Chapter 83 - Two Seniors


Aiden and Flynn stopped jumping between the branches when they heard Derek's name being called.

They stared at each other, wondering if they had mistaken the name being called for another name that sounded quite similar but once again, they heard the female voice call out to him again, this time with a bit more frustration in her voice.


Confirming they weren't having auditory hallucinations, both brothers decided to take a short detour and head over to where the voice was coming from out of sheer curiosity.

Upon getting there, they were met with a comical sight.

Between two of the many ancient tall trees that made up most of the whispering grove was a hammock rocking back and forth, Derek comfortably lying in it with his palms placed behind his head and his legs crossed.

Just beneath him was a lady with waist long blonde hair whose face Flynn and Aiden couldn't get a look at.