Chapter 85 - Novier

A man's hand was sticking out and emerging like the mythical Excalibur, out of a treasure trove of cluttered antique goods while the fingers which were adorned with various trinkets were wiggling, almost as if requesting for aid to get out of the weird situation he was presently in.

"What the hell…" Aiden softly muttered in bewilderment.

As if a trinket adorned hand sticking out of a pile of antique goods wasn't enough, the store itself seemed to have been hit by a small earthquake.

Every single shelf containing various antique goods were on the floor and Flynn and Aiden couldn't help but wonder if they had stepped into the wrong store.

The sight before them seemed more horrific the more they kept staring at it, partly due to how the blinds were still closed and no light source was spilling into the store despite it being mid-morning.

"P…leas..e he..lp…" the voice of the hand eerily spoke between gasps of air.