Chapter 94 - Pinballs

"Sunday was weird!" Aiden declared in the late morning classroom full of cadets. 

The only people hearing his declaration though were Caroline, Adrian and Ivar who were seated in the same long chair as he was.

"You're just realizing?" Ivar sarcastically asked.

"Monday was even weirder!" he declared once again, a beaming smile on his face.

"Again, are you just realizing that?!" Adrian was the one to respond this time with a deadpan expression.

"The last two days have been freaking weird!!!" he declared even louder this time, startling a few of the cadets in the class who were having conversations of their own.

"And I still wonder how we even managed to get by?!" Aiden stated, completely enamored by the state of liveliness he was in.


"Well, I think we can all agree that we much prefer the bubbly state you're currently in anyway" Adrian replied with a sigh this time.