“You look a bit distracted, are you okay?” Toni asked.

“Yes, I am,” I answered readily.

Who could I be fooling! They can see the look on my face, it was brutally distracted from the actions of that girl.

“Do you enjoy the food in here? And where are you from exactly?” Eddie asked, after licking the tip of his spoon.

“I'm from Australia, I live in Sydney city,” I said, and they gave me the awe look. I hate that look they gave. I think Cape Town it's more captivating, that's why I chose it.

“Why you got transferred in the middle of the first semester?” Toni asked, with a curious look on his face.

That look could scare a person.

“I just felt staying in a new country, away from my parents, not that they are annoying. Are you all from here?” I asked.

“Same country, but different provinces.” Edward replied.

I got distracted, when Edward start mentioning that he wants to throw me a welcome party at his own place tonight, not realizing the girl's table cleared out. I got a bit sad again that I didn't get a chance to speak to her again. I don't even know her name, or which course she's studying.

I'm wearing a short in the middle of the night driving to Edward's place. This is absolutely perfect weather to visit the ocean.

The room is filled with all kinds of beverages and snacks, but no music on, perfect. And everyone was already here, or is he inviting more? And if not, will we even finish all the alcohol?

“Have you met anyone who caught your eyes here so far?” Edward asked, with a glass in his hand while sitting on his couch.

We all are sitting on couches facing each other with the glasses on our all hands.

“No, not yet!” I replied, with a soft, normal voice, and Toni chuckled.

“What do you mean? There are so plenty of pretty girls around here,” Toni said. “If you want one, let me know.” He poked himself on his chest, after while saying that.

“Toni, have you met anyone here? Because it's been two years now from High School, and I have never seen you with a girl,” Aaron said, and a little scoff escaped his lips.

“Just shut up,” Toni said, with an embarrassment all over his face.

Edward, Eddie and Aaron laughed hysterically at Toni. And I just starred at them because it was just fun watching.

“Wait, Nathan, I saw you when we were in the cafeteria, your eyes were all over Rose's table,” Toni said, with a curiosity all over his face.

“Lana? Were you looking at her? I must tell you that one she's pretty but a hard to get,” Eddie said, looking at Toni.

“How did you know that she's a hard to get?” Aaron asked.

They busy arguing with each other forgetting that they actually asked me a question.

I cleared my throat at them, and said “I don't know their names, but she was the pretty one amongst all of them.”

“What was she wearing?” Edward asked, with a hint of a smile on his face.

“I definitely don't remember,” I said, while scratching the back of my head.

Don't I remember or it's the alcohol messing with my head!

“Hahaha,” Aaron laughed, the laughter was not convincing, I guess we are all drunk now.

“When I got in here, seeing all the alcohols, I thought you were inviting the whole Professor Poof's class, including him,” Aaron said, you could hear by his voice that he was drunk, he laughed hysterically.

It was after five hours when I saw that I have to leave, and I got in here, exactly on time at 7pm. I am totally sober now, after drinking two cups of water. I am ready to hit the road. I have to leave now, because I don't want to cause any accident on the way to my place. My place it's just fifteen minutes, drive from here.

“Guys, it's pretty late now, we have a morning class now with our Poof, this morning to be precise. It's already twelve in the midnight now,” Eddie said, whilst standing up along with me. He was prancing forwardly.

On my way to my apartment, I decided to stop by the store to grab some energy drinks, and some hangover drinks also, for Poof's morning class. The store operates 24 hours. I was about to close my car's door, then I saw that girl leaving the store. What is she doing here this late? She was wearing a light grey track pant with a white hoodie. But I was not quite sure that it's really her, as she covered her head with a beanie, and her hair were all over her face.

But my instincts tell me that she saw me, by looking at the way she rushed out from the store without looking back. Because I parked my car just near the store's door. I went inside, and I bought everything I think I need including the headache pills, I should prepare myself for the worst after waking up in the morning.

“Where are you going?” a deep voice snapped me out from my own deep thoughts, when I looked back to check who it was, I saw Edward winking at me, that it is his voice, I was certain.

He interrupted me from looking at that girl who was in front of me with her four friends. My mind was in a conflict of wanting the girl to turn over, just to look at me. Seeing her face this morning would've have brightened my day. I was not into Poof's class today, with the hangover I think I am going to pass out in his class, because the hangover drinks I bought, they did not do any justice.

“Oh! My bad, I got a little lost,” I said, whilst changing the direction to my class.

“Hahaha, your eyes were on them,” Toni said, while laughing and pointing at them using his head.

“What are you talking about, Toni?” my voice was colored with embarrassment and surprise.

Where was I heading? I guess my mind and body were compelled by her presence, leading me to her class, but I'm glad for that because now I know where her morning class is at. At least today I made it early before the Professor. But I couldn't wrap my mind away from that girl, I have to see her again, cause, I just love seeing her all the time. There's something about her that fascinate me.

I was by the window inside the café during our lunch time, when I saw her, my entire body became tensed up, when she removed her jacket that was wrapped up around her tiny waist. All I saw was a very slim, gentle waist with a genuine beautiful body swaying from left to right, with her silky-black long hair waving all over in the air and upon her shoulder going to her back, reaching the traffic. I gulped so hard by her actions.

I couldn't move my eyes away until she passes the road, her innocent beauty, and the sweat that was dripping down on her back, made me to drop my jaw for a second. After her passing the road, I came back to earth when Eddie called out name.