Little Evans

The Jones’ manor buzzed with the joyful chaos of Evans's birthday party, as Martha ushered in Scovia and Aiden’s three children – Irie, Liam, and the adorable little Evans.

Irie walked in first, her chin held high a charming blend of her parents’ features, she greeted her grandparents. “Grandma, Grandpa, have you been well?” she chirped, her voice laced with the same sweetness as her mother’s.

Liam, Aiden’s mini-me, followed with a more reserved greeting. Little Evans, all chubby cheeks and bright eyes that mirrored Scovia’s, toddled after them, his chubby legs pumping furiously, his eyes sparkling with pure joy, a pacifier clutched firmly in his grasp.

“Mr. and Mrs. Jones, hello!” boomed Martha, her voice barely audible over the happy cacophony.

Mrs. Jones abandoned her culinary creations, scooping Evan into a hug that threatened to suffocate the adorable toddler. Mr. Jones, momentarily startled out of his magazine-induced stupor, chuckled as Liam tackled him in a bear hug.