Chapter 168 - Inferno Dragons

Enormous jagged wings flapping with radiating bursts of heat waves.

Scales black like obsidian, yet burnt, like smoldering flames beneath the ashes.

Eyes blazing with a red, infernal light of primal ferociousness.

Those were the massive creatures Anna, Frank, Ivelia, Caroline and Ivar rushed out of the mansion to witness.

"What in the name of mana is that…" Anna couldn't help but mutter in trepidation, a chill running through her spine, same as it did through Frank's and the youngsters.

And yet, they were not the only ones to witness it as the workers around the mansion, watched the few dozen dragons littering the sky with terrified expressions painting their faces.

"What are those…"

"That's not a fissure monster, is it?"

"Why's the sky suddenly red?!"

The scorching heat waves from the dragons unfortunately, only served to horrify them even more as it felt like they were being barbecued alive.