Clavier suspicions

Kallen’s mother, oblivious to the brewing storm, voiced her confusion. “Is it just me, or are they acting suspicious?” she whispered to her husband, who sat brooding beside her. Though unaware of Reynolds’ past misdeeds, Mr. Clavier couldn’t shake off the unease gnawing at him. The sudden transfer of Scovia’s company to Reynolds, the shadow of manipulation hanging over him – all these hints troubled him deeply.

Reynolds sat across the dinner table from Mr. Clavier, who had a look of suspicion in his eyes. The flickering candlelight illuminated the tension in the air as the delicious aroma of the food filled the room.

“I heard that you are the new CEO of Scolyn Company, if my brain serves me correctly, that was my niece’s company?” asked Clavier, his voice laced with curiosity.