Uninvited guests

“Scovia I know you’re home so get down here right now, you unruly thing, Today you better give me an explanation for your shameful behavior” a middle-aged woman shouted as she enters the house.

Aunty please keep it down, let’s not make trouble for sister, she should have her reasons to do that, After all, she was so in love with brother Reynolds “ said Kallen, Scovia’s younger cousin.

Oh, my little Kallen, you’re so pure and naïve, you can’t be deceived by her pretty face, she’s a Vixen if only she was as elegant as you, now I feel so ashamed to have a daughter-in-law like her, Scovia Today I won’t let you be, we will get to the bottom of this Matter, said the old lady.

Miss, I’m sorry we couldn’t hold them back, said Claire restlessly

It’s ok, leave them to me, I can handle them

Mother, Oh wait! I should say, Mrs. Cormen, anyway don’t you think your actions are a bit too much? Said Scovia

Too much you say? How dare you talk to me like that, What did my poor son do to deserve this humiliation? You bad girl? How did your family rise? You’re such an ungrateful girl my son treated you so well why did you have to do this to him, why? She then throw the pictures in front of her, disgusting, she said

Scovia was stunned, she didn’t expect them to get as far as to take her photographs with several Men. In the pictures of them, she was drinking with four different men whereas in the others were where she left with them hand in hand, though she had no memory of that night, she was certain that these pictures were phony, especially the spot and the dress she was wearing were all different.

She looked at them indifferently, and asked so? Did you Come all the way here roaring disturbing my sleep for such a trivial matter? What if it’s true? What right do you have to barge in my house making a commotion? Who are you to meddle in my life? Asked Scovia

You! How dare you talk to me like that ? Where are your manners? If it weren’t for our family’s relationship I wouldn’t have accepted you as my daughter-in-law, you’re nothing like your Younger cousin here. Said Mrs. Cormen

Scovia was standing with her folded arms crossed while sizing up and down her cousin Kallen, as Mrs.Cormen kept praising her, she scoffed and said “Since I am not as good as her why don’t you marry her to your son instead? “

Please cousin don’t get angry, Aunty didn’t mean any harm, please don’t take her seriously

She’s just worried about both you and brother Reynolds. Said Kallen

Ha! If you didn’t speak I would have forgotten your presence, said Scovia mockingly.

Sister, why are you mad at me, did I do anything wrong? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I swear said Kallen acting sorry

Shut up! And know how to be grateful, when shown goodwill and stop putting your nose into my business, reprimanded Scovia

Mother, I don’t know what I did to offend my sister, I don’t know why she is mad at me now no ho ho, she started to pour a river

Stop it, please! Your pretense disgusts me the most. Said Scovia

You you! Said Mrs. Cormen trembling with anger

Mrs. Cormen let me tell you, from today on I have nothing to do with your family, please stop calling me your daughter-in-law, I’ve never been one and I Will never be in the future, I Hope there won’t be any more misunderstandings in the future. Please tell your good son for me not to bother me again in the future. if nothing else you should leave, forgive me for lacking behavior but I won’t send you off, that’s the door you can see yourself off. Said Scovia indifferently

My dearest Sister you can’t do this, please don’t rush we can talk things through this is all misunderstanding, right Aunty, said Kallen pretentiously

Please don’t call me that, I don’t want to have nightmares also please leave before I ask someone to send you out

Let’s go little Kallen, let’s not waste time with her, without her family, she’s nothing compared to you. said, Mrs. Cormen

But Aunty,

Say no more! I won’t let her off, I Will make her pay for her arrogance, let’s see if the Jones can protect her after they get these filthy photos said Mrs. Cormen

Ok, Aunty Kallen will listen to you

Hey, if your show is over then take your leave, I don’t have a whole day here! Said Scovia

Mrs. Cormen scoffed and left with Kallen