Ryan Spencer

June's POV

After our first date, Xander and I became really close. We went on many other dates, we visited the park often, the beach, aquarium and other amazing site seeing views in the city even after we resumed from the short break. We would at times make it a double date with Luen and Luka tagging along; It was our best days. Christmas is getting closer and we intended to buy a few stuffs for the holiday.

On our hangout in the mall, we encountered something different than usual. The four of us strolled through the mall picking out what we wanted while chatting and making silly jokes with each other.

When we got to the female section, Luen and I started looking for what would catch our attention as we didn't have what we wanted in particular which was funny. Aside from the fact that we really wanted to buy something, our coming to the mall could have been classified as pure window shopping.

"Xan!" we heard a voice calling making us turn to the source of the voice. On looking, I saw a very pretty girl walking towards the boys who had looked up when the name was called. She looked really sophisticated and with that smile on her face, I'm sure even a girl would be drooling. In all, she was a stunner.

Seeing her walking towards the boys, I wondered what her relationship with them or Xander could be. 'Xan', that sounds rather too intimate. I was dragged out of wonder land when I saw her hugging Xander.

"Hey Xan, it's been a while since I last saw you." she said excitedly while hugging Xander before releasing him from the hug.

"Luka! how have you been? You've grown taller and more handsome now I see." she said with a huge grin plastered across her face.

"Hey! I was never short, I was always tall and handsome." Luka retorted in an instant. "Thank you for the compliment by the way, you've become more of a stunner yourself." He said with a smile.

"Right?" she said excitedly in an 'as a matter of fact' tone.

I noticed a slight frown on Luen's face after Luka said that. Geez, this girl is so jealous. Gosh.

"Xan, how have you been?" She asked with a smile while facing him. I turned to look at him when she asked.

Oh Xander, I just realized he haven't been responding and the frown on his face was obvious but he tried to cover it when she looked at him. Wasn't he happy to see her?

Xander POV

Seeing Ryan here is a big surprise on its own. She's been out of the country for five years now and I can see she haven't changed a bit still the proud brat her parents or should I say father brought her up to be. I wonder if she still has a thing for me. Ryan, Luka, Mitch and I grew up together, we were all close and treated Ryan like a sister which none of us had. When we were 13, Ryan would always pester me. I knew she liked me but I only saw her as a little sister and I also liked someone else. When they left the next year, I was so glad. Right now, apart from the fact that she's still spoilt and proud, I don't think she still likes me. Seems 5 years was enough to kill whatever feeling she had for me. When she asked if I was okay, I pushed away all my thoughts hiding the frown which I knew I had on my face before now.

"I've been okay I guess. How was Australia, when did you get back?" I asked coolly.

" I arrived 2 days ago and Australia was great. I have a lot to tell you guys, we should hang out later." she said with an excited expression.

"Okay." I said with a slight smile making her smile grow. Noticing the two ladies who had been standing close,

"Are they with you guys?" she asked to which I nodded.

"Oops! sorry I didn't mean to be rude. I'm Ryan, Ryan Spencer a friend of these two and you are?" she asked June who seemed a little stunned at the fact that she was talking to her

"Oh! I'm June, June Evans and this is my best friend Luen Chan."

"Who also happens to be my girlfriend." I heard Luka say with a stupid grin on his face.

"Ohh! little mouse has a girlfriend. Now that's interesting." she said with a smirk. These two always love to tease each other. She calls him little mouse because he is younger than her. He hates it and it pleases her. "Hello!" she said to Luen with a little wave to which Luen gave a little smile. Turning to June, she stretched her hands out for a shake.

"Nice to meet you " she said with a smile. June shook her hands saying.

"You too."

"Okay, I'll leave now so I don't disturb your outing. Xan I'll call you later. Bye guys." she said with a smile and a wave before walking away to meet someone whom I assume is her friend. Seems she also matured in the past 5 years. We said bye to her at the same time before going on to pick out what we needed.

June's POV

After shopping, we all left for the parking lot

"You've become more of a stunner yourself." I heard Luen mimicking Luka. Really, this girl has a big jealousy issue. Was she meditating on the statement? This girl. I shook my head with a little smile tugging at my lips.

"What else was I supposed to say " Luka said scratching his head. it's not like he lying though.

"Bla bla bla." I heard both of them bicker while I walked over to where Xander and the car was.

"Hey! what's up?" I asked. Turning to see me,

"Oh! it's nothing, just waiting for you guys." he said.

Facing upwards before looking at him,

"Your friend is really nice and she's also pretty." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, she has always been that beautiful. Her mum also, I guess its like a family gene or something." he said nonchalantly.

"How long have you known each other?" I probed.

"Since little, probably just like Luen and you. She left 5 years ago and it was really a surprise seeing her again." he said with a little smile.

"Ohh! that's nice." pausing a little "why did you have a frown when you saw her?" he froze a little when he heard my question.

"You saw that? Seems I didn't hide that well." he said laughing awkwardly.

"Well.., I was thinking causing the frown to appear." I stayed silent as I knew he wasn't done talking. He leaned closer to the car as he continued.

"When we were little, she had a crush on me but I only saw her as my little sister and I also liked someone then also. So I was making sure her feelings for me were gone and well I think they are."

Ohh! Now I get the gist, I felt a little hostility coming from her when we shook hands. Guess that wasn't just female instinct and he seems not to have noticed. Well, she hid it really nice.

"Hey look."

"Uhm." I replied snapping back to reality.

"Ryan is just a friend and she will always be" Xander explained.

I didn't know why he was explaining himself to me but that made me happy.

"Why are you explaining yourself? It's okay, no biggie." I said shrugging slightly with a smile.

After we left the mall, Xander dropped off Luka before sending Luen and I home. We were having a sleepover. When we got to my house, I waved him goodbye and turned to go in.

"June." I turned after hearing my name while given the 'yes face'. Scratching his head,

"I want to ask you something." he said.

"Okay." I said giving my full attention. I looked at Luen and she went in before I did.

"Did you have a nice time?" I wondered why he was asking but I figured he was trying to stall a little so I just went with the flow.

"Yeah, I sure did have a nice time. It was different from the other days when we went out." I said with a smile. We stayed silent for some minutes and he looked like he wanted to say something more but just didn't know how to. He opened his mouth and shut it a few times.

"Is anything the matter, you look restless." I said pointing out his state which I believe he was aware of.

"All is good just....." he seemed to be contemplating or processing his words. After what seemed like an additional five minutes, he finally spoke up.

"I've been..," he breathed a little and cleared his throat before continuing "seeing that we've been going out lately and our relationship have improved, I was thinking," he ruffled his hair scattering it in the process, "Oh my God, how do I say this". He palmed his face while I was looking all confused and expectant. Taking his hands away from his face,

"Umm, I want to ask, uhm will you be my girlfriend? He asked in a rushed tone.