Chapter 178 - Prelude, Amael's Request

Staring at the dark red cracks in the sky, the vast expanse of it painted in an eerie shade of reddish hue as the grotesque-looking creatures came out of it and populated it, Xavier glanced over to see his elder brother staring at it with a pretty casual expression.

The young adult, wondered what was going through his mind but decided not to question as he needed his own entire concentration to maintain the spell he was casting.

Presently, the Valkyries were going at the dastardly creatures on full throttle, obliterating as much of them as they could within the confines of what their physical abilities allowed.

'This truly is a suicidal shithole I've dug myself into…' Amael on the other hand internally sighed, although his outward expression was as calm as the undulating waves of the sea.