


After leaving my school we were on our way to the airport when dad's phone started ringing, he picks up the call and all I could hear him say was 'what!!...... why......... ok........inform me when it's over' he ended the call with a sigh and then turned towards my sister and I and said in a sad voice.

"Girls we won't be able to go back today...." he started talking but was cut off by my sister.

"Whattt.... dad why? what's going on? is everything okay?" she bombarded him with questions and dad just let out a frustrqted sigh and I chuckled.

"Well, if you let me explain then you will know why."

"Sorry dad please go on" she said with an apologetic look.

"Well, the pilot just called me and said that we won't be able to fly out today because there would be a mild storm som we have to wait till it passed before we leave so we would just stay at a hotel for the night."

"Oh... okay dad"

"Sweetie is that okay with you" dad asked me with a gentle look.

"Yes, dad its fine with me" after a while we stop and I looked out the hotel it was looking so luxurious and fancy I was quite nervous to enter, I guess MIA sensed that I was tense as she put her hands around my shoulders, I turned to her, and she gave me an encouraging smile I relaxed a little and looked at the hotel some more before we went in.

"Yes, dad its fine with me" after a while we stop and I looked out the hotel it was looking so luxurious and fancy I was quite nervous to enter, I guess MIA sensed that I was tense as she put her hands around my shoulders, I turned to her, and she...

While my sister and I were at the reception checking us in my dad went to call our brother to inform them about the change of plans.

after we checked in MIA escorted me to my room and I was in awe after I opened the door.

Then she asked me if I was hungry, I said yes, and she said she would send butler to come and escorted me to the dining area I said OKAY, and she left.

I went to freshen up and changed my clothes then I thought I will call my friends and tell them about the change of plans, so I called kelvin it didn't even ring twice when he picked.

"Hey love"

"Lovee" I said with surprise in my tone he chuckled and spoke.

"Yes, I said love."

"Just call me by my name pls"

"Why does the name 'love' make you feel nervous" he said in a sexy tone.

What am I even thinking gosh?

"Nope it makes me feel weird."

"Wow ok I'm sorry anyway why did you call by this time you are supposed to be on the plane right."

"Well, I'm not on the plane because of the storm we'll leave tomorrow."



"So where are you now."

"We are at a hotel we are going to spend the night and leave tomorrow."

"Ok which hotel are you in."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Well, I wanted to come over to give you some company if you don't mind."

"Well okay but I'm about to have dinner with my dad and sister."

"Ok I'll see you after your dinner, so your dad won't interrogate me."

"Yeah, sure call me when you get here gotta go."

"Sure bye"

"Bye" I ended the call and called Jennifer and told her everything she wanted to come over as well, but she had something to do so she couldn't while we were talking a knock came on my door, I said goodbye to her and went to open the I saw my sister standing there smiling.

"Come on let's go for dinner."

"But you said a butler will come to escort me."

"Well, I was passing by your room so I figured I would pick you up."

"okay lets go" I closed my door and we left when we got to the dining area I couldn't help but gawk at the interior it was looking so luxurious and glamorous everyone here was in suits and evening gowns I felt out of place looking at my jeans and t-shirt, I turned to look at MIA's outfit and she was in sweatpants so I felt a little better knowing I was not the only odd one.

After dinner we went back to our rooms then i got a call from kelvin saying that he was outside so i went downstairs to pick him up.