Unsettled Feelings.

"No, wear this"

"But I don't like it"

going back and forth Vera was beginning to lose her patience and Alycia felt herself succeeding in the argument but also hated to be the "difficult one"

"What's not to like ?"

"Can we just look for something else ?"

Feeling defeated, an annoyed Vera unknowingly rolled her eyes and turned to browse for clothes in the next aisle.

"I'm sorry" Alycia expressed as she followed behind Vera

"Don't be sorry, If you don't want to you don't have to" she shrugged, reverting her focus from Alycia to the large shelf of new clothing.

The shopping trip was long overdue as Alycia had been wearing nothing but borrowed clothes. Vera and Rachel, mostly Vera had managed to get Alycia a job as a bottle girl at the club they worked at. She would commence work within the next 24 hours and she was beyond nervous.

"But your angry"