Pairs to Match

Barnaby had never laughed so much in his entire life. Watching the students panic over the announcement of the traditional Christmas ball, which took place during the Triwizard Tournament, and seeing them run around like headless chickens to find a partner and waddle like ducks to learn how to dance made him fall back onto the floor, laughing heartily during lunch in the Great Hall.

He didn't even care about the red-faced or offended looks from the students; their behavior was just too funny in the following weeks.

Ron, in particular, had shouted at Fleur Delacour, asking her to the ball in a particularly traumatic manner (which, of course, resulted in an obvious rejection). Barnaby felt more pity than laughter in this case. Young Weasley had gone completely pale when he realized what he'd done in front of everyone, needing his friends' support to avoid collapsing on the spot.

What was odd was that the veela charm should have been suppressed, so Barnaby could only blame Ron's hormones for his impulsiveness and lack of tact with women…

Though Ron didn't know what a hormone was.

To be honest, Barnaby thought Ron would eventually just ask Hermione out of laziness, though he knew for a fact that Krum had already beaten him to it.

As for Barnaby, he personally crafted not only his suit for the upcoming ball but also his father's and Tonks' dress, with the help of Sanshi, both for the more delicate embroidery and to have a feminine opinion to consult.

His personal suit was made from a special fabric of his own invention, created by processing the fur that Fluffy shed during his molting seasons, which happened twice a year, like most canines.

The cerberus fabric tuxedo gave off an appropriate level of elegance, with a strong presence due to how it fit tightly enough to highlight his (usually not-so-obvious) musculature. With a couple of small enchantments he requested from Flitwick and Snape, he could extend a cloak at will behind his back, which subtly billowed even in the absence of wind.

The shirt was made from scraps of millennial basilisk leather that he still had tucked away in a corner. For the cuffs, he crafted snowflake-shaped ice cufflinks that wouldn't melt, and around his neck, he wore a blood-red bow tie, matching his hair.

For his father, Barnaby had to resort to different materials, as he needed something larger and more resistant. In the end, troll leather was the chosen material, though he had to process it twice to make it look more elegant, ensure it didn't smell bad, and soften it enough to work with delicately for a satisfactory result.

He even used the occasion as an excuse to take his father to see his masterpiece over a weekend, claiming he had the materials in his other house. Luckily, he had considered the ceiling height during the design...

Oh, Hagrid was thrilled by how beautiful the place was. Even more so when he remembered how close it was to the Scamander family and their many exotic creatures. Barnaby almost had to hold him back to keep him from running over there.

Though Barnaby thought Newt could use a hand due to his age, they needed to go about things in order.

As for Tonks' dress, he decided to make something special and wove an off-the-shoulder gown using fabric made from unicorn tail hair that he still had stored in the cabin. He and his father had occasionally gathered the hair during visits to the Forbidden Forest, finding it on bushes and branches when they didn't need to sell it for a few extra Galleons.

Attached to the dress, he made a brooch for the chest with some feathers from the Abraxans he cared for, which they had kindly given him once they regained full health.

Pure white feathers that had fallen naturally, of course.

He just needed a few natural gemstones of the same color as Tonks' eyes, then shrink the one-meter-long feathers to arrange them beautifully, and… perfect!

He didn't even need to add any sparkles to the dress, as the unicorn tail hair emitted a gentle, graceful magic that contrasted perfectly with his dominant cerberus tuxedo, making them look like two perfectly matching pieces that complemented each other.

Oh, Barnaby also found a partner for his father, fearing he might end up thinking that taking Maxime as his date to the Christmas ball was a good idea (or his only option).

Had he ever mentioned that he didn't particularly like the headmistress of Beauxbatons?

Though it took him a bit of effort, and he had to place some severe restrictions and protections on her, he successfully convinced Alcina Dimitrescu to accompany his father that night.

With her height, she looked like a half-giant, though she was human. Well, she used to be, but she couldn't really be considered one anymore; otherwise, Barnaby would never have met her.

That had been a very confusing day for him...

The price? Allowing her and her beloved daughters free rein in Knockturn Alley for one entire night. Naturally, without leaving the area.

That hunting ground would suffice for them.

Now, Barnaby hesitated when Flitwick asked if he could sing the song he had used years ago to create his staff—the same song from that night by the Black Lake.

Curiously, that was also when he learned the dance steps he knew and later taught to Tonks after telling her about the Christmas ball.

It wasn't that Barnaby doubted the beauty of the song or his ability to sing it; it was just that the idea of performing in front of so many people made him a bit nervous. He was also slightly concerned about the possibility of people seeking him out later because of that song.

He was much more drawn to the idea of enjoying the special menu prepared by the kitchens, dancing to the music with Tonks, and forgetting everything for one night.

After thinking about it for several days, he decided to decline the request, though he felt bad when he saw the look of disappointment that Flitwick couldn't quite hide. He could only give in and promise to sing it on another occasion, one more private and with fewer people.

Flitwick's face immediately lit up like lightning as he shook Barnaby's hand and happily walked away, revealing that he had just tricked Barnaby into making that promise.

Never underestimate people because of their height, right?