Chapter 173 - Flash Freeze

Frank's eyes jolted open in an instant… only to witness a boundless, infinite darkness before him again.

The only source of light in the current place he had been in for the past month now, were the five golden chains that were tying him down to what seemed to be the black void itself.

And unfortunately, he was not the only individual here.

Just beside him, similarly chained down like he was, was a young maid of the Belmont Family whom was out cold.

'I hope she's still alive…' the Butler silently prayed, a worried expression on his aged features.

'Where exactly, am I?'

'And what is this place?'

These were the same questions Frank had been asking himself every time he woke up to the void, all whilst trying to adjust his gaze to the surroundings in an effort to see clearly.

Not that it helped as everywhere was still pitch-black.