ASHLEY'S APOLOGY: Unspoken Tensions

Standing before her boss, Anne spoke politely to Richmond, "Sir, should I get your usual or would you like to take something different today?"

Richmond stared at the document on top of the desk as if it was of great importance to him. He took his time while Anne was standing, gazing at him with an awkward expression. "Sir?"

Richmond raised a finger up, signaling her to keep quiet. "I am still thinking of what to eat," he spoke solemnly.

Anne dutifully stood as Richmond contemplated. But unknown to Anne, Richmond was purposely stalling, secretively inhaling her scent. When it seemed he had made her stand for so long.

Finally, he raised his head, "I want you to get my usual."

Anne's patience wavered as she stared at her insufferable boss. Richmond's indecisiveness grated on her nerves. Why summon her to his office just to order the usual? She couldn't shake off the frustration building within her.