Who Stinks?

Vallum cracked the door open, and slipped in the hotel room. He was returning from his breakfast run. Kenra still looked sound asleep, although her eye met his briefly when she heard him open the door. Sari, who had finally accepted Kenra's offer to join her on the bed, stretched herself out, yawning.

"How come you are always up so early?", she tiredly tossed him a coin, "Give me a juicy pear."

Vallum sighed, "At least you didn't just steal it this time." He tossed her the fruit, "I am always up so early so I can bring breakfast back for you guys. Rising early is a habit that I picked up on the farm."

"But, isn't big si- I mean, isn't Kay, from a farm too? How come she is still sleeping?" Sari peered at Kenra's sleeping face.

'Kay? What? As long as she doesn't start calling me Val, then I guess I'll be okay.' He looked at Kenra and saw that she was smiling, with her eyes still closed.

"She did live on a farm, but we aren't on the farm right now, so there just isn't any reason for her to be up early. And who knows what type of sleeping habits were taught to her in the month she spent with the Court of the Night. She might have been training all night in her sleep or something crazy." Vallum said.

Kenra threw her hands over her head and started stretching. She opened her eyes and looked at Vallum, "Are you talking about me, Val?"

"There is never a better thing to talk about." Vallum answered.

"Big bro, that was good! You just need to say stuff like that to big sis too." Sari chimed in.

Kenra and Vallum both laughed when Sari spoke. Kenra flipped over in the bed to face the girl and wrapped her in a hug.

Sari struggled for a moment, but gave in to the older girls strength. After a moment she started struggling again, this time she was kicking and squealing.

"Hey! Stop that. It's no fair! You are too strong I can't escape." Sari giggled as Kenra tickled her.

"Mmm. Oh, I know! I saw that this town has a hot spring. Vallum needs to rest more before we go after Vynn, so lets spend today at the hot springs and then leave tomorrow."

Sari pushed herself away from Kenra after she was let go and then smelled herself. "I don't smell that bad, do I?"

"You smell like Raef," Vallum said, causing Sari to make a face.

"I don't mind the way the cattle smells, because I grew up around it. It will be good to take the time and relax, though." Kenra said.

"Okay, then. Let's go." Sari started to get excited. She stood up and started walking toward the door without giving a thought to her appearance. She didn't even make it to the door before she felt a strong hand on her shoulder.

"Hold it girl," Kenra said, "We have to do something with your hair, first."

Sari sheepishly ran her hand through her knotted shoulder length hair and then looked at Kenra's maintained pony tail. "I don't have a brush."

Kenra reached into her cloak and pulled out a hair brush.

"Ooh. Magic!" Sari said in awe.

"Woah, magic." Vallum said similarly.

Kenra looked at the two of them in amusement, "I just have a brush in my cloak. I don't like my hair getting knotted and messy."

"Oh." Both of them said disappointedly.

After that, Kenra brushed out Sari's hair and Vallum went to talk to Raef.

'It is a nice stall that they have you in, isn't it?' Vallum asked his friend, patting him on the side.

'Moo. (Nice for a prison.)'

'We'll be leaving the prison tomorrow. Make it until then.'

'Moo (No)'

Vallum sighed, 'We will be out for a while. Let me know if you need anything.'

'Mrooo. (Need to leave.)'

Vallum gave the bull one last pat and walked out, 'You always have to get sassy, don't you?'

When he made it back to the room he stopped just outside the door.

"So, you really like big brother, don't you?" He heard Sari say.

"Val is so sweet. He tries to help people whenever he can, so much so that a lot of times he gets taken advantage of for it. His kindness and his will to do what is right is part of why I like him. The way he was so messed up about killing to escape slavery is one thing that I like about him. He isn't cold and cruel like the world is. He is someone that I want to protect no matter the cost." Kenra was speaking softly and in a sincere tone.

"Would you share him with big sis?" Sari asked hopefully.

"I can't share him, no. That isn't right for him, or who he chooses."

"Oh, I need to leave then. I can make it on my own. You don't have to share him anymore." Sari had slipped into a persona.

"There is a difference. He can only be with one person, but that doesn't mean he can't have friends. You are a good friend of his, and I am glad that you are. You have helped him in many ways."

"No, it's okay. I really am quite good at making it on my own. When he gets back, tell him thank you for rescuing me from slavery." Sari opened the door and walked into Vallum.

Vallum put a hand on each of Sari's shoulders and hoisted her to eye level. "You're welcome. And you are not going anywhere. We have to save Vynn, and you are going to help us. Where do you think you're going?"

"I will have to rescue Vynn on my own. I don't want you to hurt her even more." Sari averted her eyes.

"Okay, Sari. You can rescue her all on your own after we go to the hot springs... and we are coming with you." Vallum said firmly.