Chapter 176 - Pleasure To Meet You

"The reason for that…" Morrigan began.

"Happened about a month ago…" she dropped her cup of tea onto the table and then continued;

"The Obelisk Arms, in previous iterations, weren't exactly regulated. They were way too chaotic and unpredictable. Often came up with some very destructive plans"

"What do you mean by reiterations?" the Duchess immediately questioned instead with slightly furrowed eyebrows, one that the others in the rooms shared.

"Oh. I guess they might have not informed you just yet" Morrigan mused out loud, her finger lightly tapping her lips.

"Well, simply put, Arcanora is going through its last reset before the invasion of the Demon Kin" the Valkyrie explained casually, sending every other individual's thoughts in the room asides her sisters into a state of disarray.

"And in all the past resets, Arcanora, unfortunately, loses to them" Morrigan continued, unperturbed by their shocked expressions.