A Man's Death

"Huaria! Where's her highness?!" Axel's voice was worried, I could spot him between the dozen or so knights and guards crowding the store's entryway. A crowd had formed fast, people of different ages peeking through the windows. Leini's knights managed the crowd while my guards patrolled the area and kept me secure. 

Axel made his way through the crowd, he looked both like a saint and a knight, coming for my rescue. I might start a fanclub in his honour, because if looks could kill I would be six feet under. His features warmed upon seeing me, a heavy sigh left his mouth as his arms came on my shoulders,"Huaria, I'm glad to find you safe." he whispered to me, eyes scanning me head-to-toe. 

My chin quivered as I started crying again, a vein in my forehead threatened to burst as my headache worsened, I needed to find a better way to fake-cry. "I'm– fine. I'm just very," I fanned my face, struggling for words. "I'm fine, really. I'm just very very shocked, Oh the poor old man!" I said louder, an attempt for my voice to reach the bystanders. 

"Do not fear anything, your royal highness. Everything shall be resolved soon." Axel comforted me as he guided me outside, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and handing it to me. 

I latched onto his arm as we carefully exited the door,"Thank you,dear." I dried my cheeks, making sure to leave my eyes wet and well-teared. "The poor old man, I'm very shaken. My God, I really wished to buy my brother a gift." I cried some more. 

"The incident shall be taken care of, worry not your highness. Please do not sadden yourself with his death." He cooed, hand brushing my shoulder lightly. 

"No, no I can not not-concern myself with his death, I want to know everything! This is unacceptable! When and why, if there are any eye witnesses, I want to know who could've done such a horrible thing."  I finished then cleaned my nose,  my chest still heaving in silent sobs. 

"I will make sure all information reaches you, your highness." he responded. 

I nodded to him," I will pay for his funeral personally. I want to know if he has any family he left behind, if any of his relatives are in need of assistance. Please be efficient." 

"Yes, your highness. Your wish is my command." 

"Your Highness! Oh Lord!" Bridget clasped a hand on her chest at my shaken state,"What happened?" she pulled me closer to her and half-embraced me as she patted my back in a soothing gesture,"Are you alright Huaria?", she asked me gently. 

"Oh yes, yes I'm fine." I assured her. 

She ushered me toward the Boutique ,"Come this way, dear. You need some rest." 

"My Lady, the owner of the bookstore is deceased, he had been found by her highness a few minutes ago." The viscount discreetly told Bridget, but I could hear every word. 

"Call for the knights on patrol, they should know what to do" she commanded. 

Axel nodded and departed once we were sat inside. "Close The Boutique and leave me the keys, immediately." The Lady requested of the Owner. 

"My lady, yes." she bowed her head,"I have a customer arriving this evening, my lady. Do you mind if I stayed here while-" The owner's plea was cut by Bridget's sharp order,"No. Leave, all of you. We shall be left alone." 

"Of course, my lady." she bowed once again before she started closing down her store.


"An investigation is happening as we speak, your royal highness. We have closed down every business in the vicinity for the rest of the day." the captain of the city guards concluded his report, and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Thank you for your efforts." I smiled at him, playing well into the helpless princess role I am painting for myself. 

Lord Rawclaw signalled for him to leave, leaving me, his wife and Nasir in his study. "We will handle it, your highness." Bridget reassured me once more, she had been nothing but a great friend, and I almost felt sorry for deceiving her. Almost being the keyword. 

"Thank you once more," I told her then faced her husband," Please allow me to handle the funeral, I feel responsible for the commotion that happened, and my extreme reaction. It was very unbecoming of me to make the situation about my shock rather than the man's death." I told him apologetically, Nasir patted my hand in support. "You have always had a fragile heart, sister dearest." 

"I would also like to know if anyone comes forward as the deceased's relative, I would like to pay them my respect in person, and take care of any unfinished business he had left behind." 

"You are truly most-generous, your royal highness. Your kindness knows no limit." The Lord answered me, accepting my offer.

I shook my head in regret, "It is very sad to see a person's sudden departure. I am sorry brother, I wished to buy you a gift, and I failed to deliver the ink you wanted." 

"Consider it done, I am happy you have thought of your older brother and wanted to give him a gift." He consoled me, smiling gently as he regarded me. 

I suppose that's what people might see, but in reality Nasir was silently telling me to carry on, that I was doing well. I smiled back at him, clueless to what he wanted but willing to play along. 

"Your highness, may I ask you about the ink you're looking for? I am very intrigued." Bridget asked, and I was cautious. Bri was not someone to be vigilant of, however I had to take into consideration her husband's knowledge of strategy and war. 

I frowned for a moment before reaching into my pocket," It should be here somewhere… the note Nasir gave me." I looked for a while, my frown deepening." I might've lost it in the commotion. What a shame." I looked at Nasir apologetically. 

He smiled in return,"You're forgetting something," he said.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"If  I wrote the note, then I am well aware of its contents," he added," it was the imported purple ink from Utala, the duke told me I could find it there." 

I swatted his shoulder playfully, "Then why make me look like a fool?" 

Nasir let out a deep-belly laugh, which set off the others into laughing fits.

"Ha, ha. Very hilarious. It was my fault for thinking of bringing you a gift. You deserve none!" I said as I stood up, planning to leave. 

"I have to cut our meeting short, Lord and Lady Rawclaw. Thank you once more for taking care of my sister." Nasir excused himself before following me outside the Lord's study.

Once out of earshot I jabbed my elbow into Nasir's stomach, only to be faced with a wall of solid muscle. "Fragile heart my ass. Besides, why are you flexing your abs? Such a show off." I grunted while he laughed once again, amused at my expense. 

"Good job back there." he acknowledged, and I heard a voice chastising me for what I did. I pushed it away, this is not the time to have consciousness.