A Formal Dinner

Upon entering we were welcomed by a number of tables scattered everywhere, round and big, on each sat a few knights in formal attire, drinking and chatting as dinner was yet to be served.

My eyes roamed the dining hall, looking for a certain someone, and a certain someone they have found indeed, already staring at me. The duke of Whingston was well-dressed, clean-shaved, his dark-blond hair was combed back neatly, a thin strand falling on his forehead. His attire was a deep-blue color, one worn by military officials, his chest decorated by different Insignias, for his different attributions towards his beloved kingdom, and certainly not for his family's name.

When I am reminded of Hebron's abilities, I get this weird feeling in my chest, something similar to admiration but not quite it. I have respect for him despite all, he is my rival because he deserves it, deep down I know it, yet I never dare to admit it out loud.

He approached us , bowing his head slightly first to my brother then to me, then he extended his hand reaching for mine, and just as we touched he bent down and brought it to his mouth, all while keeping his eyes on me. His eyes never left mine ever since I spotted him, not when he stood from the table, not when he said his greetings to my brother, and certainly not now with his lips on the back of my hand and my palm in his.

After a momentarily pause, filled with long stares and an agitating wait, he addressed me:" Your highness may I say," he then looked me up and down " your highness has brought life to the party, astonishing as ever."

Nasir cleared his throat, making me feel more awkward than I should be feeling. I know this is mere pretense and I suppose he does too so why do I feel like I'm introducing my lover to my brother?

Standing a couple of feet away from me with his hand still holding mine, the duke asked: " May I be honored to have you dine by my side this evening, my lady?"

Looking down at me, anticipation in his eyes, fake warmth, and a silent threat. He knows I am dying for more clarification on what he awaits of me, and he is dragging the matter for longer than necessary just to bother me. Very expected of him.

I let go of my brother's arm and held onto his, warm, so unnecessarily warm. We headed back to his table, he reached for my chair and pulled it back, a pathetic attempt to show chivalery but people are definitely buying it, especially the Naib, sitting right across from us next to Nasir and the lord.

As I settled in my seat I focused my attention on the silver cutlery presented in front of me, a variation of tools staring back at me as I wonder why and how would I use them. My companion for the eve leans in, close enough to whisper in my ear:" Was someone skipping their classes? Or do you simply not know how to be proper in front of other civilized individuals?"

I glared at him as discreetly as possible, which was so hard as we were being watched by several guests on this table, but before I could answer him he gestured to a servant to approache to serve me a drink, one of a dark golden brown liquor, similar to the one on my dress. A coincidence I am sure.

I grabbed the glass as soon as possible, occupying myself by twirling the liquid gold inside. I was very bad at pretending, and it got worse when I knew it was high-profile, manipulate-others-for-a-living kind of people.

But that hadn't stopped Hebron from tilting his chair my way and leaning in, the hair he had brushing his forehead is now touching mine in an overly intimate gesture. That's when I got a brilliant idea, if I can not pretend to like him then I should flirt for the fun of it. They say love and hatred are hard to distinguish apart, surely that applies to teasing to flirt and teasing to bring your rival's spirit underground.

I leaned back on my chair and closer to his, our shoulders now brushing and arms aligned, and I smiled as sweetly as possible, earning me a confused look from Ron that he was quick to mask. Two could play the game, my dear knight, and this could become our newest favorite.

" You look... different" I said to him, after giving him a long voluntary once-over, which wasn't necessary, we were as close as two can be, and I can so deep, deep inside in his dark soul.

If he was taken-back by my comment he was good at hiding it. " I do not know if this is supposed to be a compliment or if it is meant to demean me, but judging by how you disliked me before, I'm taking it with good intentions."

If he thinks I disliked him before then he has no idea how deep is my hatred from him now

"You can take is however you want, since you've always had a way of twisting words to befit you and your self-righteous motives." I said too fast, forgetting about my plan to flirt my way into his head and out of his schemes. Though it earned me a small smile " You can not ignore that I am always right when I say I am, a knight's word, remember?" he challenged me, eyes settling on my neck, is there something on it?

"In fact, I do not. Since when were you interested in becoming a knight, oh dear Sir of mine?" He responded almost immediately:" Since when were you interested in dressing this way? I've never seen you without a veil, not even on training grounds"

Not liking how attentive he had been to my wardrobe choices I decided to change the subject, I didn't want to tell about my strategy to liken and be liked by their people.

"Is that why you can't take your eyes off my neck? Cause your eyes have not been blessed before with such a sight?" I said as low and slow, making sure to drag a hand from the back of my neck to the side, by my three moles, then down to where my dress stops. Surely enough his eyes followed my every move. He might not like me as a person but he likes me as a woman. Good, it would make this easier for me.

His eyes snapped back to mine, like he was pulled from the charm of a spell, he said in a rugged voice:" No... I mean yes. What was your question again?"

That is... an interesting reaction.

a ringing sounded from close-by, It was lord Rawclaw gathering our attention for a word:

"Dear guests, I welcome you on this table and into our homes, tonight we are honored to welcome their highnesses prince Nasir, prince Amoqran, and princess El-Huaria into our beloved Esteria . May this be a blessed stay for all of us. Please, let dinner begin."