Breaking the Rules

~ Emery's POV~

I can't help but be a little disappointed when I wake up to find that Colin is out. I didn't even sleep in that late, didn't he sleep in on the weekends? The bed in his guest room was so incredibly comfortable, it has been a long time since I slept so peacefully, it took a lot of willpower to get myself up. The warm weighted blanket had felt like a hug. The best part? I had slept in the same house as Colin Corrette.

Since Colin is not around, I decide I will treat myself to a lazy, relaxing morning. I haven't been in a place I can truly relax since my mother passed away. Stepping over to the bookcase I look it over. I tilt my head a little at the one that features a human face which is half a skull on the front. Picking it up I flip it over. This book is intended for adult audiences. Please be aware this book could be triggering for some, read with caution. Intrigued I take it and a bookmark with me to the bathroom. I fill the tub up, and find a bottle of lavender-smelling bubble bath and a bath bomb. With the water full, warm and bubbles overflowing I sink into the tub breathing a peaceful sigh.

It isn't until the bubbles are nearly gone, and the water has started to cool off that I finally push the bookmark into the book and get out. After draining the tub, I wrap myself in another warm, fluffy towel and head to the room next door, jumping in the doorway.

"You scared me," I say to Colin, who turns to me. He looks like he has just turned to stone at the sight of me. His entire body has gone hard, and his eyes darken. I gaze at him a moment before slowly diverting my gaze. Why do I feel like some prey animal every time I am under his gaze?

I jump when I feel him step closer to me, gently guiding me against the wall. When he cups my cheek and guides my gaze up to his I feel a shiver of warmth spread through every part of me. He is so close I can feel his warmth radiating off him. His gray gaze is penetrating every part of me. It's almost like I can hear his heart hammering in his chest.

"I so desperately want to kiss you," he finally whispers. It sounds like he is almost in pain.

I gaze at him in surprise. He wants to kiss me? Do I want him to kiss me? Yes, yes, I do. "What's stopping you? Technically I'm not your employee yet."

He gazes into my eyes, brushing his thumb down my cheek and then over my bottom lip. Every spot he touches tingles like he is awakening every nerve underneath my skin. "B-because I'm not... I'm not your typical man. My tastes are... far from romantic. I-I can't touch you... I shouldn't even be doing this, not until I have your written consent."

I gaze at him in confusion. "W-what? Why would you need my written consent?"

He hesitates, his gaze darkens as I bit my lip nervously. "Don't bite your lip," he demands his tone stern, it is almost like he is shaking. "I only have so much self-control."

"W-what if I want you to lose your self-control?" I ask. I don't know where that bravery is coming from. My heart is racing against my chest. I desperately want to reach up and push my hand through his messy hair. Why do I even want this man? He was easily twelve years older than me. But then, really, who cares? We were both adults, him more than me, but I was eighteen, age was just a number.

"You don't want that," he says instantly. "I have to remain in control for my safety and yours."

I gaze at him in confusion. He is almost shaking as he steps back from me. His hands clenched in white-knuckled fists at his sides. "Put on some clothes," he orders. "I had Reese pick you up a few new outfits. Have you eaten breakfast?"

I slowly shake my head still leaning back against the wall, I almost feel stunned.

"I will have London prepare us something, we have a few things to discuss," he says before he leaves, shutting the door behind him, I notice he makes a point to lock the door before he does so he can't come back in. It's like he doesn't trust himself to stay outside.

I can't touch you until I have your written consent. What the hell did that mean? I'm not your typical man? I knew that. He was a million times hotter than every other guy I have ever seen in my life, but I doubt that is what he meant. I have to remain in control for safety. What did he do when he lost control? My head was spinning.

I step over to the bag of clothes, slowly pulling out the contents. Two pairs of high-waisted ripped jeans, one black the other pale blue, two pairs of dress pants, both high-waisted and black, a pair of leggings, a pencil skirt, three tight t-shirts, one gray, one green, one black, a flowery blouse, with a low v-neck, another plain blouse, an athletic black tank top, a button-up collared shirt, six pairs of lacy underwear, two new bras, a dozen pairs of socks, a sweatshirt and a PJ set.

Just like that, I have a wardrobe. How the hell did he know my size? Did Reese shop and pick these out himself? If so, he has incredible taste. Can I accept these? There are no tags on them so I guess I will have to.

Finally, I select blue jeans and a sweatshirt. Even the underwear and bra are perfect fits. Did he get some seamstress in here to take my measurements while I was sleeping? When I am dressed, I turn my gaze to the mirror in the walk-in closet. These clothes fit better than anything I have ever worn before in my life. Even back when I lived with my mother. We were poor so I had grown up with hand-me-downs and thrift store clothes my entire life. These are the first brand-new clothes I have ever worn. Not only are they new, but I can tell they are expensive.

I am quick to do my makeup, this expensive stuff is so much nicer than my five-dollar stuff. I do my hair up into a high, messy bun. When I am finished, I step back in front of the mirror.

I don't recognize the woman looking back at me. New clothes, expensive makeup, a good sleep in a cozy bed. In just twenty-four hours things were already so different. But also, the same... I can't get used to this. I don't know how long Colin was prepared to let me stay. Underneath these new clothes and expensive makeup I was still the girl who slept on park benches.

But right now I would enjoy being Colin Corrette's house guest. He wants to kiss me! The amazingly handsome man, whose touch makes my entire body tingle with... was it desire I was feeling? If so, desire felt strangely good, good and painful in a way too. Like I won't be satisfied until I get a fix. Was that what drug users felt? If so I now understood why they did them.

Stepping out of the room I walk towards the kitchen. My stomach growls when the smell of pancakes floats over me. Stepping into the dining room I find Colin sitting at the table, he has the morning newspaper spread out on the table in front of him as he sips a cup of coffee.

"Miss Palmer, good morning," London says when she notices me. "I hope you like pancakes."

I nod eagerly.

"Did you want some coffee?" she asks.


"Cream and sugar?"

"Um... a bit of both please," I say sitting down in the chair across from Colin.

He looks up at me, smiling warmly, "you look beautiful."

I can't help but blush a little at the compliment. I turn my gaze down to the clothes. Looking up when London places a large stack of pancakes on the table, along with a plate of bacon.

"What did you have to do so early?" I ask curiously as London steps over with a mug of coffee.

He studies me a moment as he folds up the paper, placing it out of the way. "Eat, I can hear your stomach from here."

I blush again, turning obediently to the plate of pancakes. I take two and a few strips of bacon and pour some syrup over top. There is silence until I eat all my bacon and my first pancake, like Colin, is unwilling to distract me from the food.

"I have sorted out a place for you to stay, on a more permanent basis," Colin says.

I look at him, feeling a small frown cross my face of disappointment. "Y-You don't want me to stay here?"

He hesitates before shaking his head, "it's not that Emery. I do want you to stay here... that is the problem I want you to stay here desperately. In order to do that, you have to understand... a relationship with me is complicated and I want to be able to take it slow. I can't do that when you are sleeping here, I am losing control, I want to touch you."

"I like when you touch me," I whisper.

Colin's jaw tightens a little. His gaze holds mine for a moment before turning down. "Tonight we will talk more... right now you need to finish eating and then we are going shopping for furniture for your new room."

"My new room?" I ask.

Colin nods. "She was hired as part of last year's interns. She is only a few years older than you. When I mentioned to her today that you were in need of a place to stay she offered you her spare bedroom. Free of charge."

My eyes widen a little, "r-really?"

"Yes, she is a very nice girl, incredibly hardworking and dedicated. She will be a good friend for you," Colin says.

"I-I can't afford furniture..."

"I will cover the costs," Colin says with a small dismissive wave of his hand. "I have the dimensions of the room, it's big enough that you can probably fit a double bed and desk in there. The closet is large enough and has a few built-ins so you can probably get away with not having a dresser."

My head is spinning again. I have a room? A room that was going to be furnished by Colin? I am going to be sharing an apartment with a girl I have never even met before?

"I also thought we could take a trip to the bookstore, you will need some to fill the shelves in your room," he adds. After a moment he frowns a little "are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah this is just... a lot. Twelve hours ago I was sleeping on a park bench and now I-I... My head is just spinning," I say.

Colin brushes his thumb against the back of my hand. He looks like he understands a little. He looks like he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night.

"Did you have trouble sleeping?" I ask with a small frown.

He hesitates before nodding slowly. "Yes. I had a lot on my mind."

"Like what?" I ask.

"For the most part, you," Colin says before he drains the rest of his coffee. He looks down at his plate hesitating. "Emery if you were smart you would stay away from me, I'm not the man for you."

I tilt my head a little at his words. "Are you some serial killer or something?"

At my question he breaks out laughing, laughing so deeply that his eyes become wet with humour. When he contains himself he looks at me shaking his head, "no. No, I'm not a serial killer... but you don't have to be a killer to not be a good person."

"What makes you a bad person then? You helped me, when I desperately needed it," I point out. "You have to know how rare it is for someone to offer another person help. Especially when they aren't going to get anything from it."

"Not when they have ulterior motives."

I frown a little. "You have ulterior motives for helping me?"

Colin holds my gaze as he nods. "I want you, Emery. I want you to be mine."

Be mine? Something tells me he is not trying to be romantic.

"I don't typically do romance," Colin says. "I don't typically do girlfriends. Every relationship I have with a woman is... complicated. You will understand, tonight, tonight I will explain. But right now we have to go get you furniture. Have you eaten enough?"

I nod. Truth be told, I think I need to slow down how much I am eating. I am not used to eating such full meals. Nor food that was so rich.

When Colin gets to his feet I follow his lead. Walking over to the door. London disappears to grab two jackets.

Colin slips on the leather one she holds out to him. He hesitates a moment before taking the other holding it out to me.

"That's not mine," I say in confusion.

"It's new," Colin says, "that other one was worn and didn't seem to be very warm. Come, this one will go well with your eyes."

I hesitate before stepping closer to him, turning around. Colin is gentle as he eases the jacket onto me, he is so careful it seems to not touch me. Not until I have your written consent. "Is it because you are rich?"

He looks at me with a frown of confusion. Like he is asking me to elaborate.

"The fact that you need written consent to touch me. Cause I swear I would never come after you for your money. I'm not like that," I say earnestly. "I want you to touch me, I want you to kiss me."

Again he is solid as stone. His jaw is rigid as his piercing gaze bores into me.

When he moves it is slow, cautious. He reaches his hand up to brush the back of it against my cheek. "You make me want to break all the rules," he whispers before pushing me back against the wall, planting his lips firmly against mine. It's the first time I have ever kissed someone and it is amazing.

The kiss is hot, passionate, and fierce like Colin is trying to claim me as his, just with a simple kiss. I make to move my hands up to lay against his chest but he catches them. Pining them against the wall. He moves his entire body closer and suddenly I become aware of something hard pressing into my abdomen. Oh God, he is huge. His tongue runs over my lips before forcing its way into my mouth. My mind is spinning again, I don't know how long passes but when he pulls away, I am breathless. I lean back against the wall, my chest heaving. When I look up into his eyes, I feel my entire body clench. His eyes are dark and hungry with desire, desire for me.

"Why do I get the feeling that you are just as dangerous to me as I am to you?" Colin whispers, he is still pinning my hands against the wall.

I push a little against his hold, sort of desperate to touch him. "How are you dangerous to me?"

He breathes a deep breath pressing his lips to my forehead. "Fuck the furniture, Reese will pick you up what you need. Come with me." He drops one of my hands but keeps a secure hold on the other, dragging me with him.

"Where are you taking me now?" I ask.

Colin glances back at me as he peels off his jacket tossing it on the couch as we pass, heading for the room he had come out of the night before. "You have so many questions, Emery. You know knowledge is a curse. Once you know something you cannot unlearn it." He pushes open the door leading me inside. Knowledge is a curse? What does that mean?

It is not his bedroom like I had expected, no it's a study. It is beautiful. The walls are painted a dark gray. The floors match the rest of the house with the dark hardwood floors. A cushioned black carpet sits underneath the large wooden desk. There are no windows, which makes the room feel darker and smaller than it is, behind the desk a large map hangs with little lights lit up across parts of the United States, Europe and Australia. Bookshelves line the two walls filled with books, organized by genre and author. A large white chair sits behind the desk. A large black armchair sits in the corner with a large lamp hanging over it, it looks like a very peaceful spot to read. A docking station sits in front of two monitors, with a Macbook plugged into it.

I step over to one of the shelves when he releases my hand, reading some of the titles. There are a lot of fantasy, history, and business books. "What do the lights mean?" I ask pointing to the map.

"They are all spots that I have travelled," Colin says as he steps over to the file cabinet pulling it open, he pulls out a file. "Sit." He points towards the large desk chair.

I slowly walk around the desk lowering myself into the chair. It is very comfortable. I let my gaze wander over the desk, it is perfectly organized.

Colin gazes down at the file he is holding before he places it down in front of me. "It's a nondisclosure," he says as though a little ashamed.

I gaze down at the paper in confusion, slowly beginning to read it.


This agreement is hereby entered into and agreed upon this date __________, (the executive date), between:

Disclosure Party: Colin Corrette, and

Receiving Party: _______________.

Underneath is a long blurb with a lot of legal terms, many of which I have never heard or seen before, but I understand the just of it. Whatever he is about to tell me I cannot tell anyone.

"Why?" I ask glancing up at him.

He leans on the desk across from me. His arms crossed over his chest. "Unfortunately, my lawyer insists on it."

I hesitate before I select a blue pen from the holder. It's not like I have anyone I can talk to anyways. I pause with my pen on the line before signing my name. I look up to see that Colin has visibly relaxed. But then a moment later he tenses again as he steps over to the safe which sits on one of the shelves, placing his finger on the scanner before he pulls it open. He takes the key that hangs from the door before he locks it again.

Turning back to me he fixes me with a stern, serious gaze. "I want you to understand that if at any point you decide this is too much, all you have to do is say so and you can leave. Reese is waiting outside; he will take you to your new apartment and you will never have to see me again. I will make sure we have as little contact around the office as possible."

Why am I suddenly so nervous? What was he about to show me? What could he possibly show me that requires an NDA, a locked key and a possible escape plan?

He gestures for me to follow him, leading me down the same hall that holds my room. At the very end is a large bookshelf. There are no books on this one, just some simple decorations and trinkets.

Colin takes the side of it and gives it a hard pull. My eyes widen as I watch it swing open, revealing a black door behind it. He pauses after pushing the key into the lock, glancing back at me. "Again, if you ever want to leave all you have to do is say the word."

"Colin, what is behind that door?"

He hesitates, then turns the key and pushes the door open. Instantly dim warm lights turn on lighting up a steep spiralling staircase. "My Dungeon."