Kallen in the dog house

Meanwhile, downstairs in the lobby of the Hans Group, Kallen stood impatiently, waiting for Aiden. The receptionist, professionally dressed and calm, leaned forward politely and said, "Miss, I've already told you you can't meet Mr. McCoy without an appointment."

Kallen's expression turned scornful as she looked down at the receptionist. "Shut up! How dare a mere receptionist stop me! Do you know who I am?" she arrogantly demanded.

Collected, the receptionist maintained her professional demeanor. "Miss, my apologies, but your identity doesn't matter here. We only accommodate those with prior appointments," she replied firmly.

Kallen's attitude didn't get neglected by those present in the lobby. A group of people observing the whole scene from a distance started to gossip amongst themselves. "That's right! Who does she think she is? Mr. McCoy's wife or his mother?" one person murmured to another, unable to resist adding their commentary.