Page 56-60

The day isn't saved though. An explosion rings out through the city. Spider-Woman perches on a nearby billboard and notices the police precinct is under attack just a few blocks away.

Spider-Woman wastes no time swinging over.


Scorpion, Prowler and Shocker attack the station. Officers fire upon Scorpion but she uses the armor on her tail to block the incoming fire. She marches forward and sweeps the officers aside using her tail.

Another officer rushes over to attack but gets impaled by her stinger and tossed aside.


Where is Captain Stacy?

Fire crackles around her.

Officer JEFFERSON DAVIS holds his gun close and turns the corner and aims at Scorpion.


You ain't getting him!

He shoots at Scorpion who lunges her stinger at the cop. But before the impact, Prowler grabs the stinger and jams it into the floor.


Not him...


I'll kill whoever I want!

Two webs stick to Scorpion and her stinger and Spider-Woman zips in through the window, drop kicking Scorpion in the face.


Try killing me.

Scorpion slowly stands back up.


I'd love to.

She launches her stinger at the hero, but she easily dodges. Quickly, Prowler leaps forward and slashes at Spider-Woman who dodges and counters with a swift kick.

Scorpion does not give up her assault, however. She shoots forward and smacks Spider-Woman with her tail. Spider-Woman collides with a pillar but quickly dodges Scorpion's follow up attack, webbing her face afterwards.

Shocker sneaks around the corner and primes a shockwave attack. Just before he fires, Jeff pistol whips him in the back of the head. Shocker puts his hand where Jeff hit and turns.

Jeff then punches Shocker with a left hook.


You are under arrest!


The hell I am!

Shocker stands and readies his attack again, but he is quickly yanked back by Spider-Woman who spins him around before throwing him at an attacking Scorpion.

Spider-Woman looks back at Jeff and nods. Her spider-sense triggers but she is unable to react to Prowler, who grabs her by the head and slams her to the ground. He punches her.

Jeff shoots the Prowler thrice, each bullet sparking as it hits his armor. Prowler slowly turns. The distraction was enough for Spider-Woman to punch Prowler and escape his grasp. She kicks him from a kip up and he falls down.

As Prowler attempts to recuperate, Spider-Woman jumps up and uses both web-shooters to web the floor beside Prowler and pull herself down, knocking herself and Prowler down to the floor below.

Spider-Woman zips out of the hole and dodges a downward stab from Scorpion. She webs the stinger to the ground, webs around the tail to Scorpion's right and uses two webs to pull herself toward the villain kicking her in the face.

Shocker manages to sneak in a blast which knocks over Spider-Woman. Jeff runs forward to fight but is smacked aside by Scorpion. Spider-Woman recovers and tries to attack Shocker. She is promptly smacked aside by Scorpion.

As she flies through the air, Prowler leaps out of the hole, grabs Spider-Woman by the throat and slams her down.


Sorry kid, you're just in the way.

Prowler punches her once, disorienting her. Shocker steps forward and fires a couple shock waves at the ceiling until it falls down and takes Spider-Woman down to the floor below.


Now for Osborn.

Scorpion, Shocker and Prowler exit the building quickly, leaving Spider-Woman buried under rubble.

Some time passes and Spider-Woman wakes up with a gasp. She panics as she searches for a way out but is completely stuck. Her eyes dart around the room frantically.


No, no, no, no... Not like this, please.

She tries to stand, but nothing moves. Her breathing becomes heavier. She begins to cry, scared and in pain.


Come on, Spider-Woman... Come on!

She tries pushing again, small progress but she collapses again and cries out in pain. Her breathing becomes more and more frantic every second she spends buried.

Lights appear far in front of her, searching.


Come on...

She places her hands against the rubble and gently pushes with everything she's got. Once there is enough space, she moves her leg to a kneel. She pushes again. Now in a squat, she starts lifting further. Eventually she is able to lift the debris above her head.

Her legs begin to tremble. Police notice her and stand in awe. She chucks the debris up and dives out of the way before it crashes back down. She catches her breath.


Freeze! Don't move!

Spider-Woman webs the door to the room and slams it shut before the cops can enter. Despite the pain, she zips up to the floor above.

Jeff approaches.


Hey, Spider-Woman, thanks for the help.


I failed...


What? No you didn't...


I didn't get them...


No, but you saved me.

Spider-Woman lunges forward and hugs Jeff.

JEFF (cont'd)

Hey, my son's a big fan. He'll appreciate me coming home today because of you.

Spider-Woman sniffles.

JEFF (cont'd)

It's not always about catching the bad guys...

Jeff rummages around his gear as Spider-Woman lets go of the hug.

JEFF (cont'd)

Here, this'll help.

He shows her an adrenaline needle and pokes it into her arm.

JEFF (cont'd)

Go, I'll tell 'em I didn't see you.


You're a good man...

Spider-Woman swings out of the building and clings to a wall, clutching her ribcage. She swings back through the city and yanks her rucksack off the wall by the hostage building.


Peter sits at his computer typing away a storm. A tap on his window gets his attention. He walks over and opens it.

Outside, Spider-Woman clings to the wall.


Oh, are you here for the things, here let me go grab 'em.

Peter walks back to his desk and Spider-Woman crawls into his room through the open window.

Peter opens his desk drawer and takes out the files.

PETER (cont'd)

My girlfriend said she could get you to take these.

Gwen takes off her mask and, before Peter can react, she embraces him with a tight hug.

Peter drops the files and hugs her back.

PETER (cont'd)



Not now, please.


Are you hurt? I can get you an ice-pack.


That'd be nice, Pete.

They let go of one another and Peter leaves. Gwen sets down her bag.

Peter heads downstairs, past a sleeping May on the couch, and takes an ice-pack from the freezer.

He walks back upstairs and opens his door, he backs away and looks aside to let Gwen finish changing.

GWEN (cont'd)

You can come back in.

Peter enters and hands Gwen the ice-pack. She puts it up her shirt onto her ribcage.


So you're...

Gwen sighs and sits down on Peter's bed. Her eyes begin to glisten.


I thought it would help you. I thought I could inspire you.


Inspire me to do what?