Garden Of Laughter

Staring at the knight sitting across from me on the picnic table, I noticed how young he is. Late teens, pale skin, shimmery eyes, a shy smile, his hair gathered in a low ponytail, his features are best-described as beautiful rather than handsome. He seemed too young to be enlisted in the knight order of Leini, though it is a very famous one, commanded by the lord Rawclaw himself. The lord was a legendary knight. He used to be a mercenary, working for commissions, until his reputation got to the king of Esteria himself. The king ordered the captain of the Yildiz knights to convince him to join, and after years of being in the knighthood he became the commander in charge, gaining him a title and a land. 

Ever Since he became the leader, noble families from all across Esteria sent their kids to be in his care and learn from him, I doubt young Axel is one of them. Axel seemed too preppy to not be of noble upbringing. His posture, speech, and mannerism said he was raised by a governess. As we were served tea and refreshments, he handled his food with grace unlike what one would expect of a knight living in a cramped knight lodge, a white teacup decorated by pink rose-petals was held carefully between his slender fingers, how could such hands wield a sword? 

'' Sir Christoffer, may I ask you a personal question?'' 

'' Please, call me Axel.'' he said gently,'' Feel free to ask me anything, you hi-'' he stopped as I raised an eyebrow at him and cleared his throat,'' Huaria.'' he said as if it killed him to call me by my first name. 

I was no big fan of making new friendships everywhere I go, but I know not a single person in Leini, if we exclude the duke and lady bridget, who I need to talk to later today. 

'' Wonderful!''  I said cheerfully,'' I was wondering whether you and, um, the other sir Christoffer are related? You two have the same last name yet look nothing alike.'' 

'' Ah you mean Elijah! Yes we are. We're distant cousins.'' said Axel smiling at me. 

'' I see.'' I said pursing my lips, I did not know how to drive the conversation towards his family and their lineage, and I was counting on his chattiness to carry the talk.

'' When did you join the knighthood, Axel? You seem to know the castle very well.'' I told him, hoping he could not see through me. 

'' It had been six months already, my parents were against my decision to join, they wanted me to study and become the next viscount.'' So he was noble. Interesting. 

'' You would've made a great viscount, you have the looks of a noble man'' I said, taunting him. 

'' And I will become a greater knight!'' He said confidently, not affected by what I said. 

'' I am sure of it, maybe one day you will be lord Rawclaw's successor.'' 

He answered quickly:'' You think so? I have always looked up to the commander.'' He said as he carefully placed down his cutlery. 

'' How did you manage to convince them? Your parents I mean.'' Enquired I, aspiring to find an answer that could help me in my own dilemma. Maybe I need not to follow up with my plan, maybe I can come clean to my family and gain their support. 

'' I did not do it, Elijah did. He convinced his older brother, then talked to my parents about the commander. Finally they decided to send me here so I can meet other nobles and make connection.'' 

'' I agree with your parents,'' I said, nodding in understanding,'' you meet a lot of people while young, and you end up making relationships so precious. You will look back at these days when you grow older and be grateful.'' 

'' Yes, however, I am here to become a strong knight!'' he said defensively.

''And that you will be. That does not mean you should neglect your position at the viscounty.'' I told him while I laughed on the inside. Who would've thought I'd be saying these words to someone so soon? 

'' Then be a useless viscount that does nothing but fill paperwork and kiss-ass.'' he paused, realising what he had just said as a horrified expression casted on his face '' Your highness! I am so sorry I shouldn-'' 

I laughed. I laughed so loud at the young man whose face turned beet-red. I laughed until my voice grew hoarse and tears fell from my eyes. I laughed until I felt pity for the boy who looked so embarrassed. 

'' It's, It's fine'' I said, as I tried to catch my breath,'' I do not mind.'' 

He cleared his throat, avoiding my gaze '' It shall not happen again, I promise.''  

'' Do not stress it. I grew up with six older brothers and am very familiar with this language.'' I said as I approached him on the table, as if I'm telling him a secret. 

'' Their royal highness, the princes, they do, I mean they do not… I, um'' the boy in front of me stuttered. 

I laughed again, his flushed face becoming the centre of my entertainment .'' Oh they are the worst, especially Nasir before he had kids. He never spoke a sentence to us, his siblings, without using words you can only hear from sailors.'' 

He looked surprised, so I continued'' I am serious. Now that his two children started talking I am doing the most-honourable job of teaching them why their father had taught me.'' 

'' No you do not!'' said Axel, unable to hide his amusement. Apparently everyone enjoyed royal drama when presented in the right circumstances. 

'' Oh yes, he is yet to find I am the culprit behind his children's enriched vocabulary. I can not imagine what revenge he'd have for me once he knows.'' 

My friend finally laughed, throwing his head back as his voice rang in the air. He reminds me of my younger cousin Bilal, though they do not share similar looks but they carry themselves the same way. 

Deciding this was enough chatter, I got up to leave. Once Axel noticed me standing he got on his feet quickly, offering me his arm to take as he escorted me out of the garden and towards the main entrance. 

As we climbed up the stairs I heard a voice behind me:

'' Your highness?'' 

I looked back and found Hebron, staring at my hand on Axel's arm.