A New Student

Ryan's POV

I returned to my bedroom after dinner and I'm so excited that dad agreed to my request. I'm already getting butterflies in my tummy thinking about I and Xan spending so much time together. It wasn't long since I dropped the call when I heard someone knock at my door. Arching my brows, I was about to ask who it was when the familiar voice floated in.

"Sweetie can I come in?" Dad knocked.

"Sure dad." I respond from inside the room as I walked towards the walk-in closet.

"Alright." Dad said. I heard the sound of the door opening as dad stepped into the room. Shutting the door behind him, he walked towards my makeup chair and sat down.

Coming out of the closet pajamas on and a hair dryer in hand,

"So…." I started.

"So…." Dad responded eyes darting around the room.

" You need something dad?" I asked to which he raised his head, his gaze focusing on me before saying,

"I just came to check up on you Rye. How's my princess doing?" he asked.

"I'm alright. Just happy to resume school and spend more time with Xander.....and Luka too." I completed my statement to avoid suspicions.

Dad doesn't need to know that the reason I want to start schooling at Kensington is to spend time with a boy and possibly make his current girlfriend disappear…. but that's only if she doesn't want to give up on Xander.

"Ahh yes, Alexander and Luka. It's been a while since I've seen the boys. The three of you used to be so close before we moved." dad spoke fondly of them.

"Oh by the way, did you see them at school? Your mum said you went to Kensington today." Did mum need to give out that information?

"Yeah, I did and guess what dad?" I asked. "What?" Dad asked with rapt attention almost as though he was hunting for some gossip. Chuckling,

"Luka has a girlfriend." I said to dad grinning.

"Really?" Dad asked obviously in shock and disbelief. I nodded showing him that I was telling the truth.

"Wow that is so unexpected. You know if anything I assumed Alexander would have a girlfriend first with the multitude of girls surrounding him every time." Dad said laughing not noticing the change in my expression.

"Well anyways go to bed now. You're resuming school tomorrow." he continued.

"What!! tomorrow?" I asked clearly astonished. When I said we have connections and money, I was expecting to begin the following week not tomorrow.

"Yup. I spoke to the principal and she said you can start tomorrow. Though it's a bit unconventional for you to resume school Mid November but I'm sure my smart princess will catch up."

"Yes dad, I will." I said happy with a proud smile on my face.

"I know you will pumpkin." Dad said as he kissed my cheeks

"Goodnight sweetie."

"Goodnight dad." And just like that operation 'eliminate black haired, blue eyed freak' is a go. I turned off my bed lamp and drifted off to sleep.

Xander's POV

Today feels like a good day. I'm feeling extra giddy and excited. I guess I'm just happy that June is finally my girlfriend. Dreams do come true.

"Someone looks happy." I heard my mum's voice from behind me. Turning to face her,

"I always look happy mum." I scoffed as I peeked her in greeting.

"You.." mum said and started laughing. "You always look hungover and depressed."

I just rolled my eyes at her and carried my lunch from the counter. I'm not a breakfast kind of guy and mum has a lot to say about that.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day Alex…you have to eat breakfast in order to have energy for the day." She used to always say but I guess I frustrated her enough and she made sure I always had lunch tagging along. Honestly, it just makes me tired and heavy.

"By the way, where's dad?" I inquired of my old man whom I haven't seen in days.

"Oh he didn't come home yesterday. He said something about a work emergency that came up last night."

"Hmm have you heard from him this morning?" I asked

"Yeah, why?" Mum asked looking at me.

"Oh nothing just making sure he's alright." "Alright then. Run along now or you'll be late for school."

"Okie, bye mum." I kissed her cheeks.

"Bye Alex." She kissed my cheeks back and I walked towards the door, took my car keys that hung on the wall, entered my car and drove to school.

The drive to school was pretty short and immediately I parked my car, I saw June and Luen talking. June had this really pretty smile on her face I couldn't help but fall in love with her more. Damn, I feel like a 13 year old girl.

"Sup nerd." I teased her. She squinted at me as though she would rip my heart out any time soon.

"I'm joking. Sup babe." I grinned at her and gave her a light peek.

"Sup babe." she said mimicking me.

"Hey Luen." I got no response because she was on her phone, probably talking with Luka. "Luen!!" June startled me by screaming Luen's name…. She startled Luen too.

"Welcome back." I heard her say to Luen with a smile on her face. Gosh, calm after the storm. I thought it was the other way round. "Whattt, why are you screaming my name like that. It's a really easy way to give me a heart attack. Are you tired of me already? You know you can't get rid of me that easily." She said grinning while rubbing her chest dramatically. Rolling her eyes at what Luen said,

"Shush. We're almost late for Mrs Heathers class and you know how snappy she gets." June reminded. Finally noticing my presence,

"Hey Alex, when did you get here?" Is love blind or does it make people blind? I've been standing here for a while now and this grimlin didn't even notice me. Sigh, if not that others could see me, I would have thought myself invisible.

"I've been standing here for hours now." I said with a mocking smile.

"Hours?" She asked looking as if I were a fool.

"Mmhmm, but you were too busy to notice." I said with a smile clearly mocking her. She rolled her eyes as we all started walking towards our class. We took our seats and waited for Mrs Heather.

"Psst Juni." I called out to June but she didn't hear me so I threw my eraser at her. She turned back and glared at me.

"What is it Xander?" She asked glaring daggers.

"Come sit with me." I said with a smile on my face.

"No!" Ouch! I acted as though I was hurt badly. What kind of girlfriend doesn't want to seat together with her boyfriend huh? That's not fair.

"Pleaseeee." I pleaded giving her the best puppy eye I could muster, she arched her brows.

"You look constipated." She said and started laughing while Luen almost choked. Gosh, we're not even two weeks into our relationship and she's already so mean to me. I thought this is supposed to be the fairy tale stage.

Reality train hit me fast. I sighed and slouched in my chair looking as though the world has deserted me.

"Good morning class." Mrs Heather finally walked in making me sit upright.

"Pardon my tardiness, I had an impromptu meeting with the principal and we have a new student joining us."

New student? Mid november? Well that's dumb we're more than halfway through the semester. As a matter of fact, end of semester exams are around the corner. Whoever this new kid is, is either really smart or just in school for vibes. Soon a girl dressed in olive green cardigan, white cargo pants, white baseball hat and black and white sneakers walked in.

Curiosity bloomed within me. Just then she looked up and my heart dropped.


What the hell is she doing here? Shouldn't she be home schooled or something of that sort? Oh God. I should have known something was wrong with today. I woke up happy and energetic.

"Yo, are you seeing this?" I tapped Luka…. where's Luka?