“Theo my boy don’t you think I would not notice it, don’t you? Why don’t you make Evan listen to it?” Bob said, teasing Theo.

“What? Why?” Theo asked,

“I have known you since you started your career as a rapper, you noticed similar events in your life in this song, didn’t you? You would not compose a song for anyone within hours” Bob said, which is true,

“Yeah, it is about me and Evan,” Theo said,

“About who?” Evan asked,

“I said about us…” Theo said,

“Why don’t you play it?” Bob said,

“I wanna hear it,” Evan said and looked at Theo with curiosity.

Theo played the song,

‘Threads entangled with everyone,

I have been looking for someone,

Midnight ‘til dawn waiting for the sun,

Should we try to search and run?

When did I lose you?

Was it when I let go?

Had some penny

To get myself tipsy

I took a sip of whiskey,

Only you are what I see,

Eyes like golden treasure,

Body with perfect measure

Oh Na, Na, Na,