A New Form


Am I... what am I? Julian, right? I'm Julian.

What is the truest component of a human? Is it the soul? the mind? I'm sure of it. My entire being is the soul. So am I truly "Julian"?

My memory is a bit... bad. I don't think I remember anything at all. But my body, calls to me. To it's original owner.

I looked down at my hands. Full of scars and tan. My clothes were similar to rags.

I laid on a tree, panting. What was I doing before this? Running away, I assume.

I stood up. There was a lake near by. I was feeling a bit thirsty, so I walked over toward it. There, I could see my reflection.

I looked about 13, with long, pastel green hair, green eyes with tan skin, and sharp ears that indicated me being an elf. I'm not sure how I know what an elf is. But, I just do.

I hadn't even noticed the straight and solemn face I had been making. Noticing it, I put on a smile. This seems a lot better.

"There you are, Tou! We've been looking for you!"

I turned around. A group of kids, surrounding one girl. She looked surprised to see me, with dark blue hair and black eyes. She must've been a human, since her ears weren't sharp, or anything like that.

"Tou... you're smiling."

"What's wrong with that?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing. It's nothing!" she smiled. The kids laughed and giggled. I didn't really understand her behavior. But, that wasn't important. Soon, I would depart, to find my body.