Chapter 108 - A Valkyrie & A Time Lord

-Trinnnggg… !!!

The loud bell rang through the entire expanse of the Arcana Academy's campus, signifying the end of another hectic school day of for all cadets, instructors and staffs alike.

Immediately this happened, all the cadets rushed out of their classes like an uncontrolled swarm of bees, each and every single one of them divided into three groups.

Those that wanted to head straight to their dorms and get a much needed rest, those that wanted to head to Section Three and explore the various districts in accordance to the things they needed to do and finally, the study bees who decided to head to the academy's library, intent on furthering their knowledge even after the many classes they had in one day.

The instructors and staffs on the other hand, were more relaxed and coordinated about the whole thing and often times, would wait for the initial surge of cadets to leave before casually taking their own leave.