Julian vs Julian [1]

(Refer to Julian as Tou to avoid confusion.)

The wind was especially strong today. Julian's long black strands blew with the wind, falling to his shoulders.

His eyes were like precious rubies, crimson red and almost glowing. His gaze would make anyone feel serene and at peace.

His skin, although pale, was pleasant and clear. Smooth like a marble floor.

The pinnacle of beauty.

Or, at least, that's what he thinks.

Julian sighed.

"I suppose I'll go to the human continent. After I killed that scientist and his daughter, it's all been pretty boring." 

He yawned, stretching.

A magic circle appeared in the air.

Julian flinched.

"What the?-"

A strong gust of wind blew from the magic circle. It took Julian some strength to resist it.


Out of the magic circle, a person stepped out.

It was a tall, muscular man. He wore the skull of some kind of horned creature. His hair was blue and long, falling just a few inches below his shoulder.

"What the..."

"It's you, isn't it?" Tou asked blankly.

"What is this guy-"

Tou swiped his hand towards Julian's head. Narrowly, Julian avoided it.

"We're connected in some way. That's the reason the magic circle brought me to you."

"Don't tell me... you're the original owner of this body, huh? You managed to survive?"

Tou unwrapped the rope that had been holding his sword. It was a large one, made out of bone. Despite this, it appeared sharp and durable.

Tou gripped his sword tightly.

"I'll be taking back my body. That Sten bastard, or whatever his name is, will probably be able to help me."

Julian unsheathed his sword, holding his scabbard in his other hand.

[Cast: Perfect Enhance]

A red energy surrounded Julian, encompassing him.

[Cast: Perfect Flashstep]

He moved from side to side with extreme speed, and no faults in his movement. It was hard to track.

Is he left?

No, surely right.

In front?


Tou turned around quickly, grabbing Julian in the middle of his movement. He threw Julian up into the air.


He closed one eye, and winded his arm back, holding his sword like a spear.


He broke the sound barrier.

"That was... loud."

The sword flew into the air.

"That was a little too... slow."

. . .

. .


Julian caught the sword as it came to him. It was slow.

"Does he think he can get me with an attack like-"

Julian was struck in the chin, with a... foot?

Tou grabbed Julian by the hair, throwing him into the ground.

. . .

. .


Julian groaned, slowly getting up from the crater on the floor. His ribs were broken, along with his left arm.

[Cast: Perfect Regeneration]

"This is... dangerous. I have to get my disciples!"

Julian began to run. Tou landed behind him and started chasing him.