Damage Control

June paused, his posture becoming rigid. Again, he didn't know the full story behind Choi Joon-ho's death, but Fu told him that the timid trainee killed himself after years of struggling. 

"But that doesn't seem to be the case, right?" Hana said, her voice filled with relief. "Because you're standing in front of me right now."

June stiffly nodded. 

"Anyway, that was just a rumor I heard because nobody seemed to know where you were. I also tried searching for you on SNS but failed to do so. In the end, I hoped you went out of the radar to live a more peaceful life. I never expected that you'd continue pursuing the idol dream." 

"Is that all you know?" June asked. 

She nodded. "Again, I didn't keep up with Pheonix anymore because of all the bad memories I've incurred, but I'm assuming it didn't get any better. CHAOS debuted with people I didn't even know."