Strange realisations


  By the time we were done doing everything, it was midnight. We called to tell our parents we were here earlier and they didn't have a problem with it, they never do. Instead they told us to take our time and have fun. Perks of having parents that are best friends I guess. Me and Sofie were laying down on the sand, watching the stars. The towel had been long gone, since we both agreed towels are overrated. "Hey look, there's the Orion." Sofie said pointing at a pattern of stars. She was an astronomy geek. She absolutely loved stars and found them romantic. I never did, they always seemed what they were to me, pockets of dust. I didn't care though. When I am with Sofie, they are what she wants them to be. "Yeah, the Orange, oh my God." I said sarcastically and Sofie hit me. "Kidding kidding." I snickered. We were talking when suddenly "Wildest Dreams" by Taylor Swift started playing. One more thing about me and Sofie, we both loved Taylor Swift. We both perked up at the sound of her song and started singing in sync. We both loved singing and had no problem doing it in front of each other. Sofie swayed around to the music while singing and I followed her lead. We harmonised on the part where Taylor said

"Say you'll remember me

Standing in a nice dress

Staring at the sunset, babe

Red lips and rosy cheeks

Say you'll see me again

Even if it's just in your wildest dreams, ah-ah, ha

Wildest dreams, ah-ah, ha"

I ended my part by kissing the back of Sofie's  hand. She smiled at me and I think my heart just melted. I'm too in love with her, shit.

  The next day went the same as usual. I stood in front of Sofie's house for a good 30 minutes before she actually came down. By her mercy, I was given the honour to drive this time. We parted our ways as the bell rang and went to class. Chemistry, Maths, French and a free period later it was time to go for lunch. I met up with Nathan and the others then sat down on our table. "Do you think it'll taste good if I mix ketchup with my pudding?" Aryan asked, genuinely curious. We all stared at him until he got the hint. "Got it." He said before concentrating on his food again. "Welp, that was weird." Nat said. "Nat, I need to talk to you." I stated. "Na uh. Not after you abandoned me in that dark and cold pool room alone to suffer." He whined. "Your dad literally owns that place. It's serious, please listen." I pleaded. "One condition. Beg me for it." I glared at Nathan until he voluntarily understood how serious I was. "Alright, spill baby boy, what is it?" Nat leaned back on his chair. "I think I'm in love with Sofie." I said, with horror. "Congratulations, you are officially the last person to know." Nat joked. "What?" I asked. "Everyone knows already. Its obvious from the way you look at her you know." Nathan stated as if it was an obvious fact. "Well dang, why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "Because you're supposed to know by yourself?" Nat answered. "Shit, what do I do now?" "Ask her to prom and shoot your shot."