More Forces


My head feels.. strange. Like a painless headache. What happened again?

It suddenly all came back to me.

I remember now. I was in my head, talking to Gulian and Ailas. Then, Ailas managed to escape and left us in there.


"Damn it. I guess our body chose him to control." Gulian sighed. He appeared not to care much, sitting back and lying on the tree.

"You... don't care? What's your deal?" I asked.

"I've always been an observer."


"Back in the lab, I observed my master as he experimented. I never really did anything. So I'm used to it."

I feel a little bad. 


But where am I now? My senses were spinning, like I had been strapped to an office chair and subjected to endless motion torture.

I can't see anything. I'm blindfolded. And I can't move my arms either. So I must be tied to a chair.

"Undo the blindfolds."

I heard a commanding voice. As quick as he said it, the blindfolds were undone, falling down to the floor.

I was in an unfamiliar room. But everyone around me was wearing the school uniforms.

"I've wanted to meet you for a while, Julian."

The man in front of me, presumably the leader, stood tall.

He was a tan-skinned boy with nearly platinum blonde hair, (though, not completely platinum blonde. It was slightly more blonde-leaning than platinum.) His right eye was bandaged, while his left eye was a beautiful blue.

He wore his uniform over his shoulders, like a cape. Looking at his right arm, I could see that it was also bandaged up as well.

Is this... main character syndrome?

I could probably break these restraints in an instant. But with the way this [Spirit Cast] stuff works, something completely random could happen. I can't risk anyone dying, especially with the number of people in this room.

"You've been looking for me? And, why is that?" 

"Before I tell you, I'd like to apologize for the harsh method of speaking to you. Tying you up, and all."


"I have the same goal as you. To help you defeat the headmaster."

How did he... know?

"... What makes you think that's my goal?"

"I had overheard a conversation between you and the headmaster. The way you spoke to him, it was clear as day."


Did that Ailas fool do something?

"I see. So, all these people you have here are devoted to that cause?" 

"All of us have been affected by the headmaster in some way."

So this headmaster is more evil than I thought.

I feel a little bit of closure. Eudora, Leanore, and now... this guy. They all can help me with my goal.


"Hmph. If we have the same goal, then it only makes sense that we work together."

[Spirit Cast: Mana Slice]

The restraints slipped off my body. 

That was a complete gamble. But, it was all for the sake of looking cool.

I stood up from my chair.

"You already know my name. So, what's your name?"

"Lionel. Lionel of the Laertius family."

. . .

. .


(- - -)

"Leanore and Eudora, this is Lionel."

Eudora and Leanore sat on the floor of Julian's apartment, playing checkers. They turned their head for a second.

"Nice to meet you," they spoke at the same time. Julian looked slightly embarrassed.

"So these are your subordinates, with the same goal as I?" Lio said, covering his face with one hand, and spreading his fingers so he could see with his eye.

The embarrassment doubled. 

. . .

. .


"I have a real question for you, Lionel."

Julian and Lionel sat outside by the garden. It was nearing curfew.

"Go ahead, ask me."

"Those bandages. What are they actually for? If you don't mind me asking."

"To seal my powers."

⏤ So I was right before. It was the main character syndrome. Just... toned down. At least he's not edgy.

"I see," Julian spoke monotonously.

"Have you heard of the Pathmaker?" he continued. Julian's interest was caught.

"The... Pathmaker? I've never heard of anything like that."

"It's a story about a man, who yearned for his victory so badly, he created his own path. "

⏤ A fairytale from this world?

"If I don't seal my power then it'll be used constantly. All my mana will be drained."

"I see..."

⏤ I can't tell if this guy is lying or not. I'll have to look into that. Pathmaker...