A Late Night visit. 1

I did not have time to watch him leave, he was gone before I could catch another glimpse of his face. I only wanted to check, see if I read anger or annoyance. Is he angry for his lady? Does he feel a sense of responsibility toward me after today's declaration?

My plate was now full, and fully sliced at that. Was this his way of mocking me and my lack of knowledge? That could be it, but I'd like to think he was taking care of me, in his own twisted way.

I picked up the fork he gave me, and started non-aggressively stabbing my food and eating, throwing smiles left and right so I seem unaffected. My drink remained untouched. I need not to be drunk when we have our long-awaited conversation, however I need an escape from here and drunkenness is a great excuse to be left alone for the night, so I had to discreetly pour my drink on my neighbor's chair, the other knight of course. such a rumor about him would do him justice, it'd also give me an excuse to refilling my glass over and over.

My brothers would want to know what happened and how to control what is about to happen, but I can not participate in such a discussion when I have no grasp on my surroundings. All I know about today's updates is how different the duke looks and how good he smells, which is a subject my siblings would rather I spare them.

I have no recollection of how I managed to finish my meal, speak to the variety of nobles and knights attending the dinner, play drunk and sleepy, then slip away.

As soon as I escaped the dining hall, a cold breeze brushed my face, my fake-flushed face. I ran through the corridors, dark emitting from every corner in this vast castle, a few lanterns scattered here and there.

I followed a path I memorized long ago, if I learned anything from getting lost too often when I was a child it is to always know where you're heading before you go there. Thus I have memorized by heart the ins-and-outs of this old castle, learning every possible escape path and secret passage. However I walked the dark corridors straight to my destination, it is not time to risk being caught in a passage that should not be known to a new guest, even if it means being caught with a strange man behind closed doors.

Grabbing onto the thick door handles, I pushed it open and walked in, making sure no one is witnessing this.

The drawing room was, contrary to the halls, very well-lit. The moon cast a strong light through the windows, covering every inch in silver glow. I came in slow, hand inside my skirt reaching for my knife in case someone joins uninvited.

After checking if the room is empty except for me, I sat on the couch facing the door, making sure I have sight on the two secret doors on the sides of the room across from eachother. My mind wondered to where Hebron might be at this hour. I expected him to join us back momentarily, however he never came back. No matter how long I waited or how often I glanced at the door expecting him to come in.

Leaning back, I laid flat on the soft cushions as I got comfortable. The ceiling was intriguing, I was heavily invested in the chandelier as well. I was definitely not growing impatient. I was definitely not eager to meet him so soon again.

I kept telling myself about things I like, the decor was one I appreciated. The room smelled nice, of Jasmine and orange flowers, reminding me of my dorm room in the academy, and my grandother's favorite scent. How I miss my granmother's food, especially Hamda, a brown flat bread that is hard on the outside but soft on the inside, we used to have it every jumua night, weekly, dipped in a mix of olive oil and salt.

I thought of many things, till I drifted to sleep. only awoken by a rough shake on my shoulder:" Ria, wake up!"

Startled by the stern voice I immediately sat up, reaching for my knife again, but my pockets were empty. I caught a glimpse of a big shadow to my right, so I aimed for what I could only assume was the man's face and poked his eyes. a hiss escaped him before he grabbed my arm and pulled me down, back flat to the floor as his body towered over mine. It was now or never. I opened my mouth to scream but a big hand came up and securely closed it.

"Ria shush! The whole kingdom will know about our meeting!"
