“Yes there is, I never get to touch it ever since before”

“Why? Does he look at it now and then?” Theo asked,

“Well, when he decides on something or makes a plan he would write and check that every single day, kinda weird if you ask me, but I think it was just a habit, why do you ask?”

“Nothing I’m just curious”

“Funny how you and Dominic getting curious about Evan’s red journal, do you have book 2?” Crystal was right on point,

“Yes, I do have,”

“I saw Evan had those two journals before their parents died, but since they got into an accident he left everything,” Crystal explained,

“That’s sad… thank you Crystal” Theo said,

“You are always welcome, Sir Theo”

Theo hung up, and continued reading,

He didn’t find anything else,

Theo thought about how could Evan do this kind of thing, he looked again at Evan’s things, but he could not find anything,

He heard someone on the door,

“Coming!” Theo yelled and opened the door,