Chapter 27

As the Silver Fangs made their way back through the aftermath of the battle, they exchanged nods and greetings with the clean-up crew who were diligently working to restore the dungeon to its previous state. Amelia's smile radiated with pride as she addressed her team.

"Okay, team, well done. Let's leave," she said, her voice filled with satisfaction.

The group followed Amelia, walking through the filth and remnants of the battle, their bodies weary but their spirits high. As they continued their journey, Amelia took a moment to address the team regarding their payment for the dungeon raid.

"Within 2-3 working days, your payment for this dungeon will be in your checking accounts, bar James. You will all be receiving $5,000," Amelia announced, her tone conveying a sense of reward.

Ray's curiosity got the better of him as he heard the sum mentioned. He couldn't help but wonder about the source of such wealth.

"Where does so much money come from?" Ray asked, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity.

Amelia's expression shifted, a mix of surprise and amusement crossing her face. She slapped her forehead lightly, realizing that Ray was new to the world of higher-level dungeon raids.

"I forgot; this is your first higher-level dungeon raid," she replied, her tone apologetic. "Dungeons at D rank and above are more valuable. The crystals found within these dungeons are richer in mana, and the quality of the monsters is higher. There is also a chance for a monster to condense a beast core, which has various uses to the government and various companies for research, armour, and weapons."

Ray nodded, absorbing the information. It was a whole new world opening up before him.

"So, most of the money comes from the government and these companies?" Ray asked, seeking further clarification.

Amelia nodded, confirming his assumption. "Yes, we sell these valuable resources to the Hunter's Association, who buy them from us. They, in turn, sell what they don't want or need to other companies. The government pays very well for anything they find useful. In higher dungeons, they even auction off the valuable items and give you a percentage of the sale price."

Felix couldn't contain his excitement as he interjected, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"We'll be making a lot more money when we become B-rank hunters," he exclaimed, rubbing his hands together in glee.

Soon they had left the dungeon and were back at Silver Fang headquarters.

As Ray was about to go home, Amelia stopped him.

"Well done Ray, you did better than I thought you would and you gelled really well with the team." Amelia commended "We have another raid a week from now, D rank. By then, I will have your Silver Fang uniform that you can wear whenever and wherever you want. Be prepared for being on the news, as a Silver Fang core member, you're going to become famous sooner rather than later".

Amelia pats him on the shoulder before disappearing into an elevator. Ray left the building and stood in the bustling streets of the city, surrounded by the sounds of honking cars and hurried pedestrians. As he pondered his next move, a voice called out to him from across the street.

"Ray! Ray, over here!" It Jessica.

Ray turned his head towards the familiar voice and spotted Jessica waving enthusiastically from the other side of the street. A smile spread across his face as he made his way through the crowd to join her.

"Hey, Jessica! What brings you here?" Ray asked, curiosity evident in his tone.

Jessica grinned, her eyes shining with excitement. "I heard about your recent dungeon raid and the defeat of the thunderbird. That was quite the accomplishment, Ray. The news is spreading like wildfire among the hunter community."

Ray chuckled, feeling a mix of pride and disbelief. "I guess word travels fast. It was a team effort, though. I couldn't have done it without the support of the Silver Fangs."

Jessica nodded, acknowledging the importance of teamwork. "That's true, but you played a significant role in that victory, you talk of the Silver Fangs as if you aren't one yourself and people are taking notice. Your skills as a hunter are impressive, Ray."

A sense of gratitude swelled within Ray as he appreciated Jessica's praise. It was heart warming to see that his efforts were being recognized by others in the hunter community.

"So, what brings you here today?" Ray asked, shifting the conversation back to Jessica.

She smirked mischievously. "Well, I heard that you'll be getting your Silver Fang uniform soon, and I thought maybe, just maybe I'll buy you some food. How about we grab a bite to eat and toast to your success?"

Ray's face lit up with a wide grin. "I could eat. Lead the way!"

Together, Ray and Jessica navigated through the busy streets until they arrived at a cosy restaurant known for its delicious food and welcoming atmosphere. They found a quiet corner and settled into a booth, ready to enjoy their meal and share stories of their experiences as hunters.