The Gist

"Please c-calm down! I'm not here to fight you! I don't have any idea what you're talking about!"

Eudora's expression of determination and slight anger slowly dissipated, changing to one of confusion, along with Julian's prior expression. From the looks of it, Julian was not lying.

'Then what happened?'

"There's no way a child like you could dispel [Pride]?"

"Who is [Pride]? What are you even talking about?" 

Eudora let out a loud sigh. 

"Do you not... remember anything?"

"Not a lot... Most of my memory was wiped."

For some reason, Julian felt comfortable speaking to this classmate about all the strange things that had happened to him while he was gone.

Eudora walked over to the rooftop's fences, gazing upon the horizon.

"I feel as if you would be important in the future since me and [Pride] were both trying to get you."


"There are 7 sins. I'm sure you know all of them by name. You must've gotten your body taken as a vessel by [Pride]."

"I see."

"Believe it or not, this is not just a fairytale- huh?"

"I said, I see."

"You aren't... doubting me? The existence of sins in this world not being a fairytale, a mere fantasy?"

"A fantasy? To me, everything is a fantasy."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just go on."

"... Okay. A long time ago, the Sin Retainer of [Gluttony] killed my sister."

"Sin Retainers...?"

"Someone who... holds the will of sin."

"Are you a sin retainer?"

"Yes, something like that. People like [Pride], however, are the purest form of sin, I believe. So pure they become the sin themselves. They lost their physical body. That's how they were able to take over your vessel."

"I... see."

"Like I was saying, the Sin Retainer of [Gluttony] killed my sister. In retaliation, with the help of someone strong, I got my vengeance."

"Right... right..."

"While doing that, the Sin Retainer of [Greed] wanted to protect his fellow sin and came after me as well. I managed to defeat him."


"So, because of that, all the sins have been trying to come after me."

"May I ask... which sin retainer are you?"

"The Sin Retainer of [Envy]."

"Please, tell me as much as you can about these... [Sins]."

Eudora sighed, taking a seat, cross-leg.

"The sins were created from mankind, of course. The negative desires of all of us. Elves, humans, Demi-humans, everything."


"At some point, the demon progenitor manifested these desires into spirits of the sort. To enact his eternal will."

"His… eternal will?"

"Yes. When all of the sins are banded together, their strength reaches its peak. Once they're all together, many things could happen. The demon progenitor could be reborn, and all hell could break."

"Why hasn't something like that happened, then? I assume these sins have existed for a long time. It would be pretty easy for them to band together, no?"

"The only sin with the strongest ability to detect other sins from far range is the sin of [Gluttony]. And it's said that someone deals with that sin." 

"Hm. If sins exist to submit to. I guess, subconsciously submit to the eternal will of the demon progenitor, how were you able to kill another sin? And how do you fight against them?"

"It's because I'm one of the rare cases of a sin manifesting not through being passed down, I assume. Just like how [Pride] does his own thing, it is the same for me."

"So what happens when a sin dies?"

"The will of said sin will exit the body, and find a new vessel. Someone who intensely feels that sin."

"I'm starting to… understand everything now." 

Julian rubbed his chin, all while trying to recollect and piece together the information given to him. It was a bit confusing, to say the least. Learning so much all at once.

Eudora continued to look at Julian, noticing him in thought. She sighed.

"Since I've told you all of this, I guess you'll be suitable."


Julian shook his head, snapping back into reality. The sun was shining directly into Eudora's face. She stood up, while Julian was still seated on the rooftop floor.

She looked down at him.

"Suitable for what, if you don't mind me asking?" Julian raised one eyebrow, looking up at Eudora.

She stuck her hand out.

"Well, I can't tell you everything right now. But essentially, you'll help me. With saving the world."

'Did I miss something? What does she mean by saving the world?'


Julian, reluctantly took her hand. Not because he was agreeing to her deal, but because the rooftop floor was beginning to ache his butt.

Eudora pulled him up, grunting. Her feet scuffled a bit. Julian wasn't as heavy as she was making it seem.

"Saving the world! Ever since you got your body taken by the sin of [Pride], and the king of Anore died, I knew things were starting to set motion."


"It won't be long till all the sins unite. I can feel it."

"What about you? Can't you just hide for as long as possible?"

"There's no way I'll be able to beat the 6 of them."

"Okay, I get that. But you kill them once, and they simply just find another vessel. Then what?"

Eudora walked to the railing again, gazing into the sky.

"The sin of [Envy] is the weakest. But it is the only sin with the ability to absorb."


"If I manage to absorb all of the sins, and live the rest of my life, boom, it's done.
