Blind date

Find a time and go on a blind date with the eldest daughter of the unistone group, I heard that she’s brilliant, elegant, and beautiful, you should get married as soon as possible to secure your position said Mr. Gérard McCoy Aiden’s grandfather

I’m sorry grandfather, but I’m already engaged to someone, I already have a fiancée I can’t get engaged twice.

What do you mean by Engaged? With who? Which family is she from? She better not be a nobody otherwise she can’t marry into my family! Said Mr. McCoy

You will know when it’s time, for now, I can’t tell you anything, thanks for your understanding!

I won’t accept her, end your engagement now, you must marry Ember with her family's support you’ll have a strong hand in the company. Said Mr.McCoy

My apologies grandfather but, I’ve made up my mind so I won’t end the engagement also I don’t need a woman to secure my position, I need to go stay healthy grandfather don’t trouble yourself over these little Matters.

Tut the line was cut

Scovia Lyn Jones

Age 23


The sole daughter of the Jones

Master’s degree in business management

Owner of Scolyn Germ company


Not bad Scovia you’re qualified to be my wife, said Aiden as he study the papers in his hands filled with Scovia’s information.

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon my dear future wife, said Aiden as he dispose of the paper in his hands.

The charity event night

The event was divided into three parts, the first part was a classical music performance, the second part was socializing and the third part was a silent auction, Scovia was late so when she arrived it was already at the second part

Huh, I never expected that it would be this much clouded, where in their world did all these people come from?

Anyway my mission today is to find myself a fiancée so it’s not bad for me, ugh I’m so screwed, let me just walk around first

Scovia started to walk around admiring the beauty around her, the decorations were simply breathtaking, the food served and the deserts all well prepared, as she keeps walking around caring about no one else but the beauty around her, on the other side Aiden was restless looking all around the room as if he was trying to find someone.

Do you think she will show up? Asked George Aiden’s secretary

Well I’m not sure, but I should take a gamble on it replied Aiden

Wait, I think I saw her, isn’t that her across that table said, George

Seems like today is my lucky day, wait for me here I will be back soon, and if I don’t then you can take care of everything. Said Aiden and left

Wow what a beautiful garden they have, I hope it’s not a private, I should go admire the beauty of those fresh flowers which taking fresh air, said Scovia as she walk away

By the time Aiden arrived at her previous position, she couldn’t find her as he started to panic thinking that he has lost a lifetime chance he saw her sitting on the bench outside in the garden, her beauty was simply attractive, he smiled and said finally I found you! Then he walked towards her.

So beautiful said Aiden

I know right, this place is so captivating replied scovia

No, I’m talking about you, you’re so beautiful said Aiden

She turned to look at the man who was complimenting her as she speak “Oh, thanks in that case would you mind ...” but before she could finish her sentence she was stunned to see the man she never thought that she would ever see again

You! Why you? Stunned Scovia asked

Oh, it’s you? What a coincidence I never thought I would get the chance to meet you again, After the note you left the other night, what was it again? “ I don’t care about whatever might have happened between us last night, so be a good boy and don’t cause trouble. I hope to never see you again.” He quoted

Coincidence my foot, what bad luck I wish to be swallowed by the Earth, as she was thinking she Heard him going on and saying

You can’t imagine how many times I’ve read that note hoping to see you again and ask you why? But now I’m not interested to know why, but I’m more interested in you, would you marry me? Proposed Aiden

What !? Is he proposing to me now? Is he crazy?

I mean it, let’s get married! He said once more

Are you kidding me or what? Why would I marry you? Let's see are you also looking for the thing my grandfather left me? Are you interested in that like everyone else? Let me tell you, dream about it, I will never let anyone of you lay your hands on it, though I don’t even know what is it, but whatever it is I won’t let you guys have it, don’t waste your time. Said Scovia

To be honest I have ulterior motives responded Aiden

Aha, I knew it, say what is it? Asked Scovia stepping back

I want you to be my wife, and I am certain that you also need a husband replied Aiden

Well, he’s kinda right l, why am I even hesitating, when I need a husband, forget about whatever he wants from me as long as I don’t give it to him, he can do as my husband.

Well I will accept your proposal, but on one condition as long as it’s a contract marriage I will agree said Scovia

Sure I’m in, responded Aiden

My name is Scovia, I’m twenty-three, I have a house and I own a small jewel company, you won’t die I can feed two mouths, we Will have to stay in the same house to make it look however we won’t be interfering in each other’s business, this marriage will come to an end once one of us fall in love, once you find someone you like we can terminate our marriage, the same goes for me, so if you are ok with my terms, let’s not waste time and get married

Are you not interested in getting to know me? Asked Aiden

Well your name will do responded scovia

If you say so, my name is Aiden N McCoy, and I’m twenty-five old let’s get married said Aiden

Ok, let’s meet tomorrow, city hall at ten in the morning, here is my business card call me once you are there

I’ll give you a call, then I should get going first said Aiden and leave.

Wow, I can’t believe I managed to find a husband that easily, I should get going too, how long have I been out, nevermind I should return home, I’m not interested in the auction anyway, Scovia talking to herself.

Let’s return home

Ok miss, I will get the car from the parking lot


What a beautiful night, said Scovia stretching her arms.

Miss the car is here, let’s go


The night passed peacefully as if it was a dream.