CHAPTER 24 (R19)

“Denim, I’m coming…” Theo said as he close his eyes

“*slurp slurp* mmn… hmmm, fuahhh *lick lick* I love it…” Evan was enjoying

Theo was surprised at how Denim become so wild and swallowed his cum but he liked it. Evan pulled Theo to his bedroom and they started kissing passionately.

“I don’t care if this is because I’m drunk and regret things tomorrow but I’m gonna enjoy this night with you Mr. Theo, so please don’t be good to me now, be rough,” Evan said out of the influence of alcohol

“I’ll be honored to devour you Mr. Denim, but I will surely don’t wanna be rough with you, you might not be able to walk tomorrow,” Theo said

They started to kiss passionately again.

*ring ring*

Theo picked up Evan’s phone out of rage and answer it without looking at the registered name.

“Hello?! Who the hell are you?!” Theo asked as he was enraged

“Who the hell are you too? Where is Evan?!” Mark was upset

“Who is that? Don’t leave me hanging here… wreck me now…” Evan said calling out for Theo

“What the f*** is going on?!” Mark was really angry hearing Evan

“Denim, some Mark guy is on the phone…” Theo said to Evan

“Why the fu** would that guy disturb me on my happy night, he can’t just be happy with his wife. I should be happy too! Does he expect me to cry all night because he broke my heart?” Evan was now upset

Evan started to cry and Mark heard it all he was surprised and didn’t expect all that he heard.

“Denim… don’t cry I’m here already for you, you don’t need that jerk in your life… you can have me all by yourself… okay?” Theo said comforting Evan

Evan just nodded, Theo wiped Evan’s tears and talked to the phone again.

“I don’t know who the f*** are but you cannot see Denim anymore!” Theo said to Mark on the other line

*Hang up*

“Tsk! He made you cry like this…” Theo said while wiping Evan’s tears

“Theo let’s do it…” Evan plead

“No… we won’t do it, because you just want to ease your pain with pleasure but it would still hurt... are you by the way virgin?” Theo asked worriedly as he started to get sober

“I am but I wanna do it with you… please…” Evan begged

Theo let out a sigh, he kissed Evan on his neck to his nape then down to his nip, and sucked him there while he pinch the other, then hands travel down to Evan’s waist then to his butt checks, then he inserted his finger inside of Evan.

Ecstasy wrapped Evan and he felt like he is going insane with all this feeling he gets all over his body, it feels like he is about to explode,

“Ahh ~~” Evan moaned

Theo continued playing while Evan can’t help but feel excited with this different sensation when he does it on his own. Theo then went down facing Evan’s pants and removed them quickly. Theo began to lick Evan’s D*** and then he slurped it making Evan feel hotter. Evan reached the climax as Theo touches both edges of Evan. After a couple of moaning and groaning Evan fell asleep, Theo only had foreplay with Evan, He wrapped his arms around Evan and Evan touches Theo’s chest. The two fell asleep and spend the night hugging.


Dominic tried to call his brother several times and he didn’t answer. He was at school today and is so pissed that he didn’t receive any calls from his elder brother.

“What’s wrong dude? Are you sick?” Ethan asked (one of Dominic’s classmates)

“My brother didn’t come home,” Dominic said

“LOL he’s already an adult, what do you expect to do with him have him grounded for not coming home?” Ethan said jokingly

“Just shut up will you?” Dominic said

Dominic walked away and bumped into someone.

“Ouch, are you blind?! Oh! If it isn’t my good-for-nothing ex!” Leah said

“Leah, I apologize for bumping into you and I’m not ‘Good for nothing’ You are the one who got nothing when you break up with me, now if you excuse me I’ll go now,” Dominic said

Leah was enraged at how Dominic acted on her, then she throw a book at Dominic but luckily someone dodge it.


Dominic turned back when he heard a loud slam and to by his surprise it was Ren who got hit.

“Ren why did you dodge the book?!” Dominic asked

“You’ll get hurt…” Ren said

“Leah what the hell have you done?!” Dominic was furious

“It’s alright Dom…” Ren said

Leah walked away without even saying sorry to Ren. Dominic was furious but Ren just stopped Dominic.

“Sh** your nose is bleeding!” Dominic was worried

Dominic bridal carried Ren to the infirmary due to his anxiousness. Ren can’t help but stare at his knight and shining armor while holding his bleeding nose and broken glasses.


Evan woke up naked and alone in bed, He can’t find Theo anywhere and he saw a small note on his bedside table.

( My dear Denim, I’m sorry I didn’t wake you up and said goodbye there was an emergency at my work I’ll leave my number and call me… Theo. xxxxxxxxxxxx)

Evan just smiled and save Theo’s number. He had a shower and dress up and check his phone, to his surprise he saw missed calls from Dominic and Mark but there is one call from Mark that was answered, he checked the phone call recordings and was shocked to hear the conversation between Theo and Mark. Then he was speechless hearing Theo saying “I don’t know who the f*** are you but you cannot see Denim anymore!” Evan decided to follow what Theo said to not see Mark again.

Evan texted Dominic.

Evan: I’m coming home tonight, I slept in my boutique last night, I was drunk sorry…

Rei: it is ok I’ll cook curry and pasta…

Evan: Thanks lil bro, love you…

Rei: Love you too…

Evan starts to dial Theo’s number. It only rang for 10 seconds and someone answered.

“Hello?” Evan asked

“Baby you finally called me! I’m so happy! Where are you? I wanna see you… I miss you so much… Baby you there?” Theo said with enthusiasm

“Can you please let me talk?!!” Evan said as he started to get annoyed

“Sorry baby I’m just excited you called me…” Theo said

“I can’t meet you today I’m busy but you can… text me but I’ll just reply if I have time!” Evan said

“Ok, baby love you…” Theo said

“Love you—MARK?!” Evan was stopped as he saw the last person he would tell about him being gay, right across him was Mark standing in shock.