Undressing soul

"You are not ready, Veronica," he said, his voice unbelievably soft.

It was soothing, a balm to her heart and that's what she hated the most. She didn't want him to work as a medicine on her.

She didn't want him to see her inside. She was so against of letting him or anyone else again break her walls.

She was afraid of letting anyone in. There were two reasons, they could damage her. Leave her bleeding and somehow deep inside, she would still love them just as much.

Andrew was a living example of it. He broke her heart, left her when she needed him the most and here she's, again under his mercy.

Love might be like honey to others but it was poison for her. Every single person she loved, betrayed her and yet her foolish heart dares to continue loving them.

It says, give them another chance. They might change. They love you and it takes distance to realize how much you love someone.