Chapter 130 - Auction Events II

(Two days ago…)

Flynn, after finding out about the Eclipsian Prism's involvement in their group quest, had spoken to Aiden regarding an interesting idea he had about what they could do.

After listening to his brother's downright excellent idea, they then also presented the idea to the other youths, whom after also listening to it, believed it was a truly excellent plan.

The next day though, very early in the morning, all the cadets assigned to various group quests, instantly began to do the preliminary requirements. 

Aiden and Flynn's group, Team X, was also of no exception to this.

After also being provided with the outfits and cars by the academy, all of which they would use to blend in into the auction, just like the way other cadets were provided with their own necessary equipment for their own quest, immediately began scouting out of the surrounding areas of The Spina De-La Roas.