Chapter 3: My Special Friend

It's been over a full two months now she has been working hard at West View Tech. She managed to maintain a strong face in front of her friends she had even gone on more dates with Jaxon and gotten closer to him in a slow way. She was still wondering if she was romantically getting attached to him. She was so lost in not understanding if maybe she was doing something wrong. Maybe she was and hasn't noticed. It'll all come to light later she was sure.

Analeigh had managed to spend some small time with her dad making improvements with them. Aunt Paige was still delayed in her Journey. Aunt Ellie was still my dad's hard working little puppy. Trying to show me wedding dresses. The intention she has is sweet and I appreciated the gesture. I am just not in the line to go there yet. If I was I would want it to be with Paige and Sienna. Even Mrs. Brooks as tradition goes for, will be her new mother-in-law. As much as I know she cares it just feels wrong with Ellie. Only because she wasn't her mom.

Analeigh has been making more of the Night plants and using them on many different things and she was getting so lost in the work and math that she decided to go through the other journals to see how far her mother went with it. Ana had to be careful while researching and studying this flower plant. Her mother obviously didn't want anyone to know about it. Finding it's origin was proving to be very difficult however making more of it was simple. In fact she did it so well it was just taking off in bloom. It even made some of the other plants she needed to use be healthier.

It was weird how good things were going in her everyday life. She still felt a little off with some of it however the work she was doing now made her feel like she was finally coming to life. It was like a dirty little secret no one but her and her mom knew and she was bound and determined to keep it that way. Staying on top of her other assignments she made sure not to get more attention than she needed. Most of her female colleagues were still a little on the burned side of losing Jaxon to the daughter of the head of the company.

It was no secret that Quinn, Analeigh Jaxon and a handful of others were going to be on the board of members as boss around here. So it only seemed fitting to most that the high elites would stay in their own circle. Still made many women made. Even though he was spoken for some still try to suede him otherwise and failed horribly. It really made every notice just how shameful their small little world here is.

Working around the office today I'm starting to wonder if maybe I am slightly losing my mind. Things seems to be moving around lately. I had laid subtle little tricks and traps around and no one has come through that should not be here. Looking back into the logs no one has even come to the 15th floor above her except Jaxon, Quinn, Eddie and some of the other approved guards for the shift change.

Looking over some of the plants conditions she noticed that some are not only improved but advanced far more in growth than the time than they should be. Everyday when she had come in she came in no matter what she was working on before she would always come into the same journals that lead to the plants and ways to extract them. Why does this keep coming up? Maybe Jaxon is right I need to really get more sleep. There was definitely a more lively energy in here now maybe it was just the plants coming around but the energy in the lab was becoming more powerful. More alive in its own way.

"Dr. Alderman." She heard Eddie sing to her on the walkie. "Yes love bug what can I do for you. "Dr. Baxton is in need of your expertise." "Dr. Baxton is actually asking for help? Is he sick? Do we need to get him to the infirmary?" "THAT'S WHAT I SAID! Then they hung up on me. Talk about rude." Eddie mocked them. Richard Baxton never asks for help in years. He was a very smart and arrogant man. Dr. Baxton was one of those 'Great Men' who could make no mistake and in certain high social circles could never do no wrong. People should be so lucky to be in their types of presence. People like that make me sick.

"Alright than I'll head up now." As she was about to switch elevators she turned to Eddie who already called it for her. "Who knows it may actually be worth something." She shrugged to him as he kissed her forehead for luck. "Go have fun and don't fight with the other kids now." Eddie teased her as she rolled her eyes. Oh God how could I forget which floor I was going onto. She hated the floors of eight through ten and luck would have it level ten is where she is heading.

The whole floor was full of stuck up scientist who in their eyes were always right and would go out of their way to make you feel like you're an intruder if you are not from their floor. They all thought the type of study and research was the only one worth anything in this world. They always worried about someone else coming and taking their findings and the idea of not getting their credit or sharing it was life shattering. It would bring about apocalyptic fights within themselves.

These were the high social elite status people who had money, looks, smarts. The social class who always must have a nose bleed since it was so high in the air never to dare to even bow a little. The women were almost as bad as the men as they kept trying to let's just say breed with-in their circle. When any other females came around the single men up their they went on the defensive until she left. Not of course without attacking in verbal and mental ways to try to mess with her emotionally.

It definitely made me sick to think this is the center we the great minds of our country and half the world and this is how we act and behave. Sometimes I wonder if maybe we really aren't worth saving this much. Ana rolled her eyes in her head as people would shut their office doors while talking over projects and seeing a new face. Others saw the boss's daughter and would fake smile at her. At least when Jaxon's around the guys keep their head down. It's scary how big and strong he has gotten over the years. Well guess he is my mountain man now.

Knocking on the open lab door she saw the two men and four young intern looking assistants with them. "I heard you wanted to see me Dr. Baxton." Ana said sweetly she ahs known him for along time even if she didn't like him. He was still a friend to her dad. "AH YES! Analeigh come over here child. Stop with Dr. Baxton crap whatever happened to uncle Richie." Richard teased her making her smile.

"How are you uncle Richie?" She smiled brightly to him. "I am healthy as a horse who lost his step in count at the moment." He said scratching his head. "Hello Ana." "Archer!" Ana said coming up hugging him tightly. Archer was such a sweet man ever since they were in school. He grew up to be a sexy looking man even in his glasses. He is such a catch too bad the one who is catching him is a damn Kraken.

"I'm really glad you're here. We have been stonewalled on this for like two weeks." Archer said rubbing his hands on his face sliding her a soda. "You're working with these?" She asked looking at a plant grown manly grown in winter it's rarely used as the components after extracting are potentially harmful if you do it wrong, mix it wrong or use it incorrectly. The side effects of even growing it wrong or with certain other plants was itself a scary thing.

"Yes however our math is not adding up see we are needing it to mix and blend with these four here although I think these three are enough. If I can get that to work than it would help greatly with these." He showed her all the open wounds from what look like soldiers. "What kind of weapon did this?" Ana was left awestruck it was like acid went straight through these people in a random storm.

"Well now Analeigh the world is still not a safe place we still have some radiation plants that malfunction once in a while. This work here in theory will help get some of these poor people hope and the ability to move around like they use to and avoid infections and unnecessary deaths." Richard told her. Not being able to look away from the wound marks on most of the people she looked up.

Richard was not this noble of a man to help the world maybe he really wanted the credit for this. How the hell did these marks come on these people. This sent a chill down her back. This was wrong. Knowing Archer he really believed the work he was doing. The fact that Dr. Baxton was working with Archer was odd. "Alright well here you are doing it wrong." She took over the note pad.

"The plants you are trying to use will not have the effect you are trying to obtain. It will only help numb some of the nerves up to this part of the body and release. A special toxin within the body to help make the patient tired and sleep. All in all it's what we call a mercy effect." Analeigh said. "What's mercy effect?" Oh Archer you sweet man. It's a special treatment we give to those who we know aren't going to make it but the medicine or salve or whatever it is in helps ease all the pain away but at the same time will help kill the faster pain free." Analeigh told them.

The whole staff was at a loss. "Are you saying the effects will for sure only kill them and not heal them?" Richard was taken back for a moment. "The very job of these three plants here are what they are for. However when mixed with this plant you are using as the key component here that's not going to work. The result you want can be done but not with those three if you are set on using this one." Analeigh shook her head.

"What is your opinion on which route to take?" Richard was completely lost at the new set back. "You are needing this for these specific problems you need to keep using this one and let the other three go this one here is the only that will help with those holes and burns to make the body recover without so much damage or side effects. Although let me copy some of this here and I think I can come up with something for you that would potentially do the trick." Analeigh smiled to them.

"Wait. You think I can still do this?" Archer was getting excited. "My mama used to grow somethese little yellow orange flower weed like plants I think if I combined them with another plant from Europe I think you will get what your looking for. Let me go do the math and get a small sample ready for you. Than you can take it and run if it works. You will need very through testing but no harmful side effects will occur. Worse case scenario it makes them slightly irregular and hair color goes lighter. Weight may go up an down but not in a harmful way." She waved off.

"That would be incredible please take what you need and come back to see me in about two weeks. I'm needed for another little project." Archer rolled his eyes at the last part. Feeling happy his hard work was not thrown down the drain completely. "Take her to get her set up and let's get a move on. Thank you Analeigh I look forward to your samples." Richard said as he let them leave to his office.

"This means the world to me thanks your help Ana." Archer told her with a smile holding his door open for her. "Anytime my friend. I always admire you and your work you know that. Anything anytime you need I will be here for you my friend." Making him blush. Archer was one of the many who went to her dad but just barely lost out to Jaxon. His family got him together with Ashlynn another scientist from this floor although she was a huge bitch he handled her well enough and made peace with it.

Looking around the room as Archer got some things together for her. She saw a few pictures with her mom in them. "I still hear her around here sometimes. I miss her. I owe a lot to her she taught me so much. I don't think I would have gotten this far without her." Archer said standing behind her smiling at the pictures. "Give yourself some credit. Mom knew just how to take someone's natural talent and amplify it ten folds." She said putting it down.

"Sounds like someone else we know?" He was teasing her. Getting ready to walk back out the door he stopped her. "What's wrong?" "I have been wanting to you. I just haven't been able to find a way to do so without sounding like a crazy person." "Going to need a little more here Arch." "I've had a couple dreams about your mom lately and they kind of scare me a bit." Archer told her catching her off guard.

"Like, how?" She asked confused. "I just keep seeing her smiling in the forest. There is bright colors dimly everywhere. She's holding onto like a bunch of night plants in her hand mixed with a bunch of others Then there is this huge silhouette of these dark men like things all behind her just staring at me with these blue eyes. It's like they are threatening me to come close to her. I feel like I need to help her pull her away but than I can't breath. And the flowers start to like bleed in her arms and she is just so happy smiling at me. I normal shoot up. I don't understand it." Archer told her.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I'm sorry can we just forget I said anything. I." "Archer!" She cut him off. "I understand you have been working on a very sensitive project with some very insensitive people. You are very much like my mom in this area don't you think? I think maybe mom is just trying to tell you to take some to relax. You are not crazy. Dreams work in different ways for different people. Maybe now that you stopped holding this in. You can get some peace. You know what they say about nightmares once you share them they go away." Ana told him.

"Please don't tell anyone. I just don't know why but I just had to tell you. I feel like I needed to warn you of… I don't even know. Everyone else will put me in tank for a few days to rest up." "I promise it's just between us." She held up her pinky like old times making him grab it with his in a chuckle. Coming out the office in smiles. She heard the voice that annoyed her. "Archer. Oh Ana. You're here." Ashlynn said in a fake happy voice she didn't even try to hide the disappointment.

"Yup was called down. I am heading out now. I will be in touch with you. Should only take me about two weeks. Three tops if I can't get the other one sample." "Yeah sure no rush take your time. I appreciate it. I'll have interns keep tabs on this as well so we don't get lost in communication." "Sounds good. Take care." Analeigh left it at that as she walked back to the elevator. Archer long gone. Only for a hand to be pushed in front of her touching the elevator door.

"I would appreciate in the future on any collaborations with my fiancé that you come and speak to me first." "Oh please Ashlynn get off your stupid horse you know very well that can't happen. I go where I am needed just as well as you. I don't need permission to speak to an old friend in my family's building anyways." Ana tilted her head with a smile. "What would Jaxon have to think if he knew his little pet was down here just throwing herself on other peoples men. Not very lady like of you. What would he do?" Ashlynn teased her.

"Well we know he wouldn't come to you for anything since you your intelligence is no where near his level and we all know he doesn't care of your existence or you would have been engaged to him already instead of Archer right?" Ana asked stepping up to her as Ashlynn was nose to nose with her now. "You just wait. You will make your mistake and then I will take you down. You don't belong here. I will make sure you get exactly what you deserve in time." Ashlynn was always the popular girl but never could compete in life skills or smarts as well as Analeigh. Jealousy driven for years.

"Why you're waiting for all that to happen maybe you should preoccupy your mind with some mindful facts like how you will build your life around your second choice man knowing you're not being someone's first, second or even third choice. Even Archers. Maybe just maybe you should try being a better person Ashlyn. The jealous petty cheerleader no longer suits you. A little old don't you think." Ana told her as she took a step back with a small smile as she got in the elevator. Ashlynn furious frown as she slammed both her hands on the shut downs of the elevator walking away.

Sitting back down in her chair she started to run some test running some math. Looking around her inventory stock. Ordering the one plant and a few seeds of it she would need. Still feeling baffled on how the weapon used to make these kinds of wounds are even existing. "Most be some alien type technology." She teased herself out loud. When she heard something fall over turning her head quickly with a small pocket knife already out for the ready. Not making any noise as she walks slowly around the room. After a good fifteen minutes of searching she found nothing but a journal on the floor.

"Maybe mama really is trying to tell me something. First Archer dreams. Now leaving your books on the floor. You know mama if you have something to say just say it. No need for all these games. Not very like you to be this mean." She hollered to the empty room looking through the book. Noticing its not one she has seen lately bit it was in the box in fact there were three books missing from her little chest. Walking back to her work area patting the tall grey man she's been confiding to for the past two months.

"Looks like we really got our work cut out for us the next couple weeks don't we friend." Looking through it she found weapons that were made by materials and resources tha tin fact were not Earth known. Although she already knew these things it's another to see the pictures and drawings of them. For each gun there was formulas on how to cur ethe wounds. Even the wounds she has recently found. How ever it was an outdated model. Therefore they have since her mother past been upgraded the equipment. Her squad was the highest of the military and they haven't been using anything like this. Her heart in her throat as she started wondering who the hell were they making these for? More important who is using them.

Our government and scientist are to greedy and close minded as to share these types of technology therefore they had to have a special party cruising the milky way prepared for battle against what is a whole other issue and the why. "Oh my friend nothing good will come of this." She said rubbing her two hands on her face as she felt her heart drop from her body.

She had a hunch that her dad's research lab like this was doing these types of things. She is not naive enough to know there might even be some species being tested somewhere hidden. This is what she believed help kill her mother being involved in some type of alien project. Her father will never tell her. Just saying their was a problem with a project and a terrible accident occurred it did kill a small number of people. However she was forever stuck in the why stage she accepted she was gone. Just not that her soul wasn't still always with her. She felt her everywhere in everything that made her get the closure she otherwise would have never found.

There was a knock on the door. Not even her father had access her as their agreement. Also she updated her own security as she was in there. No one could get through without her letting them. Putting the book in a secret part of her lab table no one could see. A small door pops out from the inside where her chair goes. She put a small smile on and opened the door for her father.

"Hey kiddo. How you doing? Are you busy?" He said happily. "Of course I am but I got some time for the ol man." She teased. "Keep it up I'll show you how old this man is." Teasing her back. "What brings you to my neck of the darkness dad?" Looking up to him from her chair. "I ran into your Uncle Richard and he told me about the snag he and Archer hit. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you for how far you truly come. I read over the solution plan and I swear it was like your mother did it herself. She made something similar to this you know. A long time ago." He smiled at her lost in the happy memory.

It always made her feel so much love and admiration when her father spoke of her mom. Even after all this time he still dotes on her. "Anyway I approved of the project as long as your solutions get properly tested in a safe time frame. So I gave you a month to get back to them in case the security clearance on the plants get held up. It gives time to recover and bounce back. Anyway I have the formula of what your mother did but please don't go off of it I just want you to get an idea on the missing puzzle pieces probably running through your head." Chuckling to her.

"Dad can I ask a couple of questions." "Sure thing as long as I get to ask a couple of my own." She got a little nervous. "Deal. Who goes first?" "Go ahead kiddo." "Are you guys making make cures for weapons you recreated and altered from different species?" "Straight to it than huh?" Rubbing the back of his neck. "Yes and no. It is in terms a weapon. However we did update it and we are not using it unless war against certain species happen. You know very well we have weapons backed up in case we need them for certain situations. We don't use them within human battles EVER! I would never let that happen." She already knew her father was a man of fair battle.

"But you also know everything needs to be tested. In testing accidents do occur and we want to be able to fix and correct our mistakes that's why your mothers formula is in no way helpful to the updated tools we will call them. We are trying to use them in mining for now to help save regular men's lungs. And its safer than using regular man-made explosives." It made sense when she thought about it. Although how many great men always create weapons of mass destruction for a good cause and how well does any of that actually go.

"Anything else running through that mind of yours?" He asked leaning against her table crossing his arms. Knowing she wouldn't get straight answers at this point, well at least the answers that would be morally correct. Nothing she could ask him would make her feel better about what real truth lies beneath his words. "That's it really. Fire away. She said smiling to him.

Looking at her deep in her eyes searching her for answers. "I know you spending more time with Jaxon. I see its made no real difference on you. I am glad you set the date. Even though it's a full year away. I will grant you that. I just need you to understand one majorly important thing. This is all in motion now. It is set in stone. There is no going back anymore. You will be marrying Jaxon in a year." Her dad told her flatly. Just when she thought she was making progress with their father daughter relationship, his colors came out shining brighter than ever.

"What happened to it being my choice? What about my side of the conditions? What if in that year one or both of us change our minds?" She was feeling confused. "I abided by your conditions and found the man that fit them. You agreed. That's it. There is no going back. It is understood at this point. However I know you and I want to make this plain as day. I know you are giving it the good ol college try but I need you to understand you need to start trying a hell of a lot harder. This will happen. I know your nowhere near ready for this with Jaxon but you better start getting ready." He warned her in a normal voice.

"Does Jaxon know?" "Jaxon has been over the moon since you not only agreed but have been making effort on your end to date him. He has no clue. Can't talk to a man whose blinded by love. He is fine in his own love bubble. You just need to focus on getting in it with him. Take care of this issue keep up the good work. Stop using your work as an excuse as well. You need to put more time into Jaxon and making this work." He pointed out.

"Are you saying I need to shorten my work?" "No not all. I'm saying stop using it as an excuse to withdraw away from this. No more excuses." He told her as he walked to the door and waited for her to let him out. "Are we clear." "Yup." She said popping out the P longer. "Have you ate dinner?" He asked before he walked out the door. They made great progress in greater closer yet he could feel her start to pull back now after making his point clear. He had good reason. "I'm not hungry. I all of a sudden lost my appetite and don't worry my quota of quality time just got met." She told him coldly looking in his eyes as he just nodded his head and went to walk out. "Maybe next time." "Well see." She said turning away from him shutting the doors on him. As he left with a heavy sigh.

Looking down at the formula why does he not want me to use moms old formula. Looking at it felt a little off. Looking around and looking at her secret camera on her phone to make sure the halls were empty and rid of her father. Pulling her mother's new found journal. The formula she had matched with the wound was not the same one her father gave her. "What the hell is this a joke? Some damn test?" Talking to the empty room. Standing up pacing around running her hand through hair. Picking up a few things and throwing them across the room. "I fucking knew it!" tears threatening to fall as she came crashing on her knees to the wall.

Just… why… was it all fake with him. The damn speech of wanting to be closer. The quality time of getting to know her. Was it all just part of his fucking plan. How could he do this to me. Laughing to herself at the last thought. "I'm so damn pathetic. I actually believed him. My fault again. Looking at the differences of the formula and the journal entry of how they fought over the formulas her mothers would help heal and cure. Her fathers will help make it look like it's healing however it is actually doing the opposite it will heal the out side and let some of the cells recover underneath but will eat out any organs or stop your heart with no traces of foul play looking like natural death in less than six months so no one can blame the 'cure'.

Hugging the book trying to feel closer to her mother. Wondering how she could stay with such an evil husband. Wondering if her future is doomed the same way. Looking at his formula she shredded it and tossed the pieces on the floor. "I will not help you. Evil bastard." Sitting back on her butt she slowly let a few small tears slide down her cheek. When she looked up she stared across from her view on the floor. "I guess the only man in my life I can really trust is you my friend." Putting her head back in her folded arms resting on her knees cursing her father and crying. Begging her mother for help.

Looking back up wiping her face starting to pull herself together. Is when she finally noticed the difference in the room. The difference right in front of her. Trying not show any emotion and keep her poker face on is when she noticed her friend from across the room had moved. His body not standing the way it was minutes ago. Standing up slowly. Taking a breath and shaking off everything going on. Fear slowly screaming in her mind. She slowly turned and walked to her special wall that held a lot of specialized weapons her mother had written where they were, how to use them. What species made them. Not that she had any clue what they were as their were very few pictures just drawings.

When she got to the wall looking up as the hairs on the back of her neck stood tall. No noise had occurred slowly turning around. The tale dark grey man in his mask staring down at her slowly tilting his head to the side. Walking closer to her s she took steps back to the wall. Placing a hand on the side of her head. "Well?" She spoke with confidence giving him a daring look. Not moving he looked at her still tilted as if he was confused on her reaction.

"I don't know who or what you are. But I do know if you were going to hurt me you would have done it by now. You had over two full months to make any accident, or move against me. Yet you haven't so either you don't want no one to know you're down here or you need me for something. I think after talking to you for so long my special friend its your turn to make conversation don't you?" she asked it crossing her arms.

He could smell the fear and anger rolling off the little human who looked so much like her. She was right though. "Look I'm pretty sure you know English for as long as I feel you been here. How do you want me to communicate with you." She tried one more time. "What do I call you little one?" His voice was a little rugged but deep and soft with some type of accent she couldn't make out his head tilting to the left side now. "Analeigh is my name you can call me Ana with the rest of my friends." Holding out her hand. Looking at it he remember the custom of this God ridden place. "This is where you tell me what I call you." She whispered to him.

Taking her hand and softly shaking it trying not to be rough with her. "I am Phoenix." He shook it twice softly and retreated his hand. "Why are you reacting this way?" He was confused. He thought she would be out the door trying to tell someone however after watching her for so long he felt like he knew her better than that. Especially with the scenes a few times with her father. How his hatred for that man grows more withing each passing day.

"I am aware of other species existence. I've never seen one myself in person nor ever this close before. How do you want me to react. I mean I'm pretty sure you aren't going to hurt me. You haven't given me a reason not to trust you. Although it could be considered a lie me talking to you all this time and you faking to be a beautiful statue in the corner. I am choosing to trust we can resolve this between us. I don't think either one of us wants to drag any unwanted attention to us right now, now do we." She asked him still crossing her arms looking at him.

"Fair enough." He said taking a small step back from her. "I think we should play twenty questions as I know we both got questions." Looking down at her. "Do you know it?" Shaking his head yes looking away. "My brothers and I have done this before…with Emerie." Slowly looking back at her. Her eyes watered a bit. "You knew my mom." Shaking his head to her. "She is friend of my people. She helped us. Taught us your language and many other things." "Are you." Choking back hard. "Are you hiding from my dad?" His body shook a little and she could feel the hatred in waves.

"You're mother is friend. You father is the Devils soul incarnated." "I think might be onto something there. Holding her arms around herself for a moment wiping her tear off her cheek. "Come. Sit here." He told her as he took her to the middle of the lab covered in plant life. "You don't have body build to be doing this type work why are you here?" He asked her first. "You're right I am a soldier for this planets army. My education testing was high in the academia field. I tested high in intelligence but I loved the armed forces. I was happy being a warrior there. My father finally called me back because I am the only one who knows or understands my moms work. I had no choice but to be here." She sighed heavily.

"What are you? Like what are your people called?" "There is no word of it in English but we are from a different dimension of your galaxy you can call us D'marlians that's what everyone else here called us. Since most of us wore dark cloaks and masks the said they reminded them of the Angel of Death. That's the closest I think I can explain it." Nodding her head to him as he continued. "You knew something was going on for a long time in here, did you know I was alive?" "I was aware things were being moved I had a hunch something paranormal was going on just not expecting you to be it." She said looking embarrassed.

"You said you came from a different dimension how long have you been here. You knew my mom who died years ago. Like how old are you?" "That's two." He told her. "Your mother spoke of you a lot I remember she said you were just turned twelve when we came. So about four years before she past on as she used to call it. My people age slower than your and we live longer. I am only thirty years in age though to your peoples logic. About a hundred in mine which is still very young. We can live to be over thousand years old some even longer if they are healthy or normal."

"Damn Phoenix your ancient. A hundred years old." She ran her hands through her hair for a moment. "Sorry. I didn't mean to insult you I just. That's a big thing to take in." Nodding his head to her. "I also get two. How old are you. Are you living in the cabin in the woods?" "I just turned 23 not too long ago and how the hell do you know about the cabin?" She was startled.

"Your mother brought us there a few times when we were working peacefully together. When we roamed around here freely and also still secretly. She said she would gift it to you in the future as a present. Seeing how well you get along with your father the probability of you living with him by the way you tow interact is to about zero percent." He told her simply. "Yes I am in the cabin." She said softly not going to open that topic up for discussion. "Why are you here? Like what brought you here?" She asked him as he looked at her for a moment.

"It's strange in a amusing way. You look like her. Sometimes the little things you do or the way you say things you are just as Emerie. Yet you are not her in a million other ways. I'm glad to see she is in a way still with us. Through you." He softly smiled the mask only let you see the dark greyish black eyes. The would go from A Dark bright blue to dark Grey. "We came here my brothers and I even some others like higher up in our society you could say because we needed help. We are not prejudice race we are open to breed and mate with anyone. However our females had caught some time of virus and made reproduction for them impossible. The males could breed with others and have children but than we started to become infertile as well." He shook his head.

"We all started to get tested and tried for cures out of fear of extinction. Turns out only certain weak males were infertile. All women were now deemed infected and as long as they were infected they were infertile. We came here because there was a small, hushed rumor that Earthlings had these types of problems and fix them. We thought maybe we can come and learn from it offer an exchange of technology as you are very behind. We needed help and your parents rushed to agree to help us." Looking at her with a small smile.

"My older brother is actually King well the rightful King any way of us. My younger brother is the Prince. However my younger brother is the only woman who is mated or married in your terms. He and his wife were the ones we wanted to experiment on. If for any reason my older brother should be loss from us we decided that he would be the next in line to rule. Either way he was attached and if he could have an offspring that one would be next to rule. As long as I give my blessings. We all tried endlessly to cure her. Emerie was so close but alas was not able to continue on." He spoke sadly.

"I have hidden a few of your mothers journals as to hide this information from you. The ones you have read what do you make of them?" Looking at him she could see straight through them. "I want to answer you honestly but I need something from you first. We need to help each other you a hell of a lot more than me." "What do you want?" He was getting a little angry as his guard went up. "I trust my mother. I want you to swear to me you will never lie to me. I want you no matter what to be on my side like you were my mothers. I want you to help keep me sane here in the lab until you have to leave. I don't have many people I can truly trust and the ones I do you can not bring harm to them. In return I will not only help you with what you came here for I will help you get out of here and go home. Safely as I can." Looking at her in shock with his poker face on.

"You think you can find the cure to our problem?" "Yes. I can also keep it from my dad. No one will know about it if I can help it and especially not him." Holding her pinky out to him. "What do you say?" "What happens if in time you cant deliver?" He asked in a low growl. "Well as long as I don't die I really think I can do this. However if I fail." Looking at him. "I will still get you out of this planet. You can kill me on your way as payment to your sacrifice here." Looking at her he knew he already had to much respect for her. Taking his pinky in hers. "You help me if you don't I will punish you as I see fit. Even if I take you back as a slave." He warned her. Nodding to him.

"To answer your question. I have found a few things that seem a little off. But it is off on purpose I already found the flawed data and equations and fixed them in my own notebooks there. She pointed to where he knew she hid things since it was so easy to see from where he stood. Nodding to her. "I need you to give me the rest of her journals to fix the issues though otherwise it will only slow the process down. I will still need to work on other assignments but I will make progress and you keep you in the loop the whole way. Hell you will have to help in some points. "I have two last question for now." Looking at her as he stood up nodding to her.

"You said you came here with others is any of them still here like you?" Waiting a moment knowing lying will not help their situation as he just promised to be honest and his people don't go back on their word. "Some misunderstandings took place years ago. My older brother and the rest made it out. Except for me my younger brother Nikolan and his wife Melana. They are on another section of this lab they are safely hidden and stay healthy. It's just us three. When I leave you need to make sure they get out with me. I won't leave them here." He warned her standing in front of her.

Standing up she looked him in the eye. "Last question. Are you hungry?" Looking at her confused. "Huh?" "When's the last time you ate I mean like what do you eat you've been here forever." Ana looked at him like he was crazy. I have stealth like mode and can leave or teleport into the storage rooms and take a certain amount as to not cause suspicion to the others and take it to Niko and Melana I take a very small amount for myself and use these plants for anything else." "We are omnivores like you. We like meat, fruits vegetables are diets are in fact the same."

"Ok, well how about I bring us food than I can't bring too much in at once but if I bring certain things everyday to store here no one would blink an eye. I will have to you fed to use you for what I need. I will also bring enough healthy things for Melana when we try to run the test." "You are going to run test on Melana?" He started to get protective over his little sister. "Yup. We will need to take a sample or few in time for me to work out the best solution and once I deem it safe we will have to try it and than take new samples of blood to see if it is working she is the only female here correct unless you got your wifey here to do it." Ana asked opening her arms.

"I am not mated. You can not use my samples to help in anyway?" He asked scratching the back of his neck. "It depends are the type of male who can carry the baby?" She asked sarcastically. "Could have just said no." He grunted. "Could have not asked dumb questions here we are. Look I have to leave and go gather some things we will need and get certain things ready I can't be on over time today." She sighed. "Is there anything you wan time to bring you when I come back?" He looked at her a little lost. "I don't know." It's been years she realized since he had a human he could trust inside these walls. She knew his guard was up as well as hers. Yet she was still comfortable around him.

"I'll have more questions on some of these plants tomorrow. Your input is very important. Next time you see your brother tell him I will need a sample of the blood from her. So I can see what her type is and how to treat it." "This may be problem. Their equipment is broken they cannot go to stealth mode or move around as easily as I can." "Well ask if they would be able to meet me in a secure spot and I will be quick. I promise nothing bad will come to them." Ana told him against his better judgment he believed her. "I will talk to them when it is time to restock them." He looked down. "Goodnight Phoenix." She said as she hid everything back and walked out the door. Lost in his thoughts he couldn't help but think. 'It begins again. This time we're ready.'