Who is this guy?


At first glance, I thought this scrawny kid was an easy target. I saw him from outside the store, so I got Reggis, Matheo, and the boys, to get some money out of him.

To my complete and total surprise, the "scrawny" boy fought off everyone. I stared in awe.

He looked at me, his hair all frizzed up and a little tan. He wiped his lip.

"What're you looking at?" his voice appeared to be cold and grim, despite having a little squeak to it. Was this guy younger than me?

"N-Nothing?" I responded, my voice being a little shaky. Usually, I would've smacked a younger boy for their insolence. But there's no way.

His demeanor was... animalistic. He perched on four legs.

"Do you think making no noise will stop me from seeing you?" he said, suddenly. As if he read my mind.

"Th-that's not-"

"Treat me. For food. Then I'll forgive you."




If you were to ask me how I got into this situation, I definitely wouldn't disclose anything. It's far too embarrassing.

I lured a kid to try and rob him, then failed. Now, I have to treat him for lunch.

"What're you gonna order?" I said, noticing him intently reading the menu. He reminds me of a little kid, a little bit. 

Well, not really. A... lion cub. No. I'm not sure. I can't put it into words.

"I'm gonna get...the most expensive steak."


"No vegetables? You don't want any vegetables with it?"

He looked at me as if I was disgusting.

"No... no vegetables."

The way he sat was peculiar. It was clear that he wasn't a demi-human, but he acted like an animal. He sat in the chair with his feet on the seat. 

His appearance was a bit wild, as well. The effects of the lightning had worn off, but his hair was still all over the place, long (longer than any boy I've seen) and messy.

When the waiter came by, she definitely noticed it as well. The subtle look on her face that said, "Blink twice if you need help." I should've blinked twice and got out of this sorry situation.

But, I didn't.

"How how is it?" I leaned on my hand, observing the kid.

Well... he's not a kid. He's younger than me, but not a kid. He's strange.

Is it his mannerisms? He eats with no fork or knife, but he struggles to tear through the meat. Is he challenging himself?

"It's good. I haven't eaten this in forever!" he exclaimed. Thankfully, there weren't too many people in the restaurant to hear his yelling.

"You act as if you haven't eaten your whole life."

"It's been a while since I've eaten."

"How long?"

"I'm not sure. But, anyway, that robbery you guys attempted on me really brought me back to memory lane."

I was a little embarrassed by him mentioning the failed thievery. But, at the same time, I was confused.

"Ah, right. I heard you saying that you were feeling... reminiscent?" 

"Yeah. When I first came to this kingdom, I got robbed by these two kids. Then, later on, I ended up sacrificing my life for them."

"How are you still alive?"

"I'm not sure, either. At times, I'm really lucky."

"... You should tell me some more stories. About your life, that is."

"Well, I was enslaved for a while. Though, I don't... remember much, exactly."

"What do you mean you don't remember much?"

"Like... I don't remember. I can try my hardest, but I feel like something is missing."

"I see... Well, tell me stories that you do know."

For some odd reason, I was becoming strangely invested in this guy.

"Y'know, I met the grim reaper once."

"The... grim reaper?"

"Yup. I've met him... 3 times, I think?"

I listened to his ramblings for quite a bit of time.


