

Before I knew it, I appeared in a forest. In front of me, lying a carcass of a former… camp, perhaps? It looked familiar.

"I didn't think I would see you here, Julian."

My ear perked up, to the familiar voice. I turned around. It was Elyse. She smiled, so faintly. More with her cheeks than anything.

"E-Elyse?" I stammered, the words coming out of my mouth, like a barrage. Her smirk grew, but it was still faint.

"It's definitely you, Julian," she spoke with a reassuring tone. Was she reassuring me, or herself?

But something was strange.

"Elyse, you aren't surprised or anything? That I'm alive." I asked.

"Oscar told me. He told Ailen and Veind as well."

"Eh? I haven't thought about those three in some time…"

Elyse sat down on one of the fences. I sat next to her, keeping my distance. I was still a little nervous, after what happened with our last encounter.

It was strange, though. She looked so… unbothered.

"Oscar's some kind of military general, up in the north. Ailen and Veind work for the saint, now. They're all getting an education."

"What about you, Elyse?" I asked. She was silent for a bit.

"What about me?"

"I mean, what's life looking like for you right now?"

"… Hm. Well, I'm… not sure. I'm gonna try and find a school to go to soon."

"I see."

"It's your turn. What's been happening, Julian?"

I paused for a second, as well. Trying to think of everything that's happened.

"I've had a spiritual awakening of the sort."

She looked at me funny.

"I see."

We both got quiet, and the mood changed. Perhaps, this was the time to strike?

"I'm sorry for getting your hopes up."


Did she read my mind?

I pretended not to know what she was talking about. But I knew.

"It's nothing. Say, are there any girls you've had your eye on?" she quickly changed the subject.

Could you have made it more obvious?

Here I was, waiting for you. For no reason.

Though, it's not like any girls were coming up to me anyway.

"No. I'm just focused on studying."

"Hm. Well, I hope I can see you again, Julian."

She hopped off the fence and turned to face me.

"Who gave you that necklace?"

A beautiful purple necklace, decorated in intricate designs. It hung over her simple white shirt, though slightly beneath the grey coat hanging over her shoulders. Too large to be hers.

"A friend of mine."

"Ah. Well. I guess this is our goodbyes."

"Right. Safe travels."

She dashed away.

Damn it.

Was there any way I could've saved our relationship?

Even in the slightest?


All that chatting with Elyse made me forget what happened.


Sten gave me back my body, and erased my memories. Damn it, older me! I could've been so strong!