her time. And yet, It was her who started get overwhelmed first. How was it even possible? Zhu Que should be the first one to fall, she thought. Then it hit her, every slash and thrust of Zhu Que's spear set the air around them ablaze. The toxin in the smoke was penetrating their bodies. In such environment, the physicality of the Zhu clan gave Zhu Que the upper hand.

Bai Lin grinded her teeth. There was no other choice, she thought. She had to make a decisive strike. Then the time came, the spear once again grazed past Bai Lin's head. The girl in black made a devious grin.

"You're way too easy to read, Zhu Que."

Before she could sent her fingers into Zhu Que's throat however. The girl immediately let go of the spear and lunged forward, giving Bai Lin an embrace.

"Twilight Embrace..." Zhu Que spoke softly.

Bai Lin let out a deafening scream as the scorching flame began to engulf her body, searing, burning her flesh. Bai Lin tried her best to get away, stabbing, clawing at Zhu Que to no avail. The girl in red only tightened her hold.

"This... is the end."

She then glanced at Fen Xuan on the side, who now had a face full of tears and let out a warm smile.

Suddenly, the two was forcefully separated by an outside force. It was the disciples of the Bai clan, they had come back to save their lady.

"La... Lady Bai Lin, are you ok? We had to retreat for now!!"

The disciples frantically hold the heavily injured Bai Lin. The young girl turned toward Zhu Que and Fen Xuan for one final remark.

"Fufufu... This isn't over... I will return... and I will make you suffer... like I did, Fen Xuan..."

Bai Lin and the group of Bai clan disciples quickly disappeared into the tree lines. Fen Xuan snapped back to her sense when she realized Zhu Que was still lying on the ground in critical condition. Fen Xuan held her senior sister in her hand, her face was filled with tears and desperation.

"Sta.. stay with me, sister Zhu Que!! You have to hold on. Help will arrive soon."

Fen Xuan grabbed Zhu Que by the hand as the girl's breathing started getting weaker and weaker. The scene began to turn blurry...


"Hah... Hah..."

Fen Xuan woke up, her hand was gripping her chest tightly. Sweat was dripping down her body like a waterfall. She got up and put a hand on her head, seemingly still dizzy.

"That was... a dream." She said with a tint of sadness in her voice.

She looked around her surrounding, she started to remember what happened.

"This is... the wagon of the travelling merchants. So we did escape from Língzhi and the Jade Knight after all."

A small smile appeared on her face.

"Hm... I guess I'll have to thank Zheng Fei later."

As she was about to get up, her hand touched something under the blanket. Fen Xuan quickly threw it to the side. What lying under the blanket was a half-naked Zheng Fei, sound asleep and snoring without a care in the world.

Fen Xuan's face began to turn red as she let out a large scream.